Bereits in den Anfängen des Wrestling wurde der Begriff als Synonym für das „Schützen der Geschäftsgeheimnisse“ verwendet. However, more than once, kayfabe romantic relationships have resulted either from a real-life relationsh… Various sources have suggested different origins for the term kayfabe, but the actual origin is not known with certainty.
Pro wrestling can trace some of its stylistic origins back to carnivals and Catch Wrestling, where the term \"kayfabe\" is thought to have originated as carny slang for \"protecting the secrets of the business.\" The term \"kayfabe\" itself may ultimately originate from the Pig Latin form of \"fake\" (\"ake-fay\") or the phrase \"be fake.\"Kayfabe may also derive from another trick used by traveling carnival workers. Another theory claims that there actually was a wrestler called "Kay Fabian" who was mute. The word's origins are unknown, but it is also seeing increased use outside the world of wrestling, alluding to politics and tricks in general. Another theory suggests that the term derives from the expression "keep cavey", from the Latinverb cave… In the world of professional wrestling, 'kayfabe' is a word used to describe staged performances and the act of maintaining the illusion outside the ring. Very often, both participants have other real-life relationships, and the "relationship" between the two is simply a storyline. One theory suggests that it was derived from a word manipulation of the term "be fake" (à la pig latin and other argots), designed to conceal the true meaning. One explanation interprets the word as an alteration of ‘be fake’ written backwards, while the -ay- element is typical of the way in which words are formed in pig Latin. Many storylines make use of kayfabe romantic relationships between two performers. be fake als Ursprung dienten. 1980s origin uncertain; often said to have arisen in American travelling carnivals. Man geht davon aus, dass der Terminus „Kayfabe“ aus dem Pig Latin, einer im Englischen gebräuchlichen Spielsprache stammt, wobei die Begriffe fake (falsch, erfunden) bzw. Neither claim has ever been substantiated. In professional wrestling, kayfabe (pronounced KAY-fayb; IPA: Template:IPA) refers to the portrayal of events within the industry as real, that is the portrayal of professional wrestling as not staged or worked.Referring to events as kayfabe means that they are worked events, and/or part of a wrestling storyline.