it was forbidden under penalty of death to demolish crosses and images and to commit other acts of scandal and impious sedition. 5 Euripides makes Pentheus (but he was notoriously impious) advance a " rationalistic " theory of the story that Dionysus was stitched up in the thigh of Zeus. , Their impious attitude towards all organized religion left them with a poor reputation. , In an effort to show his distaste for the church, he performed the impious act of burning bibles. 4. His lack of protocol in the church caused him to gain a reputation for being impious. First (as Arnobius and Eusebius reminded their heathen opponents), the allegorical explanations are purely arbitrary, depend upon the fancy of their author, and are all equally plausible and equally unsupported by evidence.6 Secondly, there is no proof at all that, in the distant age when the myths were developed, men entertained the moral notions and physical philosophies which are supposed to be " wrapped up, " as Cicero says, " in impious fables.". Definition of Impious. 20.
He there speaks very briefly and slightingly of life insurance, probably because it was then regarded as impious by religionists of his complexion. See more. And you can say that this place is a foul imposture; this holy image an impious … Impious definition, not pious or religious; lacking reverence for God, religious practices, etc. Change was popularly associated with the impious ways of foreign heretics. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. , Disagreeing with someone’s faith does not mean you have to be impious towards them. All Rights Reserved. Definition of impious. , Just because you are an atheist does not mean you have to be impious. Almost immediately the entire assembly with one voice cried out anathema on the impious Nestorius and his impious doctrines, and after various extracts from the writings of church fathers had been read the decree of his exclusion from the episcopate and from all priestly communion was solemnly read and signed by all present, whose numbers had by this time swelled to one hundred and ninety-eight. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'impious.' Anna Pavlovna waited for him to go on, but as he seemed quite decided to say no more she began to tell of how at Potsdam the impious Bonaparte had stolen the sword of Frederick the Great.
Zwingli, who details these articles, as he says, that the world may see that they are "fanatical, stolid, audacious, impious," can scarcely be acquitted of unfairness in joining together two of them, - the fourth and fifth, - thus making the article treat "of the avoiding of abominable pastors in the church" (Super devitatione abominabilium pastorum in Ecclesia), though there is nothing about pastors in the fourth article, and nothing about abominations in the fifth, and though in a marginal note he himself explains that the first two copies that were sent him read as he does, but the other copies make two articles, as in fact they evidently are. at Florence; and Humanists, like Erasmus, Ludovicus Vives and Nizolius, enamoured of the popular philo sophy of Cicero and Quintilian, poured out the vials of their contempt on scholastic barbarism with its " impious and thriceaccursed Averroes.". The ideas of universal monarchy and of indivisible Christendom, incorporated in the Holy Roman Empire and the Roman Church, had so far lost their hold that scope was offered for the introduction of new theories both of state and church which would have seemed visionary or impious to the medieval mind. We are not told, however, that Etana had the impious desire of Ezekiel's first man, and if he fell, it was through his own timidity (contrast Ezek. : not pious : lacking in reverence or proper respect (as for God or one's parents) : irreverent. What made you want to look up impious? Sallustius was suspected of holding somewhat impious opinions regarding the gods. pretencesting grace, He was given up to impious law without show of mercy or pretense of justice. " Just because you are an atheist does not mean you have to be impious.
In the state the Tory inherited the ideas of Clarendon, and, without being at all ready to abandon the claims of parliaments, nevertheless somewhat inconsistently spoke of the king as ruling by a divine and indefeasible title, and wielding a power which it was both impious and unconstitutional to resist by force.
But the impious project was, by divine interposition, checked. They do not represent the opinions of The soldiers are denounced as impious by the terrorist group and shot one by one in the back of the head. impious, pure war as absolute idolatry threatens humanity. In the Second Apology also there is a passage which seems mutilated or misplaced, in which he declares himself to have " despised the impious and misleading teaching of the Simonians in his own nation " (Apo'. This is so impious and abominable that I can never forgive him for it . Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). , Even if you disagree so strongly, that sort of behavior is simply impious. 2. Impious in a sentence 1. The other Gulf Arab countries — the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Bahrain — had also eased restrictions at the onset of Ramadan, an especially social month when pious and, It is dominated by a single voice: Ms. Nixon’s, reciting stanzas instead of voice-over narration and cracking impish, sometimes, Post the Definition of impious to Facebook, Share the Definition of impious on Twitter, 9 Pairs of Words That Look the Same But Different. The pious Nosairi takes his rank among the stars, but the body of the impious undergoes many transformations. Because the new president was once a military commander, he has a great deal of experience being an impetus for change. lacking reverence or respect, especially towards a god, His lack of protocol in the church caused him to gain a reputation for being impious. ; irreligious; ungodly. Hatred of these impious foreigners, of which there is some trace in more than one text, aroused amongst the Egyptians (as nothing ever did before or since) that martial spirit which carried the armies of Tethmosis to the Euphrates. 6. Their hands were cleaner but their thoughts were more impious , for they pretended to divine inspiration. In fact, they had in many respects reached the very highest moral elevation attained by the ancient world; they were just, humane, benevolent, and spiritually-minded; the sick and aged were the objects of a special affectionate regard; and they condemned slavery, not only as an injustice, but as an impious violation of the natural brotherhood of men (Philo ii. Examples of Impious in a sentence. 0. Send us feedback. See the full definition for impious in the English Language Learners Dictionary, Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for impious, Nglish: Translation of impious for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of impious for Arabic Speakers.
His theory of the state, despite Grotius and Jurieu, rejected as odious and even impious the notion of any popular rights, anterior and superior to his own. , There is a difference between tasteful criticism of the church and downright impious insults.
Another Ahab is known only as an impious prophet in the time of the Babylonian exile (Jer.
It would be impious to strew our mother's bones along the way. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. In that case it would be impious to consult the Oracle. Impious sentence examples.
Delivered to your inbox! Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. Impious sinners, or enemies of the community and its god, might be devoted to utter destruction. Do you not recollect that there was one idea which made the impious impious, and the pious pious? “Impious.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). The manner in which it was thus executed may have been sufficient security that its stipulations were not impious or illegal. Sentence Examples Religious revivals may occur from time to time, particularly when the relatively impious find that their cultural identity under attack. Ramsey, so shamefully plundered and denuded by impious villains? Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Examples of Impetus in a sentence The high crime rate was the impetus for the hiring of one hundred new police officers in our city. Learn a new word every day. 3.
According to the testimony of Athanasius of Alexandria, the hermit Anthony decided that it should be held to be unlawful and impious to leave the bodies of the martyrs unburied (Vita Ant.