Hi Mike, definitely not! I always do pretty good on the Bench Press and Squats.
Required fields are marked *. This helped him prep for wearing a heavy suit of armor and running around the deserts of Morocco in the movie.
Based on the popular video game, which follows an adventurous prince who teams up with a rival princess to stop an angry ruler from unleashing a sandstorm that could destroy the world, Gyllenhaal embarked a training programme to add size and strength to his frame, all under the watchful eye of personal trainer Simon Waterson (simonwaterson.com). like 3 days straight and weight lifting. If you find pushups to be challenging then yes, otherwise you will need the weight of bench press to push you to the next level. studied Health Sciences at the Open University, specializing in Nutrition, Obesity, Diabetes, and COPD, and also has a BSc. The workout routine should not be same for long duration. When it came to boxing training, Jake knew it was important to constantly push himself as he became fitter. Jake’s personal trainer for Prince of Persia was Simon Waterson who is the former Royal Marine that has worked with Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig on the James Bond films. The star who revived his career with the movie The Wrestler boasts a great physique for his age. Speaking ... Daniel Craig’s workout routine focuses on a comprehensive training routine that works out his entire body. I am aiming for the body jake has.:). Here you will find articles and advice on getting fit, weight training, diet and nutrition, all of which can aid weight loss. A good formula for building muscle is to eat around 2g of protein per kilogram of bodyweight, and drink lots of water throughout the day.’ 4.45am Pre-workout snack:Espresso and banana, 7am Post-workout breakfast:Egg white omelette on rye bread, 11am Mid-morning snack:Apple or banana and handful of almonds and raisins, 1pm Lunch:Two chicken breasts with a huge salad of avocado, broccoli and other dark green leaves and veg, 7pm Dinner:Steak with steamed veg or grilled chicken with couscous.
Yoga Retreats – The Best Yoga Destinations. Followed by…. Coachmag™ is a registered trade mark. He has been researching and writing on fitness, diet and health since 2006, and has published an eBook, The Low GI Diet Plan. Your email address will not be published. Get warrior abs‘We did a lot of core work to build the stability Jake needed to wield a sword,’ explains Waterson. Enjoy! “We had to build a functional, strong and agile physique capable of dealing with a huge workload and stresses,” says Waterson. The combination of compound strength training and cardio helped Jake Gyllenhaal transform his body quickly. It’s important to eat every few hours of the day to ensure your body is getting adequate nutrients throughout the day. ‘This involved a high number of reps to help build muscular strength and endurance.’ On the right you'll find a tweaked version of one of the workouts Gyllenhaal regularly did for Prince of Persia. As a result, Waterson and Gyllenhaal cut back to 45-minute sessions six days a week during production with a 50-50 cardio/resistance training split. But here’s my situation: in six months, I have a main role in a play that requires me to be shirtless about 80 percent of the time. Keep up the good work! All Rights Reserved. The two literally worked out together during “Persia” pre-production with a “two-a-day”, dual cardio and resistance training routine: Early morning: 90-minute outdoor cardio workout while wearing a 20lb flak jacket to simulate the weight of armor: Evening: One hour of plyometric circuit training: Five (5) exercises done five times apiece, i.e. For more celebrity workouts, subscribe to Men's Fitness, we'll give you five issues for £5. Jake’s personal trainer for Prince of Persia was Simon Waterson who is the former Royal Marine that has worked with Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig on the James Bond films. Gyllenhaal's typical day included an 8-mile run first thing the morning, followed by sparring, followed by a 30-minute rest break and a bodyweight and core workout. (Im 15 by the way) So would it like mess up the muscle builiding workout if i were to switch it to bike riding?
In the evening he would do one hour of specific resistance training including pull ups, press ups, core exercises and plenty of stretching. Before i broke my ankle i used to run alot. Afternoon Session. He practiced landings and focused on cardio workouts prior to starting the real parkour routine. Posted by Sam | Sep 17, 2018 | Workouts | 30. Or would it over train any muscles if I did do that? Post workout breakfast: Omelette and protein shake to help with muscle repair.
Attempt 3 sets of 10-12 reps or 4 sets 6-8 reps with heavy weights (first set is a warm-up set) if you want to match Jake’s level of muscle mass. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Exercise Ball Ab Crunch – Exercise of the Week. Bent Over Low-Pulley Lateral Extensions ( refer to photo here ) Barbell Lunges ( refer to photo here ) Hanstand Push Ups ( refer to photo here ) One Leg Barbell Squats ( refer to photo here ) Front Cable Raises ( refer to photo here ) Plie Dumbbell Squats ( refer to photo here ) Dumbbell Step Ups ( refer to photo here ). Gyllenhaal also did repeating 10 minute uphill sprints followed by ab and stretching exercises.
And i never see results in my arms.
“By packing exercises together rather than splitting them up you’re hitting all the bases at once: cardio, muscle and movement,” says Waterson. A consistent and regular workout for 30-40 minutes is more effective than long workouts which are irregular. Jake’s movie career started in 1991 with City Slickers and has included the cult movie Donnie Darko, action blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow and most famously Broke Back Mountain. Cool? As you can see, the pre-production “Prince of Persia” workout was strictly short-term, since this level of activity can easily lead to overtraining and burnout during actual filming. That’s one rep. Form Using a narrow grip, do half a pull-up (raising your eyes to the level of the bar rather than your chest). In the morning, he would put on a 20 pound flak jacket and run around the park and in the sand for about a half hour. I know this is article is over a year old. All Rights Reserved. Whey protein and glutamine every day but the other two on your workout days. Thanks for bringing that to my attention, my programmer found the error and has fixed it. I don’t look like the Prince of Persia and this article re-inforces to me why I don’t (and makes me feel good about it, oddly).
He is still in great shape, although refused to take his shirt off. The secret behind Jake Gyllenhaal’s workout routine were the plyometric exercises he performed each day. This really builds up true strength, flexibility, and balance that you can’t otherwise find in a typical gym. He has been researching and writing on fitness, diet and health since 2006, and has published an eBook. So here we present Jake Gyllenhaal’s workout routine! Turbulence Training Review – Can Craig Ballantyne Help You Burn Fat? In preparation for the film, he would workout twice a day. Being an action hero is hard work. Hi.
None of these roles required him to be a muscle bound action star. Your diet still needs to be lean and calorie controlled to ensure that you provide your muscles with the fuel they need without giving your fat reserves a boost. Wake up at 5.30am and eat a banana and some nuts and drink a strong black coffee. Yes, but you can do it in intervals, a good rate to aim for is starting around 6.0mph. For several months before shooting Prince of Persia Jake worked out 3 times a day, 6 days a week.
Copyright © Dennis Publishing Limited 2020. It was arduous but i did it. For fast and flexible athletic muscle, simply make like Jake…, These five-move combinations should be completed consecutively four times over. Therefore, he needed to train and fight like a battle warrior as portrayed in the movie. Jake Gyllenhaal was already a Hollywood A-lister, respected for his acting talent and background before “Prince of Persia” came along. Photography: Andrew Cooper, SMPSP, © Disney Enterprises, Inc and Jerry Bruckheimer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your email address will not be published. If i could switch it to like 10 miles on a bike or something. Mickey Rourke has always worked hard in ... Gyllenhaal's uphill sprints and constant ab exercises really helped build up this body for his role in the movie Prince of Persia. Just seeing Gyllenhaal’s body with his shirt off showed how effective his training was for the movie. prince of persia workout The routine Waterson developed for Gyllenhaal may seem hard core, but it can be adapted for you. Gyllenhaal’s diet would consist of eating six times a day- three meals and three snacks, all of which contained the proper nutrients. Jake has a rigorous workout routine and therefore, below is the preview of the same. My current supplements include whey, glutamine, creatine, and CLA. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io, 2 Exercises to Help Increase Your Forearm Strength, Nail the 3 Big Lifts with Our Powerlifting Guide, The Rapid Rise of Blood Flow Restriction Training, What Happened When This Guy Bulked for 42 Days, Try These 2 Exercises to Grow Your Biceps, Build Bigger Arms at Home with Tricep Dips, 10 of the Best Exercises for Geting Six-Pack Abs, 10 Best Back Exercises For Building Muscle, Men's Health, Part of the Hearst UK Wellbeing Network.