Summer, fall and winter measures are still in the decision process. Right?
A hook is considered to be an in-line circle hook only if it is manufactured so the barb of the hook is in-line with the shank and bend of the hook and is turned perpendicularly back to the shank to form a circular or oval shape (see image below). However, federal trip limits apply to federal permit holders if they are fishing in state-waters and DMF may establish a trip limit in response to any actions taken by NOAA Fisheries. Catch and release stripers on whole east coast for 5 years and heavily reduce commercial limit , takes 6 years for a fish to get 28 inches, need drastic change. 1) American eels are subject to regulation by the Division and the municipality. Why is it that every comment on here is from people who want to keep more fish? A bunch of sports in pontoon boats masquerading as commercial fisherman. The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries has implemented two new striped bass conservation regulations aimed at reducing release mortality: ... (2020), recreational anglers not fishing aboard for-hire vessels will be required to use inline circle hooks when fishing for striped bass with whole or cut natural baits.
Release the breeding stock size fish.
See 322 CMR 8.07 for more details. Every JImbo in this thread : reads part 1, proceeds to complain about unasnwered questions clarified in part 2. Well, Ive been fishing the NJ surf for over 40 years. 5) The P1 fishery (Jan 1 - Apr 22) is allocated 30% of the annual quota. No questions or confusion for Game Wardens or If they regulated the Canal to catch and release only, or eliminated commercial harvest there, the numbers of breeding size stripers taken seasonally would decrease drastically and help save the species. Fishermen fishing under the authority of a commercial boat permit or lobster permit when fishing aboard the vessel named on the permit are subject to the 15-fish limit. Such a disgrace that conservation is not taken seriously in this state. During April 23 - June 9 season, longline fishermen and net fishermen may retain and land 100 pounds per trip and there are no closed fishing days; the retention and landing of fluke by other gear types is prohibited. That’s Bullshit ! Virginia commercial fishing just finished their spring gillnet season in March, average gillnet hall 15 to 20 thousand pounds per net. My friend caught 8 keepers.
2. I’m surprised you know how to use a computer pops.
Give me a break! How much do you agree with the following statements in the scale of 1, Strongly Disagree, to 5, Strongly Agree? I like how they limited the recreational limit to between 28 and 35, but the commercial limit is what is killing the stock. Sign up for our FREE Fishing Reports Today!
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries,
Sigh……. Been fishing since 1963 now it’s 2020 fisherman nowadays don’t respect the sport striped bass fishing to all you selfish son of a bitches put the fish back in the ocean if you’re hungry go to the market wake up you’re ruining things for your kids and Future Kids PS don’t leave your garbage there EITHER WTF!!! Do not include sensitive information, such as Social Security or bank account numbers. Have fun reaching over for you keeper off the back beaches with the white sharks around….chomp, chomp….? Law is a good first step. 2) Failure to not learn how to handle a fish with your hands!!!
I’m glad you don’t live next door to me. 10) Fish weirs are not subject to daily trip limits or closed fishing days. Love you circle hook critics (sarcasm). Call Division of Marine Fisheries - Boston Office, Main at, Email Division of Marine Fisheries - Boston Office at, in the scale of 1, Strongly Disagree, to 5, Strongly Agree, Professional Training & Career Development, Boat & lobster permit holders fishing from vessel named on the permit. Consider that the recreational fishery harvests about 10 times that of the commercial fishery and will kill more large striped bass by means of catch and release mortality than the commercial fishery will harvest.
Does anyone doubt that fish are being gut hooked and released? So that being said these ahole poachers get a slap on the wrist while the rest of us suffer the consequences of the fish being depleted. Wasn’t gaffing undersized fish already illegal? Seems pretty obvious to me these yuppies at ma fisheries are clearly clueless. will this affect the migration along sandy neck, the harbor or Brewster flats? It maddening. You can buy an official copy from the state bookstore. The same people who decided 2 schoolies at 28″ was a good idea now want to show concern??? Pitting commercial guys against recreational guys is exactly what officious subsidized scientists and government agencies want. Open up and do the math..its the phlu. We expect the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission will also take action this year to implement coastwide conservation measures for 2020 aimed at reducing overall fishing mortality. Your friendly neighborhood fish and game enforcement officer will be more than happy to issue a citation to remind you. Pre spawn fish!!!! What about all the fish that’s caught and sliced up and put into freezer bags to never even be eaten? Private fisherman are not even close to as damaging as commercial this is a joke. Take there boat,car ,and anything else they are carrying,and fine the hell out of them. Make it a little fairer for the fish, have more fun and kill fewer fish.
It’s senseless.
And for the life of me I don’t understand why they limit one group and on the other hand allow another group to target the prime breeding stock. Seriously you people really need to wake up and do your jobs. Measures are subject to minor change based on the outcome of state final processes and we will update the table as changes become available.
The P1 trip limit may also be increased by an in-season adjustment to allow commercial fishermen to have greater access to the available quota allocation; in 2020, the P1 trip limit was increased to 2,000 in February. Official 2020 Massachusetts Saltwater Fishing rules & regulations. fishing permit ten dollars you can fish seven days aweek even a lake permit is thirty dollars. You can learn about the regulations that govern commercial finfish fishing in the documents attached below.
See what new striper …
However, in-season adjustments were made on August 21, 2020 and effective September 1, 2020 open fishing days are Mondays - Wednesdays until the 2020 fishery closes. That’s the only way since we don’t have enough people to cover all the fishing grounds.
This circle hook mandate will not apply to natural baits attached to an artificial lure to be trolled, jigged, or casted and retrieved (e.g., tube and worm). 50 small ones. There are more fish taken and killed on a daily basis by recreational fisherman in the canal alone, than all the true and responsible commercial guys on their two allowable days per week. These proposals seek to better time the fishery’s operation with when striped bass are widely distributed and enhance market conditions. End up having to help a lot of newbies or folks that don’t know how to properly catch and release a fish especially taking a hook out.
Hook and line and trap fishermen may land scup Sunday-Thursday during May; Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in June; and then 7 days per week beginning July 1.
We are not all idiots that need daddy to tell us to wear a mask or dont get to close. There is a shortage of blue fish .Not many large ones around. Bluefish stocks are also under pressure.
People that do not obey the Laws are killing the stocks and the recreational fishermen are also killing it .Just take a good day on a weekend on the canal how many bass are taken home and how many are not let go the right way and how many people keep more then one a day?They catch there one go home and come back.So do not just blame the commercial guys.
Let the Stripers repopulate,not the virus.God gave you a brain use it!!