Because of this, it has the ability to easily influence matchup at the cost of coverage, an issue that should be addressed when building with it. Overview A strong ability in Parental Bond synergizes well with Seismic Toss to boost Mega Kangaskhan 's damage to acceptable levels, as well as granting it decent utility through amplifying secondary effects. Its stats are an indication of its great balance, as it has enough power to get past multiple foes and enough Speed to outpace the ever-dangerous Sawk and many other common threats in NU while having a great bulk that allows it to take a multitude of hits. Its stats are an indication of its great balance, as it has enough power to get past multiple foes and enough Speed to outpace the ever-dangerous Sawk and many other common threats in NU while having a great bulk that allows it to take a multitude of hits. Overview Kangaskhan is an example of a Pokemon that has several advantageous traits. Overview Kangaskhan is an example of a Pokemon that has several advantageous traits.

Overview A strong ability in Parental Bond synergizes well with Seismic Toss to boost Mega Kangaskhan 's damage to acceptable levels, as well as granting it decent utility through amplifying secondary effects. Overview Mega Kangaskhan 's decent base 100 Speed tier combined with a wide movepool that gives it the ability to run a multitude of sets allows it to put pressure on offensive and defensive teams alike.

Overall, Kangaskhan is a cool and underrated Pokemon; this female kangaroo definitely meshes well in the UU tier. While she doesn't exactly have a jaw-dropping Attack stat like most physical sweepers do, Kangaskhan's stand-out features as a sweeper somewhat compensate for this.