Watch our reporter Colin Armstrong take on the Dinnie Stones, See all the pictures from the Aboyne Highland Games here.

Rediscovered by David Webster OBE in 1953, The Dinnie Steens as they are known locally are 2 giant granite boulders located outside the Old Potarch Hotel between Aboyne & Banchory, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Comments below may relate to previous holders of this record. What makes a Guinness World Records title? Enter your email address to follow 614whats2love and receive notifications of new posts by email.

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STRONGMAN Mark Felix attempted to match Donald Dinnie’s amazing feat at the Aboyne Highland Games on Saturday. Mark set off at a blistering pace lifting the stones high on each attempt and walking them forward drawing ever closer to the finish line. One of the worlds strongest men took The Dinnie Stanes challenge at Aboyne Highland Games 2014. Mark recently competed at a Crossfit event and pulled a 310kg deadlift with a hook grip @ 106kg bodyweight. After lifting the Dinnies the group stopped at the Inver Stone and Mark carried that for 30 metres! He told STV News: “We had the trip planned before I knew about doing the stones. He has won numerous international grip contests, including the Rolling Thunder World Championships in 2008 and 2009, … I’m from England but, I’m originally from Grenada. Our main priority is to safeguard the welfare of everyone involved including spectators and competitors. Mark Felix Dinnie Stone Hold record breaker (34 seconds) at the Arnold Sports Festival 2020 Mark Felix Dinnie Stone Hold record breaker (34 seconds) at the Arnold Sports Festival 2020 Mark Felix Dinnie Stone Hold record breaker (34 seconds) at the Arnold Sports Festival 2020 Donald Dinnie was born in 1837, at Birse Aboyne. Felix was born in St. George's, Grenada, and moved to England at the age of 23.

Mark carried the Dinnie Stones over the five yard distance, but after being hampered by poor conditions on the day, he didn’t manage to walk the distance without stopping on a couple of occasions.

Click here for video of Mark lifting & carrying the Dinnie Stones at The Gathering, Click here for video of Mark lifting & walking with the Dinnie Stones in 2012, Sponsored by The Stark Center for Physical Culture.

I have been to the world’s strongest men 15 times. I am one of the world’s strongest men.

Mark is a multiple world record holder in the IAWA. dSider - Photo Guide, Royal Deeside Scotland, Battle of Arras 9th April 1917 100th anniversary, Ring of Remembrance / Anneau de la Memoire, Mark Felix lifts Dinnie Stones at Aboyne Games, Pipe Bands -The Role of The Drum Major in Military Pipe Bands, The Bagpipes -Scotland’s national musical instrument. The World’s Strongest Man competitor completed the task but fell short of matching the record set back in 1860.

All records listed on our website are current and up-to-date. His previous record was 31.36 seconds and he beat it with 31.4 seconds. ( Log Out /  The Potarch Hotel was closed for renovations in 2013 and the Steens were held in care by the Aboyne Highland Games committee. To date the Dinnie Stones have only ever been lifted and carried over the distance barehanded by 7 men:-  Donald's father Robert Dinnie (according to Donald's own account), Donald Dinnie himself in 1860 then Jack Shanks in 1973. The challenge went unanswered for over 100 years until 1972, when Belfast man Jack Shanks, weighing just 11 1/2 stone, successfully hoisted the giant boulders with his bare hands. Mark Haydock - At Potarch - 4th November 2012, The Gathering - 6th August 2017 & 27th May 2018. For a full list of record titles, please use our Record Application Search. Mark Felix (born 17 April 1966) is a Grenadian-English strongman competitor and regular entrant to the World's Strongest Man competition.

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Mark Felix; one  of the worlds strongest men; lifts The Dinnie Stanes ( Dinnie Stones ) at Aboyne Highland Games on Royal Deeside.

This is a huge accomplishment at any age let alone 53. The longest duration Dinnie Stone hold in strongman competition is 31.40 seconds, achieved by Mark Felix (Grenada), in Columbus, Ohio, USA, on 6 March 2020. stay strong! Think you can you hold them for over 31.36 seconds?

Managed 10 consecutive lifts in under 1 minute, walked the stones 3 feet with bare handed grip. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Our Website uses cookies to improve your experience. Quick math, that is a combined weight of 732.9 pounds. Click here for the Scores and Results from The Gathering III. August 2, 2014, 8:30 pm Updated: August 2, 2014, 9:01 pm. Mark Felix; one of the worlds strongest men; lifts The Dinnie Stanes ( Dinnie Stones ) at Aboyne Highland Games on Royal Deeside. Those stones are still on the bridge and I myself lifted one in each hand on many occasions and one market day, I carried them across the bridge and back, some four to five yards - Donald Dinnie. Donald Dinnie fell into Aberdeenshire legend when he …

Mark lifted the stones a total of 25 times. 6/8/17 Having watched all his stone lifting brothers make their attempts, Mark Haydock from Preston in Lancashire took position over the Steens to complete the day’s lifting. The best thing is to eat sensibly and exercise. By using this site, you agree that we may store and access cookies on your device. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. All Rights Reserved.

Highlighting what makes the greater Columbus area great! How many days a week do you train and what do you do? This record is currently held by 4 time World's Strongest Man & 3 time Arnold Strongman Classic winner, Brian Shaw at 11 feet 6.5 inches. To add to his already staggering Dinnie Stone CV, Mark lifted and held the Dinnie Stones on Sunday 27th May 2018 for an incredible new world record time of 38.61 seconds and has since increased this with an amazing 42 second side by side lift and hold on 19th January 2019. One is to lift and hold the stones for time. Mark Felix lifts Dinnie Stones at Aboyne Highland Games. By trade he works as a plasterer, having only started competing in strongman competitions at the age of 37. The former American footballe broke the 31-second record set only three weeks ago by current UK strongman Mark Felix. I hear a little bit of an accent. Pete Seddon is the latest to add his name to the list by successfully carrying the stones across Potarch Bridge on 18th April 2018. Click here for video of Mark's 42 second world record lift and hold on 19/1/19. Brian Shaw holds the farmer's carry record with the Dinnie stones, at 11' 6.5" In recent times two modern era challenges have emerged. He bravely soldiered on and managed to somehow cover the remaining distance despite his injury and to the delight of his comrades and the ecstatic crowd. The weather did nothing to dampen the spirits of the crowd however as the strongman was met with great cheers for his amazing effort. Mark was challenged to repeat the legendary feat of Aboyne strongman Donald Dinne.

Mark successfully lifted and carried the stones; but was unable to carry them the full distance without putting them down several times. Have you lifted the stones? Mark Felix Dinnie Stone Hold record breaker (34 seconds) at the Arnold Sports Festival 2020 Mark Felix Dinnie Stone Hold record breaker (34 seconds) at the Arnold Sports Festival 2020 Mark Felix Dinnie Stone Hold record breaker (34 seconds) at the Arnold Sports Festival 2020 This will make my 7th time. I just eat sensibly. Outside Potarch Café & Restaurant the Dinnie Steens ... Jack Shanks in 1973 and Mark Felix in 2014. Brett Nicol holds the record for most successful lifts of the Dinnie stones - 330 - and counting. Posted: 3 August 2014 | | Filed under: Uncategorized, © Copyright dSider, M. Williams & Bill Bagshaw 2009-2020.