The luncheon will be held at Hawaii Pacific University's campus at Aloha Tower Marketplace on Friday, November 15, 2019 from 11am - 2pm. Parking is available at Aloha Tower at a validated rate: 1st Hour - Free Please see the registration rates below: Regular Registration (Member): $40.00 This webinar will give employers insight into the myriad responsibilities surrounding workers’ compensation claims, and go through some of the best practices that can help employers navigate the process most efficiently and effectively.
Trade Event: NAFSA Region 12 Conference. José Barzola has a passion for creating social change through nonviolence, nurturing relationships that transcend cultural barriers, and focusing on issues of diversity, identity and multiculturalism. This webinar will give attendees insight into what is covered, how to sign up, how to file a claim, how much is subsidized, and more. What: Come see us at the NAFSA Region 12 conference in Pasadena, California from November 4-7. Program Design, Negotiation and Placement, Post Placement Day-to-Day Administrative Services, Join us at the NAFSA Region 7 conference in Orlando, Florida from November 17-20. What: Come see us at the NAFSA Region 12 conference in Pasadena, California from November 4-7. In October, the Charlotte, NC Ascension office is offering a seminar and panel discussion focused on sharing ideas and expertise regarding creative risk transfer solutions and assessing new and growing exposures for middle-market companies. All Rights Reserved. Stop by and visit Ascension at the California Supported Living Annual Leadership Conference 2016 in San Diego, April 14th and 15th. Join the SEAC in this one-hour introduction to workers’ compensation, from reporting a workplace injury, through claims management and resolution. Though the focus will be around winegrapes, growers with other commodities are encouraged to listen in, as most commodities are covered similarly. Webinar: New Solution for Technology Companies Controlling Health Care Costs through a Captive, In-Person Seminar: Market Update: Creative Solutions for a Changing Market. Though the focus will be around winegrapes, growers with other commodities are encouraged to listen in, as most commodities are covered similarly. When: November 4, 2019 through November 8, 2019, Where: Pasadena Convention Center, 300 East Green Street, Pasadena, CA 91101, For More Information or to Register: José aspires to continue to develop his skills as a peacebuilder and to strengthen his knowledge on the power of nonviolence. The third in a three-part series about crop insurance, this webinar will focus on whole farm revenue protection. The second in a three-part series about crop insurance, this webinar will focus on claims involving smoke, flood, and wildlife damage. Stop by our booth at the ICEF conference in Berlin on November 3rd to chat with Jesper Lykke about cultural exchange options for your international programs. ©2020 Relation Insurance, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If registering for additional NAFSA workshops and NAFSA Signature Programs, registrants agree to the sharing of their contact information with the trainers, coaches and other workshop or program participants for the purpose of fulfilling the workshop or Signature Program for which you have registered.
By registering for this event, registrants agree to the NAFSA Terms of Use and Acceptance of Terms and NAFSA's Privacy Policy.
Parking: This webinar series is hosted by the California Winegrape Growers Association. 40 LewerMark International Student Insurance 40. November 3, 2019. Contact Dennis Chase by email at ... 6 Silent Auction (NAFSA REGION XI) 5 Silent Auction(NAFSA REGION XI) 34 Spanish Studies Abroad Education/Internship/Work Abroad|Non-U.S. College, University or Consortium. Program Design, Negotiation and Placement, Post Placement Day-to-Day Administrative Services, COVID-19 Latest Developments: Managing Benefits in an Ever-Changing Environment, Webinar – Whole Farm Revenue Protection, Protect Against Market Losses, Webinar – Crop Insurance 201: Fires, Floods, and Other Natural Disasters, Webinar – Workers’ Compensation Claims and Management, Trade Event: International Consultants for Education and Fairs (ICEF) Berlin Conference, Webinar: Effective Employee Benefits Cost-Saving Strategies, Trade Event: The CSLN Annual Leadership Conference 2016.
Follow us on TwitterLike us on FacebookConnect with us on LinkedIn, NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Copyright 1998-2020. This webinar series is hosted by the California Winegrape Growers Association. Regular Registration (Non-Member): $40.00, José Barzola, Matsunaga Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (PACE). Relation representatives will be ready to discuss international student insurance options, waivers, and other needs for your international student health program. If you are unable to attend, you may transfer your registration to another person by contacting us at a minimum of two (2) business days prior to the event. Trade Event: International Consultants for Education and Fairs (ICEF) Berlin Conference. | Site by Unleashed Technologies, Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Accessibility. Though the focus will be around winegrapes, growers with other commodities are encouraged to listen in, as most commodities are covered similarly. Cancellation Policy: Relation representatives will be ready to discuss international student insurance options, waivers, and other needs for your international student health program. Learn more about WFRP and if it’s right for you. Each Additional Hour - $2. Read More. Immigrant Student Success: Models and Tools for K-12 and Adult Educators. Join NAFSA Region XII HIPAC District for our annual Fall Luncheon! Network with NAFSA colleagues and get updates about the District. Do you want to protect your crop against price and market losses?
Come see Ed Bray, SVP, Compliance, and Tuan Nguyen, AVP, present The 2016 ABCs of Employee Benefits (annually published in Employee Benefit News) on Monday, March 7th from 1:50pm - 3:05pm where he will provide a checklist of employee benefit to-do's for 2016! Join our Pan American team for this one-hour introduction to crop insurance, the first in a three-part series hosted by the California Winegrape Growers Association. Trade Event: Come Visit Relation at HR West 2016! Registration will close on November 12, 2019. NAFSA. On June 10th, join Beth Ercolini, Vice President and Senior Advisor at Ascension as she shares market trends and solutions to manage future health care costs, including Consumer Directed Health Plans, Value Based Networks and Accountable Care Organizations (ACO). Join NAFSA Region XII HIPAC District for our annual Fall Luncheon! You must enter a search term before you press the Search button. 23 Middlebury College 23.
Whether you are looking for the latest news or job updates or simply want to keep a finger on the pulse of the international education community, NAFSA has a number of easy ways to stay updated—all in your preferred social media platform. Stop by and visit Relation at Booth A11 at the WTSTC Lisbon 2019 conference to meet members of our team and learn about our cultural exchange capabilities. He is a highly organized administrator with over 15 years of experience and success in higher education administration, student development within academic and student affairs. If you are unable to attend and are not in a position to transfer your place to another person, no refund is available.