When excess nitrogen from fertiliser was released into the air in the form of ammonia, much of it transformed into ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulphate particles. – excessive brightness that causes visual discomfort.
Your News is the place for you to save content to read later from any device. About Another 100% pure New Zealand myth is laid to rest. The national emissions inventory indicates burning wood and coal for home heating was the biggest single source In 2015, making up one quarter of PM10 (particles less than 10 micrometres) and 33 per cent of PM2.5 (particles less than 2.5 micrometres).
By making a donation to one of our museums, you are helping to support our conservation, acquisition and educational programmes as well as the maintenance of our iconic buildings. Donate now or call 04 472 8904 to discuss donating an object. But light pollution in cities meant more than half of us couldn't see the Milky Way. Photo / File, Yet another potential issue was sulphur dioxide emissions from a growing number of ships visiting the country. "We know the health impacts from air pollution can be serious, and those with a pre-existing condition such as asthma are more susceptible.
In her new book, The Human Cosmos, science writer Jo Marchant re-examines the effects that the… Audio, The new LED streetlights being installed in Auckland suburbs are too bright for many people, and University of Auckland PhD candidate Ellery McNaughton wants to figure out how the new lights are… Audio, Gallery, Are your lit up skies affecting the population of insects. Glare is excessive brightness that causes visual discomfort, just like when a car blinds you with its headlights at night. How light pollution hurts bugs. "Technology changes, for example improved wood burners or electric vehicles, will help but we also need to change our behaviours, like getting out of our cars and being careful what we burn. While data indicated vehicles were the single biggest source of human-generated nitrogen oxides in 2015, accounting for 39 per cent, it also showed a slightly decreasing trend in Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Hamilton, Northland, and Wellington between 2004 and 2016. "The report shows that using wood and coal burners to heat homes in winter continues to cause issues in some places," Government Statistician Liz MacPherson said. – bright, confusing and excessive groupings of light sources. Vehicle emissions contributed to poor air quality in places, particularly for nitrogen dioxide pollution, which could cause serious health problems. "This report paints a series of separate pictures," said the Ministry for the Environment's deputy secretary, Amanda Moran. International studies show that air pollution can affect people's health in many ways. Although localised in nature, methyl bromide has been linked to impacts on human health and was recognised as an ozone-depleting chemical that had been phased out by most other countries over the past 15 years. There was increasing evidence for health effects from ultrafine particulate matter - that smaller than 0.1 micrometres - which came mainly from vehicle emissions, but also home heating and forest fires. While air quality was good in most places and at most times of the year, in cooler months, emissions from home heating could raise to levels of human-made source of particles suspended in the air, or particulate matter (PM), above standards and guidelines. Some stars will blend into the background and become indistinguishable.
An international team of scientists have created The New World Atlas of Artificial Night… Audio, Gallery, Twizel residents are becoming increasingly frustrated over bright street lights in a new subdivision which are affecting the region's natural starlight spectacular. Join us on a Citizen Science project where we measure light pollution in Wellington and take action to darken our skies. Download. Their small size also allowed them to cross into the bloodstream where they could be transported throughout the body, resulting in very different health impacts from larger particles, even causing cellular and genetic damage. Because soils in New Zealand tend to be naturally low in nitrogen, even small increases have the potential to harm biodiversity and ecosystems. The report further singled out ammonia, brought about by farming intensification. Whether you’re looking to buy or rent, OneRoof.co.nz has everything you need to find your dream home. Because ozone was formed through other air pollutants reacting in the presence of sunlight and warmth, an increase in temperature with a warmer climate would speed up the chemical reactions that form ozone and lead to increased concentrations. Data from monitoring sites indicate air quality is poorer in autumn and winter when temperatures were cooler.
– light falling where it is not intended or needed. In 2016, there were 13 users of methyl bromide in New Zealand - the highest reported use was 319.6 tons at Northport – Marsden, which was 31 per cent more than it used in 2012. Source of List of Lights general information. Based on estimates from satellite data in 2014, 74 per cent of the North Island and 93 per cent of the South Island had night skies that were either pristine or only degraded by light pollution near the horizon. But relative improvements in air pollution effects appeared to be largely due to more people living in areas with lower PM10, such as Auckland, rather than a drop in PM10. On the go and no time to finish that story right now? From 2007 to 2016, 79 per cent of instances when PM10 and PM2.5 were higher than guidelines occurred during winter. This was especially the case when weather and landscape helped PM to build up. Warming our homes in winter with wood and coal, and the fumes we pump from our cars, remain the biggest threats to New Zealand's air quality. But a new report out today shows pollution levels have been dropping in many areas. Skyglow is the brightening of the night sky over inhabited areas, which reduces the contrast of stars or other celestial objects against the dark sky background. The idea that the lunar cycle can influence our behaviour and wellbeing dates back thousands of years. Light pollution is caused by three factors: light shining upwards and bouncing off clouds and particles in the atmosphere, direct glare, and indirect reflection off surfaces. But light pollution in cities meant more than half of us couldn't see the Milky Way. Join our e-mailing list and receive regular updates on news, events and special offers.