Here's the first of the five Joe Temperley videos that someone mentioned.
Smithsonian Institution, (Frank Stewart for Jazz at Lincoln Center).
View Full Version : Looking for Best Bari Sax Big Band Mouthpiece. “That has always been my prime motivation for playing music, for playing jazz.”. Most other mouthpiece brands have a particular characteristic and the only real variation is in the facing (examples: Link, Meyer, Vandoren).
People from the Ellington band. tenor sax setup horn - selmer mark vii. I still prefer a boomie sound rather than cutting for bari. In these Joe is playing a Selmer setup, mouthpiece and horn, while most of us are more accustomed to hearing him on a Conn with Link. “And invited me into the Duke Ellington Orchestra.”. Then he comes back to the hotel, changes his clothes, jumps in a taxi, and goes out to find somewhere he can play.
I ask Temperley if his ability to play, and improvise, has changed with age. Joe Glaysher April 14, 2019 I play a Pan American (unknown date, but it has a forked Eb) and my student has a 1954 Martin.
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Pictures. ishimori silver neck screw. Nero, History's Most Despised Emperor, Gets a Makeover. “He a beautiful man. But JLCO plays different concerts every night. Terms of Use He sounds like Joe. Brilhart tonalin for bari- what's it worth? And it's not just about music. in 2005.
His approach is timeless. Autographs. If Joe had a tremor, or arthritis, that would make it very difficult to play the keys.” There’s also vision: reading a complex score, in low stage lighting, can be an effort—not to mention holding a 20-pound instrument hours at a time. “Well,” he laughs, “I'm a lot better now than I was 40 years ago!”, “Is anything about the saxophone more difficult for you now?”, “Just carrying it,” Joe shrugs. Clarinet Buffet R13, or Rossi, or Selmer (depending on my musical environment) Mouthpiece – Vandoren B45 Lyre, B40-13 or Richard Hawkins
Oh, and I'm just a hobbyist, not a pro like some others listing here.
Just wondering but I will go give it a try thank you. I had the shanks of 2 mouthpieces extended – a Rico Metallite and a Greg Wier – and got on with life in general. The Selmers are OK but I would go a bit more open to avoid stuffy.
Keep up-to-date on: © 2020 Smithsonian Magazine. They stayed at the Bryant Hotel, and—after a short stint selling transistor radios at a department store—Joe went to work with Woody Herman’s band. From the doorman to the president, he's the same with everybody.”. Cookie Policy OK, that sounds more typical. “The rest is easy.”, Continue But even stock, it's a great all around mouthpiece, in my opinion.
The 15 band members sit on cushioned chairs, arranged in rows on a broad maple floor: saxes in front, trombones in the middle, trumpets (including Marsalis) in back. “Joe is one of the greatest baritone saxophone players that ever lived, the biggest sound that you ever want to hear,” says Sherman Irby. Monday night was a big social scene, and some marvelous people came down there.”, There were two watersheds in Temperley’s New York career.
“And their difficulty.”. A big band sax section is not like a concert band sax section. He sounds like Joe. Joe Temperley had a very nice soprano sound too.
Born in the mining community of Lochgelly, Scotland in 1929, Temperley is not quite the oldest professional saxophone player in America. Does anybody know anything about Joe Temperley's setup? After more than 20 years, the admiration is mutual. Tim Sullivan was playing a Metallite, and I think it was a 5. It's like a warm voice.”, “Joe’s sound represents the history of jazz music,” agrees Victor Goines, a tenor sax player who’s been with JLCO nearly as long as Joe. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer! On December 16, 1965, Temperley (with his first wife and their son) arrived in New York aboard the Queen Mary.
Hey All! Use a soft enough reed that the sound is easy to get going. Alice Temperley famously designed Pippa Middleton's emerald green gowns for the Duchess of Cambridge's wedding reception in 2011. Can Scientists Stop the Plague of the Spotted Lanternfly? I think your strategy is sound. BUT, that isn't the point of this thread. We use data about you for a number of purposes explained in the links below. “There!
I used a Rico Metallite for years in my big band, and it fits really well.
I have found the some of the low priced Rico Graftonites are quite good on tenor and similar to the Links but I haven't tried one for bari.
“A couple of weeks later, Mercer called me,” says Joe.
What’s it like, I wonder, to work alongside one of the greatest musical minds in America? After eight years in England, playing with Humphrey Lyttelton’s band, he was primed for a change. “The Ellington Orchestra used to do that. We play a few tunes from the Essentially Ellington Library, as well as arranged versions based off of original recordings. I have a SR Tech Pro metal bari mpc which is a great piece, but it wasn't inexpensive. There was a lot of recording going on, and every hotel had a band with a cabaret.”, At this point, Joe was working with the Thad Jones and Mel Lewis Jazz Orchestra. “Yeah. Mark VI (previously owned by Joe Temperley) or Yanagisawa from the 1980s (Vito Stencil) Mouthpiece – Bari 66, or Selmer E Reeds – D’addario Jazz Select or Royal Ligature – Selmer or Vandoren. It was written by musician Sherman Irby, who’s also conducting.
My own current favorite for a big band section is a V16.
So unless you know the exact model someone is playing, you can't really try to simulate it. “Did you ever play with Louis Armstrong?”, “Not with him,” Joe admits. By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of data and cookies. “We're on the road six, seven, maybe eight months per year. Joe Temperley, 82, lifts his heavy baritone sax with the weightless ease of an elephant raising its trunk.
), Perdido, etc.)
“My main influence was—and still is—the Duke Ellington Orchestra,” says Joe. From that point on, Joe was on his own. ligature - ishimori solid silver. Aside from his prowess behind the instrument, Temperley’s physical endurance has become the stuff of legend. Though Temperley left Ellington in 1984, he kept coming back—to tour Japan, and perform for two years in the Broadway run of Sophisticated Ladies.
The mouthpieces I like are hard to play on the palm keys.
Drums, an acoustic bass and grand piano stand to the side. “We have a special thing—but everybody has a special thing with Wynton.
That motivated me to give up my life in the UK and move to the United States.”.
We played the Village Vanguard every Monday.” The stream of musicians who sat in were the lifeblood of late 1960s jazz. We play a wide variety of tunes from Maynard to Spyro Gyra. Temperley left home at 17 and found work in a Glasgow nightclub. I'm a High School Bari sax player that plays in a Big Band and a Combo. Here's the first of the five Joe Temperley videos that someone mentioned. I just would not skew the mouthpiece selection towards a vintage sound concept if you are playing a significant amount of modern jazz rock charts. Temperley’s West Side apartment is small but inviting, decorated with posters from past gigs and framed photos of Temperley with family and friends (including Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton).
Tim Sullivan was playing a Metallite, and I think it was a 5. That’s it. And Charlie Mingus, André Previn, Bill Evans.
I would stick with the SR Tech but don't use the same reed strength on it as you use on your C*. The two chairs that drive it are lead alto and baritone.
There have been many fine suggestions here but I must say, to any high school student, that you shouldn't spend too much money on a high-end, bespoke mouthpiece, until you've got the proverbial "10k hours" in on your horn. And he's the center of our band.”. He's always warming up. Very closed.
I really like the Otto Link Tone Edge. “It was, you know, a dream band.
Some people did “The Tonight Show, some people did Dick Cavett. There’s no doubt that Marsalis, one of the world’s most gifted jazz trumpeters, is the creative engine of this band. Thanks guys. About.
Certainly all of the others mentioned are nice too. I've been playing a Vandoren V16 for while, which is fantastic, but just ordered an RPC 110B as I want a bit more bite.
Irby points at him with the fingers of both hands.
I will look into these, thank you.
You don't need to be concerned right now about what Harry Carney and Gerry Mulligan played.