She brilliantly tied what she does to the #LITA Movement by saying, To access the entire show archive, go to We don’t solve all the world’s problems, but we sure give it a whirl! Please go to and join in on the conversation! We cover a lot of ground in our time together. LinkedIn: But here's the thing... she believes YOU are frickin' awesome, too! This new edition gives you the tools to prepare for high-stakes situation, transform anger and hurt feelings into powerful dialogue, make it safe to talk about almost anything & be persuasive, not abrasive.

She also invites you to live with love and meaning, act with purpose, and aim to make a positive difference in the world. Pam recently wrote and article on LinkedIn called, Persistence of a Structural Design Flaw. - Suicide awareness Jami’s Medium Page: She has developed a unique combination of skills to facilitate cross-functional projects across an entire organization to create alignment, excellent communication skills to drive clarity, the ability to make the complex simple, a calm demeanor to infuse confidence, a positive perspective to shift challenges into opportunities. Crucial Conversation: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan & Al Switzler. This week I talk to a really fun guest, Kevin Fortune.

Books and Other Resources Mentioned During the Show

However, like all of us, Kat had her struggles. Our conversation covers a lot of ground and I found Lorie to be very vulnerable in sharing her history. You may recognize my guest today from the hit television show, The Voice. Start with Why by Simon Sinek From entrepreneurial Founders & Owners of small businesses, to the corporate offices of governing Boards, CEOs, Executive Leadership, and their teams. She has professionally raced cars on a WISSOTA dirt track for 7 years and is the co-founder, president & CFO of a top 5 Minnesota commercial roofing company for the past 14 years. Seligman For more information about Tim and his work you can visit: Host of The Liberty Show: The Liberty Show is a podcast and call-in show which works to inform people on the principles of liberty and how to put them into action. - #LITA- Love Is The Answer Facebook Group: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life by Wayne Dyer

Please connect with us & keep the conversation going! This week’s guest was a real treat for me because of how much I enjoyed his book, The Joy of Not Thinking: A Radical Approach to Happiness. Sayre and I have been friends for a couple of years and we met at a heart-based leadership breakfast we both attended. Facebook Page: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Recently we've experienced a tragic situation here in Minneapolis, brought on by the death of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. Kevin was introduced to me by a mutual friend because of Kevin’s view on the necessity for freedom to pave the way for true love. The subsequent protests and riots have given way to new conversations concerning race, what it's like to be a person of color in this country and how we can all do better when it comes to race relations., Episode 5: Bob Burg, Co-Author of The Go-Giver Books Discusses Value, Service and Authenticiy, Bob Burg is a sought-after speaker at company leadership and sales conferences sharing the platform with everyone from today’s business leaders and broadcast personalities to even a former U.S. President. Facebook Page: My monkey mind runs in overdrive as I go from thoughts of judging to being hyper-vigilant thinking there’s danger all around me.

Hashtags: Remember: Love is the answer. Thank you for supporting the #LITA- Love Is The Answer Podcast! is Mona Couts. An International Speaker, Master Trainer, Mentor, & Coach, I go right to the core of the culture, communication, & character development of your team, and the initiatives & movements you lead. Derek, Dr. Lita, and their daughter Melonie won the Best Native American Music Album award at the 53rd annual GRAMMY Awards for “2010 Gathering of Nations Pow Wow: A Spirit’s Dance.” This podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts. Thank you for supporting the #LITA Podcast! Because, as those of us who have tried meditation know, you can never really stop thinking by being still. Podcasts are everywhere, even TV legend Levar Burton recently announced his upcoming podcast: “LeVar Burton Reads.” That’s right, the host of Reading Rainbow who encouraged us to read as children is back, 2.0 style, with a podcast where he will read a “piece of short fiction.” A very brief history of the term “podcast”: Ben Hammersley, a British Journalist, invented the…, Coming soon to the LITA blog: the results of the LITA Personas Task Force. We bring up hard topics like white privilege, reparations and the violent opposition to racism we're seeing in our protests. I am definitely living my best life as I do this show and I’m excited each week to bring you fantastic content that has the power to change lives.

Facebook Page: Jeff Hudson is my guest this week and we discuss his gambling addiction that left him feeling hopeless and tens of thousands of dollars in debt.

In Rainbows End, Vinge explores one potentially very real future for libraries in which we live in a world of complete information immersion. The work of the LITA Personas Task Force In this podcast Amanda L. Goodman (@godaisies) gives you a peek into the work of the LITA Persona Task Force, who are charged with defining and…. He’s also the host of his own Podcast, The Lib. He is also a recovering addict. A 30-year veteran of the Personal Development industry, I have been a highly effective Mentor, Trainer, & Executive Coach to these high-impact leaders around the world. Thank you for listening and please remember that you are loved. Visit our website for the latest updates on the Core Virtual Forum in Fall 2020. the blog of the Library and Information Technology Association, Video: The World (and Jason Griffey) Interview Verner Vinge, Forum Keynote Video: Ross Singer on the Linked Data Cloud, Forum Keynote Video: Roy Tennant on "Using the Cloud to Please the Crowd", Forum 2009 Keynote audio – David Weinberger, Forum 2009 Keynote audio – Joan Lippincott, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and the Academic Library, Jobs in Information Technology: August 25, 2020, Jobs in Information Technology: August 13, 2020, Free LITA Webinar ~ Library Tech Response to Covid-19 ~ August 5th, Jobs in Information Technology: July 29, 2020, Library and Information Technology Association.

The video for Saturday’s interview with noted science fiction author Verner Vinge is now available on the LITA Ustream Channel. He is very involved in the community as an activist & volunteer. #LITA Official Website: Having escaped the cycle of abuse, she reclaimed herself and learned how to love the person that she is. Kevin Fortune: Founder, President, & CEO- Liberty America, Inc. His nickname is “KK” (King Kevin) because he is called the king of liberty.

If you’d like to connect with Kevin, you can find him on Facebook: So, watch this space over the next few days for the audio files of the LITA Forum 2009 Keynotes! Leslie and I have a great conversation and you’ll hear us discuss how she was teased for a rare skin condition which gave her red spots all over her body and what she did to minimize this teasing.

Episode 13: Teresa Thomas- Stop Being So Serious and Connect to Your Inner Joy. Kat has gone on to Chart in the top 5 on iTunes several times since The Voice and she is using her platform to help others.

Facebook: Change Course: One Lady’s Race from Acceptance to Adventure by Leslie Jackson This is all about connecting, building a community, helping and loving one another! Listen in and find what inspires love within so you can go out and share it with the world. Julie and I don't have all the answers and we present things from our own unique perspectives.

Support & Comments: We don't have all the answers. But, most of all he is proud of the many new people he has introduced and brought into libertarianism! It's the fearless conversations about race that you've been waiting for! It’s not perfect, as we tried several different strategies throughout filming the various keynotes…try and frame the speaker and the screen wasn’t great, so in later videos we just concentrated on the speaker. Here are a few links to further connect and support the show:

Joan Lippincott. Twitter @JeffConner1