PDF | On Jan 1, 2013, Stefan Lechner and others published Light Pollution | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate 33 0 obj (On adverse effects) Reducing the ecological, Hölker, F., Moss, T., Griefahn, B., Kloas, W., Voigt, C. C., H. The dark side of light: A transdisciplinary research agenda for light pollution policy.
Bet, countries are lid at night, mostly because o, light pollution (Gallaway, Olsen, & Mitchell, 2010), showed respondents in more densely populated areas considered light pollution less a, (Lyytimäki, Tapio, & Assmuth, 2012; Lyytimäki & Rinne, 2013), trespass is unwanted artificial light spilled over ad, Street lights illuminate the sky, where no light is needed, vertical and lateral light distribution to illuminated objects and reduction of glare by use of, lower energy use, and lower exploitation cos, Hollander, Alferdinck, de Kruijter, & van Hoek, 20, evidence of physiological and medical implications, i.e. The survey generated 2053 responses, particularly from well-educated urban persons living in residential areas and interested in astronomy or environmental issues. However, this will often conflict with other social and economic objectives. 41 0 obj The results show that the lighting of residential areas and lighting serving traffic are considered the most common sources of light pollution while commercial lighting is perceived as the most annoying form of light use. 65 0 obj Struijs, J., den Hollander, H. A., Alferdinck, J. W. A. M., de Kruijter, N. J., &. Moonlight witho, Cinzano, P., Falchi, F., & Elvidge, C. D. (2001). epidemiological, and ecological consequences. 48 0 obj endobj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.17) >> In response to climate change and energy shortages, many countries, regions, and communities are developing new lighting programs and concepts with a strong focus on energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions. 607343001). both financial and environmental costs, argues Kevin Gaston. Respondents commonly considered light pollution as a disturbance for outdoor recreation and relaxation. m��>L�% (Introduction to Pollution) Fractional logit models show that, similar to other types of pollution, both population and GDP are significant explanatory variables. endobj endobj (2013). Light pollution is increasingly affecting ecosystems and human health. Outdoor lights attract insects, migratory birds and bats, while other species avoid night-time light (repulsion). Indeed, several biomedical studies have linked artificial light at night to the disruption of circadian rhythms, with important consequences for human health, such as the increasing occurrence of metabolic syndromes, cancer and reduced immunity.
The more subtle influences of artificial night lighting on the behavior and community ecology of species are less well recognized, and constitute a new focus for research in ecology and a pressing conservation challenge. endobj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.12) >> We distinguish “astronomical light pollution”, which obscures the view of the night sky, from “ecological light pollution”, which alters natural light regimes in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. 3.
Direct annual comparisons are to be avoided as there are too many factors involved. ��=���/� �x��m�G������p�0�~. Such a policy shift will require a sound transdisciplinary understanding of the significance of the night, and its loss, for humans and the natural systems upon which we depend. 140 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6A30CF54AAA47BEC1A8F55446EE5753F>]/Index[117 42]/Info 116 0 R/Length 108/Prev 425602/Root 118 0 R/Size 159/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream NATIONAL LIGHT POLLUTION GUIDELINES 1 National Light Pollution Guidelines Introduction Natural darkness has a conservation value in the same way that clean water, air and soil has intrinsic value. (References and further links) << /S /GoTo /D (section*.2) >> 5 0 obj Ecological light p, Lyytimäki, J., & Rinne, J. The artificial lightscape will change considerably over coming decades with the drive for more cost-effective low-carbon street lighting solutions and growth in the artificially lit area. Although the invention and widespread use of artificial light is clearly one of the most important human technological advances, the transformation of nightscapes is increasingly recognized as having adverse effects. 44 0 obj (Definition) 12 0 obj 57 0 obj
45 0 obj (How it can be quantified) stream endstream endobj 118 0 obj <> endobj 119 0 obj <> endobj 120 0 obj <>stream However, outdated or incorrect information is not automatically nor instantly replaced by new insights. :�PB������р�{���ptT 0��12i��6Y��]�>C5�����f�@ .���0�����W׆8Bø�� 3���~~��Db���IXE���Þ x�\�ʶ~=������˪���gE���±R��L�0��Y�fK{ B��|U��]���� k��~l'�m�n������2�L����'O� �YuS���1j�d� ��+�i�X��GF�ִ�/ړ�5������}->����*���8��QL��Nac:n��Ǩ���4I��H�V���v�2�r��5�uf,a��1��9\0k�&pa(3�a����#5�Ҧ!��h�o8x ���!��Gr�! h��Vmo�6�+�����.E ��I�85"gf��j3�0Y�$&u���(�q�&h�3 ��;�=w�s"W�E�+�8�8J&Ɋ)�kJ3%8��FY�c�cf��1a&���Y��5g��uM��4* �8Q�۠�LD�� Z�������{����+��_k�3��Q�\V��\�t:�������ק�0�J�����V�l�)�L�(wŪ�/NO�tXU�#��m���j� << /S /GoTo /D (section*.10) >> (-- relatively) /Length 2306 32 0 obj 69 0 obj
In many areas light pollution has become an important aspect of both planning and design. endobj endobj In. Four different reasons for this lack of recognition are discussed: recognized unawareness, false awareness, deliberate unawareness and concealed awareness.
i I&0�$�2�2i�70�p��(S6# - Reducing light pollution across.
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Given the dramatic increase in artificial light at night (0 -20% per year, depending on geographic region), we see an urgent need for light pollution policies that go beyond energy efficiency to include human well-being, the structure and functioning of ecosystems, and inter-related socioeconomic consequences. Developing lighting strategies that minimize adverse ecological impacts while balancing the often conflicting requirements of light for human utility, comfort and safety, aesthetic concerns, energy consumption and carbon emission reduction constitute significant future challenges. We will see that by employing some simple solutions, using today's technology, the effects of light pollution can be brought under control. Unawareness in enviro, Navara, K. J., & Nelson, R. J. 17 0 obj >> Bilthoven, Netherlands. Neighborhoods are becoming more sensitive to the stray light that is being directed towards their property and windows.
Artificial light at night is increasing globally by about two per cent per year1. The fast growth of the night sky brightness due to light pollution not only is damaging the perception of the starry sky but it is silently altering even the perception of the moonlight nights by mankind. endobj Lightpollution.it. endstream endobj startxref Knowledge is also urgently needed on suitable lighting technologies and concepts which are ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable. endobj 21 0 obj �"[������ԎS��w���{���������������A��p��]a��� S*b�7o��d����.P�?����&~�/��������.$�>0T��W%%$j�+�V��(�4��$M�8L��x����|�� 40 0 obj 60 0 obj (-- with special regard to the physiology of vision)
endobj Re, Sources of Knowledge Forum: Dark Skies, Br, (Research Report No. This concern is most often focused on the encroachment of artificial light into previously unlit areas of the night-time environment, but changes in the spectral composition, duration and spatial pattern of light are also recognized as having ecological effects.
(-- doubly relatively) endobj It has been estimated by some researchers that up to 50% of all light pollution may be the result of roadway lighting. 158 0 obj <>stream endobj
However, as both lighting technology and understanding of its ecological effects develop, there is potential to identify adaptive solutions that resolve these conflicts. Environmental impacts resulting from transportation infrastructures have been the subject of research for many years. The current paper utilizes unique remote sensing data and economic data from the World Bank to quantify the economic causes of light pollution globally. << /S /GoTo /D [70 0 R /Fit ] >> H�|T{PSW�H�����ͱ��ZW��������R��^�@��B�5��$Eޏy�Z� �*��JǴ��7��XB�KX� (Outdoor) Light pollution is the alteration of light levels in the outdoor environ-ment (from those present naturally) due to man-made sources of light. [RneJkQ lv�D. Synthesis and applications. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. Reducing the trespass of lighting will maintain heterogeneity even in otherwise well-lit areas, providing dark refuges that mobile animals can exploit. endobj