Shipments of bodily fluids (blood, plasma, semen, urine, tissue, excrement, etc. Care should be taken to buffer (e.g., a paper towel) the cold pack from the specimens. Jacksonville: 904.427.0865 44875, Manager: Patricia Giglio Office: 352.265.0165. %PDF-1.6 %���� Last Revised May 28, 2018 Microbiology Laboratory Specimen Collection Manual NOTE: Because microbiology involves culturing and isolation of various pathogens, the proper specimen collection, media transport, and timely delivery to the laboratory are all essential to quality results. The following information mustbe on the specimen label when submitting a sample for processing: The patient’s full name. Place five pounds of dry ice around the specimen(s).

Outer packaging must contain sufficient absorbent materials to absorb the entire content of the inner packaging (specimens) in the event of any leakage. University of FLorida Health Pathology Laboratories Microbiology Laboratory, Located at UF Health Shands Hospital, North Tower, Medical Director: Kenneth H. Rand, MD Office: 352.265.0680, ext. %%EOF �)�.I�ĪA�m � D��e��b�:�u Johns Hopkins Medical Microbiology Specimen Collection Guidelines – Updated 6/2019 6 For viral isolation, send 3 ml or less fluid in a sterile vial (1 ml minimum).

Explain carefully to patients the mechanics of midstream collection and the importance of collecting an... 2. UF Health Pathology Laboratories’ Client Services Department can arrange for couriers to pick up specimens from your office.

The collection date of the specimen. Use only plastic vials (not glass) and do not fill vials more than three-quarters full. University of Florida Pathology Laboratories’ Microbiology Laboratory makes microbiology, bacteriology and mycology testing available for outpatient medical facilities. In some areas, specimen pick-up and report delivery may be available through independent contractors. �\��:�KL�Ǿ?��Z�qL�z*g�X�b0Y��l� �R��B+AԵܘ'��%ЛA�h�—I��[cū-���P�Ɓ!��� !��AN���ED�?�m=��=���hb�G�O�5b���IX��d� !����D@p� ��#�d"F� )�1؈� @��&� ��� � Nj��b�!%0��7���4�q�"��\d���&�R�"^�s�D-�'�oM�\Ux�D�|���H6W���c��a�Og��%D���U-ދ�p��n��]������va�׮��_�m՗��Y{3�^� �q�����Q�s�gj��+sRM����6>�zg�%�q��]8`Wᣳq\B�VK��%ig.¨k\DE7H��s�s���:��I��h��p���Kg[�غ��u�4�NS��C�{�ˀ�����{ :�D��D{��%�!ĮL�WꕉV��/�O�e�#�)&�P �����Y��QDe��ֆ�;؅�/��Yk�m�C Ԇ��Aj�4'3����! =�~ɲ�IهF�v1�xצp�i���.#�̣�G��J�r&�8J�� It is unnecessary to label packages containing dry ice for preservation of clinical materials as “hazardous” and should be avoided. The patient’s social security number and/or medical record number. Technical personnel staff the Microbiology Laboratory 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and samples can be received at any time. These may be shipped in shipper provided packaging alone but the packaging must bear a FedEx Clinical Pac label to be acceptable for transport by FedEx. �];�t�ЋeIj����j+��@�!wtv����N8q!�n�m�a#���.�Y����8�0�reðO��i%�F����Ӥ��qO�`��;�_`���g7���Y��x��-�O)�U{I>��DwcL��s���֫�Ow���k3:Ӏ�KU��r�D��'�W�//�����٪Z؈n�ʖAF����0z&c��ֱ'R��Yܖ=䙆��9��:�P�{�b�A.�e�ˍ!b�>L��X�!l���m��ut�b �_�fm��:� �Ś�l&Meڎ'v�Y�X�ps��M+�(o� $�����n�j��v�dR�y�����ȎGp��L�Ԑ�j~$ �T�&t�:��o>L���?�I�( �'��Q�^�jCq}?�+��>T���C �tYh�$�ȟ���UD*��uj��0|%�M0y$���7֕ lL��t"��$ڒ'p�D�ȅ�1�ٗ�~+9��U��a��>H����^�|&u�f����d�s���� ��U�_��L���>4� If attempting to contact the Laboratory outside of its normal hours of operation, call 800.633.2122 and ask to speak with the pathology resident on call. The Microbiology Laboratory is located at UF Health Shands Hospital and is directed by a board-certified infectious disease physician, managed by a master’s-level supervisor and technical specialist, and staffed by medical technologists and laboratory technicians who are licensed by the state of Florida Board of Professional Regulations.

Requested information includes relevant clinical history and necessary demographic data to assist with the consultation and facilitate the billing process. Absorbent material placed between the primary receptacle and the secondary packaging; and.

Johns Hopkins Medical Microbiology Specimen Collection Guidelines – Updated 6/2020 7 If mycobacterial or fungal infections are suspected, collect a minimum of 5 ml of fluid into a sterile container. A clean-catch specimen is necessary to confirm the presence or absence of infecting organisms in urine.

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for culture is the most important step in the recovery of. The most appropriate specimens for isolation of anaerobes are tissue or fluids submitted in anaerobic transport tubes. 128 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3E9C0E5F752A4ADB98782F8C8A9B7F4A>]/Index[97 64]/Info 96 0 R/Length 129/Prev 155438/Root 98 0 R/Size 161/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream ~�8,�\�6�5q-~�w����)��Ox�XT)]���������3�� Wear gloves, gowns, masks, and /or goggles, when appropriate, when collecting specimens from … Y0s�����x�£�Qd^�E�P���~G�8���A ���� Postal Service regulations require fluid specimen packaging to include: Note: When sending slides and/or paraffin blocks, be sure to cushion them sufficiently to reduce the possibility of breakage or crushing during transport/shipment. Procedure for Specific Specimen Collection 1. For non-body fluid submissions, the type of specimen and/or tissue site. ), either human or animals, must be packaged in shipper-provided containers that can withstand leakage of contents, shocks, pressure changes and other conditions incidental to ordinary handling in transportation. Instead, FedEx guidelines indicate that the following information must be printed on the outside of a specimen package containing dry ice: UF Health Pathology Laboratories complies with Florida law by reporting certain state-defined reportable diseases to the Florida Department of Health. The special lab pack label for large shipper-prepared packages can be obtained by calling 800.463.3339 or by contacting your local Federal Express (FedEx) courier. UF Health Pathology Laboratories Nontuberculosis Mycobacteria Laboratory, Specimen Collection Procedures: Hematopathology, Specimen Collection Procedures: Microbiology, Surgical Pathology Shipping Instructions: Muscle Biopsies, Surgical Pathology Shipping Instructions: Nerve Biopsies, Surgical Pathology Shipping Instructions: Renal Biopsy, UF Health Shands Children's Reports are available via fax or through our PathLabs 24/7 Physicians’ Web Portal.

The patient’s social security number and/or medical record number. �:�#[Q� ���TH�G�v��V��q���8giD� w0 �4�"��nf�5r�'#��#��3� If mycobacterial or fungal infections are suspected, collect a minimum of 5 ml of fluid into a sterile container. endstream endobj 98 0 obj <>>> endobj 99 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 100 0 obj <>stream The Laboratory has dedicated and qualified personnel who are committed to providing excellent service, using advanced technology and professional attention to each patient specimen. University of Florida Health Pathology Laboratories Together we discover. Together we create unstoppable momentum. Refrigerated specimens should be delivered to the lab as soon as possible, and may be rejected if not received within 24 hours of collection. 5L�Ȃ9�����u83�¹`>2�o��Xg�٘;Ҽ���O_���zByo�����ǚv�W܍������Qn���;�PE4������%J

University of Florida Pathology Laboratories 4800 SW 35th Drive Gainesville, FL 32608 888.375.LABS or 352.265.9900. A properly completed request form must accompany all samples.

The specimens are inoculated onto a variety of differential and selective media and incubated for the growth and identification of potential pathogenic organisms. 0

These specimens do not require special temperatures or handling. Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST Federal Express (FedEx) reserves the right to refuse any bodily fluid shipment not packaged as stated above, which in turn is not tendered in a FedEx Clinical Pac container. The specimen... 3. Federal Express and U.S. �$�f�m w��X��*S7�N\0�䒭ٛ/����W�G�+�Ȭ��lT-`�Q��l�zH�a��:��P���7w�&F���� xAW��Kd�AZ�l-��,_Z��$�,Y��P�h��Zs�p6B�J�����x4�w��M��j����;^�(*gm s�6z���^ h�bbd``b`�$K��?

Prepaid overnight courier services are available throughout the continental United States courtesy of Federal Express. UF Health is a collaboration of the University of Florida Health Science Center, Shands hospitals and other health care entities. Gainesville, FL 32608, Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST. k���ɕ҉D�w����/����~�8��Q�U3��2�B��9E�v�8F� Tc��w����j��Hh� 160 0 obj <>stream

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If you have any concerns regarding the effect of extreme weather conditions on specimens, please contact customer service.