Disney is notorious about protecting their copyrights. Michael Theodore "Mickey" Mouse is the icon of The Walt Disney Company, the CEO of Disney, and one of the most recognized animated characters in the world.

South Park S13 E3. The next day Mickey finds Goofy dead and tries to give him Coke to revive him to no effect. In "Eek, A Penis! Mickey Mouse Gender Male Age 86 Hair Color Black Occupation Disney CEO Aliases Mickey, Mr. Watching. 99% Upvoted. Despite common belief, he did NOT host American Idol Mario Edition, that was Mickey Seacrest, an old and different version of him. is the fourteenth and final episode of Season Sixteen, and the 237th overall episode of South Park. 90 Trillion Dollars. In "The China Probrem", he is shown to be a fan of the Indiana Jones franchise, agreeing to help the boys press charges and pursue the case against George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. share. Watch Random Episode. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He is also one of the evil characters in Imaginationland, due to …

In that part, he chats with Bowser Junior and challenges him to buy 20 bucks of water due to him to get more money to make more movies. Watch Full Episode. I Am Pretty Smart, Yeah. He has a holster containing a stainless Smith and Wesson 5900-series pistol with wood grips (as does his partner Harrison Yates, indicating this is most likely the standard issue duty sidearm for South Park PD) and on the other side of his shirt, his badge. He made an appearance in Bowser Junior Goes To Disney World! Mario and Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures, Mario and Bowser's Stupid and Crazy Adventures, Bowser Junior Goes to Disney World! You little... piece of... shit, ha-ha! He made an appearance in Jeffy's Birthday as a decoration and mention. How were the guys allowed to use it in South Park /and/ make him out to be very family-unfriendly, very different to the image Disney tries to maintain for their character. Michael Theodore "Mickey" Mouse is the icon of The Walt Disney Company, the CEO of Disney, and one of the most recognized animated characters in the world.

01:13. Haha. Part 1 after a 7-year hiatus from the channel. Then he did cocaine (Coke for short) in the room with Goofy and asked Chef Pee Pee if they could crash in the hotel's bathroom for the night. SuperMarioLogan Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The Official South Park Studios Wiki Mitch Murphy or Mitch Harris is an officer with the Park County Police as a comic foil as well as an Aide-de-Camp to Sergeant Yates. [Mickey kicks Joe's his body with every accented word] You DON'T... FUCKING...TALK to me...Like THAT, haha. He is the owner of Disney. Show More. Haha. Mickey Mouse shares some similarities to how he was portrayed in the TV show. He is first seen briefly in "Lil' Crime Stoppers". [Joe coughs up some blood] Get the fuck up. [Joe lies on the ground, coughing up blood] Get the fuck up.

He also is told by Junior that he got a free stuffed animal from Brooklyn T. Guy, and that Mickey thinks it is a good idea to run to find him, and talk to him. 01:07. Mitch Murphy or Mitch Harris is an officer with the Park County Police as a comic foil as well as an Aide-de-Camp to Sergeant Yates. and the secondary antagonist in Band in China.

He serves as the main antagonist in Bowser Junior Goes To Disney World, both first and second part. South Park Archives is a FANDOM TV Community. Quote ”Hey kid you wanna buy a bottle of water for twenty bucks!” Trivia . Despite this, he seems to generally be portrayed as a young man. He played his first major role in the Season Thirteen episode, "The Ring". He also is extremely addicted to drugs, owning a meth lab (although it was burned down) and snorting cocaine whenever he has a chance to do it. He is first seen briefly in "Lil' Crime Stoppers". This time, he is voiced by Chris rather than Logan. In "Eek, A Penis! Part 2, Mickey Mouse shares some similarities to how he was portrayed in the TV show, South Park. It aired on November 7, 2012. South Park S13 E3. Randy's Economic Recovery … He dumps Goofy's body in a bush and then leaves the hotel.
He wears black trousers and has greyish-brown hair. Initially, he is described by Al Gore as being a half man, half bear and half pig and was thought by many to be fake, but was proven to be real later on in "Time To Get Cereal". MICKEY MOUSE SOUNDBOARD - SOUTH PARK Mickey Mouse soundboard from South Park with over 60 of his best quotes from S13E01 The Ring, S16E14 Obama Wins and S23E02 Band in China. save hide report.

Mitch is normally seen wearing a blue shirt with braces and a tie. He serves as the main antagonist of the season 13 episode, The Ring, one of the main antagonists of the season 16 finale Obama Wins! Jeffy is shown to really like Mickey as he wished to … 6 comments. He outright forces Bowser Junior to buy two bottles of water for $40 to get richer. It also appears that Chuck E. Cheese's is Jeffy's Disney World and references Chuck as Mickey. PIECE of... SHIT, Haha! Mickey Mouse: You don't... fucking... talk to me... like that, ha-ha! 03/26/2009. It is unknown if he actually is the Mickey Mouse from Disney, or if he just pretends to be Mickey. Mickey wipes his gloves clean] Now, do we have a problem?! ", he is also shown to be a sketch artist, drawing Mickey Mouse with an erect penis based on Mrs. Garrison's description of the penis-mouse. He is based off the icon of the Walt Disney Company and one of the most recognized animated characters in the world. His Cocaine addiction may have lead to death. His first major appearance is in "The Jeffersons", where he receives a fax about Michael Jefferson possibly being in town and relays it to Sergeant Yates. Get the fuck up! Eric Cartman is hiding something in his bedroom that could change the entire outcome of the Presidential election. Part 2 he brings Brooklyn T. Guy to Chef Pee Pee's hotel room and hid him in a fridge. Michael Theodore "Mickey" Mouse is the icon of The Walt Disney Company, the CEO of Disney, and one of the most recognized animated characters in the world. (Although Walt Disney was actually the founder). Stan finally gets close to a refund for his Margaritaville. His first major appearance is in "The Jeffersons", where he receives a fax about Michael Jefferson possibly being in town and relays it to Sergeant Yates.

How did Comedy Central get away with depicting Mickey Mouse? to pretend that their house is Disney World. In Bowser Junior Goes To Disney World! "Obama Wins!" This thread is archived. Mickey Mouse is a major antagonist in South Park. ”Hey kid you wanna buy a bottle of water for twenty bucks!”, Michael Theodore Mortimer Mouse (full name), The poll was created at 18:32 on August 9, 2015, and so far. ManBearPig is a demon summoned from Hell. He is shown to be worried for Yates in "Butters' Bottom Bitch" when Yates goes undercover against prostitution, but is unable to speak with him. He first appears in Mario and Tony the Tiger's television screen in 2008's Mario And Tony: Mickey Mouse Club House. You little... piece of... shit, ha-ha! Michael Theodore Mortimer "Mickey" Mouse is a leader of Disney World and a drug dealer who is addicted to drugs. Part 1, Bowser Junior Goes To Disney World! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Tags: Nick Jonas Stan Jonas Brothers Kyle Cartman Joe Jonas Kenny Kevin Jonas Tammy Warner Mickey Mouse sex weapons fires. [Joe begins to stand, then gets some help from his brother. MICKEY MOUSE SOUNDBOARD - SOUTH PARK Mickey Mouse soundboard from South Park with over 60 of his best quotes from S13E01 The Ring, S16E14 Obama Wins and S23E02 Band in China. His Cocaine addiction may have lead to death. Mickey Mouse is a greedy drug addict as well as being the founder of the Disney company.

He made his latest appearance in Chef Pee Pee's Bucket List!