Iram of the Pillars, the Lost ‘Atlantis of the Sands’.

The temple of Musasir dates back to a time when the Urartians, Assyrians, and Scythians were all at odds, trying to gain control over the area that is now known as northern Iraq. Prehistoric Spanish Massacre Rewrites the History of War in Europe, 7.2 million-Year-Old Pre-Human Fossil Suggests Mankind Arose in Europe NOT Africa. Atlantis of the Sands is a lost city, tribe, or area spoken of in the Quran, which has come to be known as Iram of the Pillars. The story is told in the Book of Genesis and states that Sodom and Gomorrah were part of the ‘cities of the plain’ and were therefore situated on the Jordan River plain, north of the Dead Sea. but there were few uses for wheels on top of mountains or in mud and muck in jungles or swamps loaded with tall trees. In the early 1990s, a team, led by Nicholas Clapp, an amateur archaeologist and filmmaker, announced that they had found the ancient city of Ubar, which was identified as Iram of the Pillars. These and other discoveries are clear evidence that our planet does experience a 're-birth' thousands of years in between whereby a calamity befalls it, wiping civilisations. Mysterious GodSelf Icon Found Worldwide: Lost Symbol of an Ancient Global Religion? Excavations revealed six large pyramids (platform mounds) arranged around a huge plaza.

While no great underwater civilization has ever been discovered, geologists say the region has experienced a great deal of submergence over the last 3,000 years. There has also been theories about whether or not a natural disaster – most likely an earthquake which may have unleashed an eruption of steaming tar from the ground – could have suddenly wiped two cities off the map. In total, it is estimated that Caral was home to a population of about 3,000 people. Hence the name "El Dorado" or "the gilded one.". Atlantis is probably the first thing that comes into most people’s minds when they think about lost cities. Dozens of people have attempted to find the lost city, including two disastrous expeditions by the famed British explorer Sir Walter Raleigh. Where? 'Game of Thrones' quiz: How well do you know your trivia?

By the 1930s, there were rumors of a place in Honduras called the "City of the Monkey God", which was equated with Ciudad Blanca, and in 1939 adventurer Theodore Morde claimed to have found it and brought thousands of artifacts back to the United States to prove it. The island was said to be expansive and home to a powerful kingdom with advanced technology and an unmatched navy. How well do you know your Israeli pop culture? no ancient alien theories though. In the early 19 th century, speculations about the actual site of Helike began to spread. Here are some interesting facts about the human brain and psyche, explaining how mood affects purchases and other decisions we make ev... As we get older, the pains in our body begin to increase. James Hilton’s 1933 novel “Lost Horizon” tells of a mystical valley hidden in the Kunlun Mountains in Tibet which is completely untouched and unspoiled by modern ways. (Photo: God of War/Sony). Ancient Origins © 2013 - 2020Disclaimer - Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy - Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. El Dorado is another mythical South American city which was eagerly sought out by explorers. The explorers claim to have found stone houses, huge buildings, plaza arches and ornate sculptures in the city, but there was no trace of anyone having lived there and great parts of it lay in abandoned ruins.

Archaeological findings have verified this ritual and also revealed that the Muisca often used beautifully crafted objects made from gold, seemingly unaware of their true wealth. Fawcett led the expedition to the Mato Grosso region, but after entering the jungle the men were never seen again. It is no huge surprise that major cities are being found in the jungles, again, and for the first time in hundreds of years. Some signs of the city’s impending doom were recorded, including the appearance of ‘immense columns of flames’ and the mass migration of small animals from the coast to the mountains several days prior to the disaster. However, Avalon plays a much more important part in Arthurian legend. Many civilisations have risen and fallen over the years, and the vast nature of our planet has helped inspire many tales about lost cities, strange far-off lands and fallen kingdoms. The legendary ancient city of Helike was situated in Achaea, on the northwestern part of the Peloponnesian peninsula. Nevertheless, Arthurian legend survived over the years and tales written in the 12th and 13th centuries gave his legend a fanciful twist as they wrote about his magical sword, the wizard Merlin, dragons and the Knights of the Round Table. (Photo: The Road to El Dorado), The legend of the golden city of El Dorado has its roots in the 16th century at a time when Europeans were captivated with the treasures of the New World. It's possible that stories of lost civilizations that bore the brunt of these changes may have inspired the legends of Lyonesse that grip the imagination today. Interestingly, there was also legend of another city rich in gold and jewels near Peru and further to the east of the Andes called Paititi. The Earth is a big place. Astolat was the home of the tragic and heartbroken maid Elaine, Sarras was the island where Galahad, Percival, and Bors returned the Holy Grail and Logres was an undefined territory in Arthur’s kingdom. The original manuscript completely neglected to specify a location for the lost city, so it can’t be said whether Kuhikugu is in fact Z or if it is just one of the many other civilisations which were once found deep in the Amazonian jungle. The men discovered a huge uninhabited city somewhere deep in the Amazon jungles of Brazil. The lost kingdom of Lyonesse is considered a sunken land of Arthurian legend. Up to around the 17th century, Cantre’r Gwaelod was known as Maes Gwyddno (meaning ‘Gwyddno’s Land’), so named after this Welsh ruler. The location of the ancient kingdom is now believed to lie between Ramsey Island and Bardsey Island in Cardigan Bay, and to extend about 32 kilometers west of the current shoreline into the bay. It was not until several decades later that full-scale excavations took place, revealing the tip of a very large iceberg. "With this instrument – bang – all of a sudden we saw an immediate picture of an entire city that no one knew existed, which is just remarkable," said Evans. Many Spanish expeditions were launched throughout the 16th and 17th century in the search for the city of ‘El Dorado’ and even Sir Walter Raleigh set out in search of gold in 1595 and again in 1617. This should come as no surprise as it was said that El Dorado was the “Lost City of Gold”. Accommodation seems to have consisted of large rooms atop the pyramids for the elite, ground-level complexes for craftsmen, and small outlying dwellings for workers. However, few are aware that at the same time, and in some cases before some of these societies emerged, another great civilization had sprouted - the Norte Chico civilization of Supe, Peru – the first known civilization of the Americas. Search. The research and excavation into the remarkable discovery of Mahendraparvata is still in its infancy and it is unknown what more the archaeologists will find there.