Deutsch: Loy Krathong: Englisch: Loy Krathong: …
Loy Krathong is a holiday celebrated all over Thailand and Laos. Loy Krathong festival dates. Discount price for Loy Krathong Day 2020 Bangkok Dinner Royal Princess Cruise, Experience Loy Krathong festival activities & history with floating Krathong. As it floats away, it is believed that the Krathong carries away bad luck. Generating this page took 0.0513 Seconds.
It may have started in the city of Sukhothai and had origins that were of the Brahmin tradition in Hinduism.
Touristen können in den Hotels Alkohol in den Restaurants und Bars erhalten, aber außerhalb der Hotels ist Alkohol tabu.
Loy Krathong is a Siamese festival celebrated annually throughout the Kingdom of Thailand. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. Which makes for quite a sight because not only can you see the lit-up Loy Krathong on the Ping River but you can also see the fire lanterns that fly up into the sky.
In anderen Sprachen . Lichterfest Thailand 2020 in Chiang Mai.
However, there are certain places … Planen Sie eine Reise zum Loy Krathong Fest? The next occurrence of Loy Krathong is marked in red. Loy Krathong 2021 is on Saturday 20th Nov, 2021 (20/11/2021) in 422 days What is Loy Krathong? In parts of northern Thailand, Loy Krathong is celebrated at the same time as Yi Peng. Dabei sind es nicht nur die Einheimischen, die viel Wert auf diese Tradition legen, sondern auch Touristen aus aller Welt, die speziell zu dieser Zeit anreisen, um sich dieses großartige Spektakel nicht entgehen zu lassen. This is a holiday celebrated mainly in Laos and Thailand. Loy Nava Dinner Cruise Bangkok 5-Star Floating Restaurant River Kwai Tour and Death Railway Train Ride Kanchanaburi Tours in Thailand 2020-2021 Bangkok Sightseeing Tours Travel Booking In addition of showing the dates of significant holidays and events; CalendarZ enables you easily check out the time remaining to a certain date and all other details. In Chiang Mai beobachtet man das Lichtermeer der Bananenblätterschiffchen am besten am Mae Ping Fluss. Nov: Loy Krathong: Fest- oder Gedenktag: Unser Team hat alle gelisteten Feiertage gewissenhaft recherchiert und bringt die Daten und Hintergrundinformationen laufend auf den neuesten Stand.
Loy Krathong 1st November 2020, Sunday Upcoming Buddhist Holidays 2021 Showing 1 to 11 of 11 (1 Page) The above is the list of Buddhist Holidays which includes federal, regional government holidays and popular observances. While the history of this holiday is currently lost to the fog of time, many people believe that it originated during the 13th century. Planen Sie eine Reise zum Loy Krathong Fest?
However, it falls somewhere during the month of November. This comes from the tradition of making small decorated baskets that are then left to float on a river. Loy Krathong is a Thai holiday which is celebrated in Thailand and Laos on the evening of the full moon which occurs during the twelfth month of the Thai calendar.
It probably started out as a way to pay homage to the water goddess Mae Kongkha at the end of the rain season. Loy Krathong Dates : 2019: November 13 2020: November 1 Where to celebrate Loy Krathong?
Fest- oder Gedenktag: 05.12.2021 They then carry it to the river and place inside it a clipping of their hair or fingernail. Es fällt üblicherweise in den November.
2019: Wednesday 13th November; 2020: Thursday 1st November; 2021: Saturday 20th November; 12. Yi Peng is known for the releasing of wish lanterns into the sky. All text and image content copyrighted by All distances are calculated using an optimzed model of the globe as a perfect ball. They then carry it to the river and place inside it a clipping of their hair or fingernail. The name of this holiday roughly translates as “float a basket.”. Impressum Datenschutz AGB, Reiseinformationen Thailand – Nützliche Informationen, Feste, Ereignisse und Feiertage in Thailand, Songkran Fest – Thailändisches Neujahrsfest, Visakha Bucha (wichtigster Buddhistischer Feiertag), Asanha Bucha (Asalha Bucha) – der Tag vor dem Beginn der Buddhistischen Fastenzeit, Geburtstag von I. M.Königin Sirikit – Muttertag, Chulalongkorn Tag – Gedächtnistag an König Rama 5. Loi Krathong (auch: Loy Krathong, Thai ลอยกระทง) ist das Lichterfest, das in Thailand landesweit am Tag des Vollmonds im zwölften Monat des traditionellen thailändischen Lunisolarkalenders gefeiert wird.
The full moon day is October 30. ... Tours in Thailand 2020-2021 Bangkok Sightseeing Tours Travel Booking. Loy Krathong is celebrated all over Thailand. However, the Krathong ceremony is not the only part of this celebration in Thailand. Loy Krathong is a celebration of thanks to the gods for the rain and the rice harvest, as well as a chance to repent for the pollution we've created in our environment. History of Calendars (Egyptian, Solar, Lunar, Lunisolar, Gregorian Reform — When & Where), Islam: Faith, Holidays, Practice & History, Brief about Sikhism .. a monotheistic religion. Zu Wahltagen in Thailand besteht ein generelles Alkohol-Verbot, dies geht über 24 Stunden vor und 24 Stunden nach dem Wahltag und gilt für das ganze Land.
Gemeinsam zum Lichterfest nach Chiang Mai, © 2020 All rights reserved / Sri Siam Holidays If holidays fall on a Saturday or Sunday they might be postponed to the following weekdays.
Das Loy Krathong Festival (ลอยกระทง) ist das thailändische Lichterfest, welches im ganzen Land gefeiert wird. Here's the longer version: Loy Krathong
Das Loy Krathong ist ein sehr bedeutendes religiöses, aber auch buntes Fest, das in Thailand jedes Jahr groß gefeiert wird. You can read more about it. Loy Krathong is not a public holiday.
Because the Thai calendar is a lunar calendar, the date on which it falls on the solar Gregorian calendar differs from year to year. In Bangkok, many of the buildings and bridges in the city will be lit with bright lights. Yee Peng Festival in Chiang Mai (sometimes written as ‘Yi Peng’) is celebrated on the full moon of the twelfth lunar month ever year, which normally means mid-way through November, but this can vary. Loy Krathong in Bangkok. Sollten Sie trotzdem einen Fehler entdecken, bitten wir um eine Nachricht. Jedes Jahr an Vollmond im zwölften Monat dieses Kalenders, wird dann eines der schönsten Feste Thailands gefeiert. People take their Krathongs – which are made from the bark of a banana tree or with banana leaves – and then puts down some incense, a candle and some flowers inside of it. The candle and incense are then lit and the Krathong is placed upon the water. Loy Krathong: Fest- oder Gedenktag: 2021: Fr: 19.
Man feiert dort das Laternenfest drei Tage lang unter dem Namen Yi Peng Festival | ประเพณียี่เป็ง. It falls on Sunday, November 1, 2020 and most businesses follow regular Sunday opening hours in Thailand. All provided information is a result of a live database processing. Hier geht es zu unserer Special Gruppenreise zum Loy Kratong Fest nach Chiang Mai. Contact Us / Privacy Policy. Verlauf und Bedeutung. Üblicherweise findet es Anfang November statt, jedoch richtet sich der genaue Zeitpunkt nach dem thailändischen Mondkalender. These information pages should be used for private purposes only.