What can we learn from terrestrial commons, such as fisheries, to manage our orbital commons?

Content for the schedule is being developed. For more info, please contact IASC President-Elect Marco Janssen or the IASC-Secretariat, Former council members and support staff members, Become an IASC Early Career Network Member, Download the call with all details here (Wordfile), International Association for the Study of the Commons. webmaster.iasc@gmail.com, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Platinum, Gold, and Silver sponsors will have their logo on the conference website, the size depending on the level of Sponsorship. What are the implications of this perspective, as well as the increasing participation of private actors in space exploration? A session consists of at least four 10 minutes video presentations and has their designated space on the conference website. The benefits of hosting these conferences for your organization include an expanded network of both global and regional commons scholars, substantial organizational capacity building, and a major opportunity to place a spotlight on the needs of people dependent on commons in your region. Three days packed with prerecorded sessions and live events. The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT2020) will take place at the University of Bologna, Italy, 25-28 August 2020. The conference is sponsored by the European Regional Section of the IASC, and is hosted and organized by the Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Bologna. If you are not an IASC member, you can easily register. The benefits of hosting these conferences for your organization include an expanded network of […] All conference material will be available to IASC members after the conference. The duration of the webinar is 1 hour. As a virtual conference within a series of conferences organized by the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC), we will facilitate a discussion between space scholars and scholars studying more traditional commons. Dependent on sponsoring, waivers are available for early-career scholars and practitioners from the global south. We are seeking sponsors to cover the costs of organizing the conference and fund IASC memberships for students and colleagues in the global south. : $120, which covers a membership for one participant for four years. Sustainable development of space – what are concepts that could be used to promote sustainability? . The new website is http://www.compstat2021.org. All conference material will be available to IASC members after the conference.

Date: Friday, April 9th, 2021 . We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this. The satellite meeting, CSDA & EcoSta Workshop on Statistical Data Science (SDS 2020), is also postponed to 1-2 September 2021. IASC members pay 10 dollars to attend the virtual conference live. Download the call with all details here (Wordfile). The topic of outer space as global commons received a boost of attention by the April 2020 Executive Order of President Donald J Trump, declaring that outer space should not be viewed as a global commons. Non-IASC members can attend the conference for a fee of 50 dollars. Participants asynchronously interact with the presenter on the presentation in the comment section. If you have inquiries about sponsorships, please contact Marco.Janssen@asu.edu. Date/Time

ASSW 2021 will be held in Lisboa, Portugal on 20-26 March 2021. Hosting the IASC 18th Biennial Conference in 2021 . IASC Webinar “Capacity Building for Statistician ... IASC sponsors the 8th International Conference on Parti... IASC – LARS Webinar on Computational Statistics and Data Science, The 3rd LARS School on Computational Statistics and Data Science 2021, The 5th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2021), The III International School on Classification and Data Analysis, Data Science, Statistics, and Visualisation (DSSV-2021), The 12th Conference of the IASC-ARS (IASC-ARS2022), The 13th Conference of the IASC-ARS (IASC-ARS2023). We consider the following level of Sponsorships: Bronze sponsor: $120, which covers a membership for one participant for four years. Schedule. Memphis, TN 38120 The International Association of Sickle Cell Nurses and Professional Associates (IASCNAPA) Sickle Cell Conference: Treating the Whole Person scheduled for 4/17/2020 is cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns. This will inlcude science community and business meetings, a cultural day, and a science symposium with the theme, "The Arctic: Regional Change, Global Impacts." Attend the entire conference safely from home. Unlocking space benefit: defining different types of values of the space sector and how to measure impacts, The UN Sustainable Development Goals and the commons of space, How to manage the cultural and scientific heritage of space exploration. Space, the final frontier of governing the commonsHow to manage our space junk?

The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics will take place at the University of Bologna, Italy, 29-31 August 2021. Program. And what can commons scholars, working on local and regional scales, learn from space commons that face governance on a scale beyond planet Earth? Interested? If you are not an IASC member, you can easily register here.

939 Ridge Lake Blvd. The International Arctic Science Committee, is a non governmental organisation that aims to encourage, facilitate and promote cooperation in all aspects of arctic research in all countries engaged in arctic research and in all areas of the arctic region. Mining of celestial bodies – What are the possible governance arrangements, and what can we learn on governance from mining on planet Earth? The International Association for the Study of the Commons  © 2020 All Rights Reserved, Launching new directions of commons scholarship, Space, the final frontier of governing the commons, This virtual conference is accessible for small fees to cover the costs of the implementation of the meetings. Launching new directions of commons scholarshipIs Outerspace a global commons? The tutorial, invited, organized and contributed sessions will take place in parallel. Tutorials will be given during the conference. Candidate, Rhodes University, South Africa. IASCL Conference has been postponed until Summer 2021. How do we create a fair use of the benefits of knowledge and innovations due to space research?

The future of space governance – If outer space is a global commons, how can the international framework deal with the increasing diversity of actors? For questions about this conference please send an email to Marco Janssen at marco.janssen@asu.edu. Date(s) - 25/08/2020 - 28/08/202012:00 am, Due to the uncertainty caused by the current situation with the COVID-19 outbreak, COMPSTAT 2020 is postponed. We are pleased to announce our call for individual presentations, special sessions, and webinar panel discussions. Tutorials will last about 100 minutes. Place: Hilton Memphis.

Content for the program is being developed. An invited session presentation is about 30 mins, while an organized or contributed session presentation is 20-25 minutes. Access to outcomes of space exploration (for example, access to satellite data and other discoveries, innovations).

If you have inquiries about sponsorships, please contact, Explore other events from the IASC 2021 Virtual Conference Series, The International Association for the Study of the Commons. Dark sky as a global commons – governance of dark skies in the interests of astronomy, wildlife, and dark cities movement. An individual presentation is a pre-recorded 10 minutes video.

Earth orbit use – Governance of orbital environment for use on satellites, spacecraft and telecommunications. Moon governance – how to regulate the use of various types of resources on the Moon in light of recent U.S. developments? The current submissions, registrations and sessions have been moved directly to the new online tools. in Psychology, before completing her Ph.D. from Harvard University in Experimental Psychology in 1974.After five years on the faculty at Harvard, she took a professorship at Smith College where she is now the Sophia and Austin Smith Professor in Psychology and Philosophy. Reasoning by Analogy: Is Space like Antarctica, the High Seas, or Cyberspace? XVII Biennial IASC-Conference (Lima, Peru, July 1-5, 2019) 2nd IASC Workshop ‘Working Together on the Commons’ – Tucson AZ, US, March 7-8, 2019 IASC Virtual Conference 2018 (Online)

This virtual conference is accessible for small fees to cover the costs of the implementation of the meetings. IASC members pay 10 dollars to attend the virtual conference live. Interact with your peers during networking events .