Used with Shaina and Verdehile you can stall all B10 bosses except Lichking, as well as most game modes. Stats Grade ★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★★ Level Min Lv. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. User Comments, Rating by users: 4.23 / 5 based on 354 reviews. Speed here is not the key because is capped and you should try to make her go last in your team. A good team for mid-game player (Raid 3-4 but will work perfectly even in R5 with some replacement) for her should focus the rest of the team on survival and obtainability so you could try: - Xiong Fei (Fire Panda)Obtainable from fusion, he brings 33% defense leader skill, he has a skillset ful of interesting debuff capabilities and is a perfect frontliner, - Dias (Dark Death Knight)Passive damage reducing skill + unrecoverable effect and atk break (frontline), - Lisa, Fire Neostone Agent (backline)Cleanser + cooldown reducer, - Chasun - Wind Sky Dancer (backline)Healer and glancer, - Colleen (backline)Healer + heal blocker and atk breaker. 2) Fully grind all runes with max roll legendary grindstones. By closing this alert, scrolling this page, clicking on a link or continuing navigation in any other way, you consent to the use of cookies. I´d like to use Revenge runes instead of blade but at the moment I cant match the stats with Revenge.
Imho if you want to use her like me go vio with high spd and crit rate. [Automatic Effect], Attacks an enemy 4 times, decreasing the Attack Bar by 30% with a 75% chance for each attack. Progression Guides . You can also rate and review every monster in the game and see which ones are rated the best!

If you are in mid-game feel free to use devilmon for her, you will find her useful even in PvE and PvP late-game. The damage also increases as your Attack Speed increases. Attacks the enemy with a whip, decreasing the enemy's Attack Speed for 2 turns with a 50% chance. Her good damage makes her a common backline unit in Raid teams. 30 Min Lv. So, 1 year into the game, and I still lack a hwa and a chasun. Summoners War Sky Arena Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. (considering 5 to 6 star runes). Bind the action of multiple clicks to a single key (press once). Her good damage makes her a common backline unit in Raid teams. There is no optimal build for everything. Since her first and second skill is Attack speed damage scaling, Swift runes are also a good option. As you can see the only 5 star you need is fusionable, and dias was featured in a Hall of Heroes but if you don't have him he could be replaced by Darion (Light Vagabond) a farmable 3 star monster. – ACC on awakening helps her land debuffs and ATK bar reduction, – Requires high quality runes to make her great. Hwa receives 25% bonus Acc upon awakening, which means you only need 85% - 20% Focus - 25% awakening = 40% Acc sub-stat. © 2016 Summoners War Monsters is a fan site not affiliated with Com2Us. Slot 2 and 4 is always Speed and Atk. In NB10 (and every other floor) attack bar manipulating skills doesn't work so don't espect her to take down 20% of lich king's bar but it is not so important because Hwa brings with her a skillset full of great tool to effectively defeat this boss, her continuos damage is another nice to have effect that can save you lot of time when combined with a good dps rune set. (Reusable in 4 turns), Decreases the enemy's Attack Bar by 25% and strikes again with a 25% chance. Leader Skill: Increases the Critical Rate of ally monsters by 19%. e.g. I run Hwa runes as Vampire + Blade Atk%/CD/Atk% with focus on CR and Acc subs (a little HP% helps). 1) Substat upgrades on +3, +6, +9 and +12. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I run Hwa runes as Vampire + Blade Atk%/CD/Atk% with focus on CR and Acc subs (a little HP% helps). Summoners War is available for free on PC, along with other PC games like Clash Royale, Subway Surfers, Gardenscapes, and Clash of Clans. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. – Passively reduces ATK bar even on glancing Summoners War Best Rune Guide; Core Guides . Youtube Videos Skills Power Ups Buffs and Debuffs Evolution Stats PVP/PVE Ratings Increases the Critical Rate of ally monsters by 19%. An extremely versatile monster. All games: Violent/Revenge - SPD / %Crit damage / %ATT or SPD / %HP / %HP with accuracy substats [...], Yen (Wind Rakshasa) is a good attack monster in Summoners War. Summoners War Best Rune Guide; Core Guides . So, the first skill says that damage increases as speed increases. 0 . If this is too much for you, use Acc slot 6 and remove Focus, changing it to Blade. She is decent for DB10 for the same reason. Guide by: Hao#5174 Teams Violent runes are preferred on most of your units for more turns, except Lushen Verdehile (L) / Fran / Kro / Lushen / Belladeon Verdehile (L)... At you will find guides, tips, rune recommendations and monster ratings that will help you progress in the game. Attacks the enemy 3 times in a row and absorbs the Attack Bar by 20% with each strike.

1! An extremely versatile monster. 35 Min Lv. So now that crits aren't a thing on giants, how does one rune a Hwa to best max for PVE? Slot 2 and 4 is always Speed and Atk. Basically, Violent and whatever else you need making sure you go SPD/ATK%/ACC%. 35 Min Lv. If you get enough ACC% sub stats you can get away from ACC% on 6 and go SPD/ATK%/ATK%. The damage also increases as your Attack Speed increases. – Passive proc is random and unreliable. – Great continuous damage: Skill 1 has a high SPD scaling, passive proc doubles damage Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The damage increases according to Attack Speed.

– CR leader is relevant for all parts of the game Is very important to speed her to scale up the first skill, also we suggest to team her in Arena with someone who keeps enemies attack bar low like Baretta (Sylph Fire) or Hwa (Rakshasa Fire) to maximize the stun effect of her third skill. Keep in mind to use Veromos (Dark Ifrit) as leader and Belladeon (Light Inugami) to stabilize this team.

A monster with 15,000 HP will have its bar reach the end since that's the maximum among all monsters. She is decent for DB10 for the same reason.

Hwa is very good also in Arena offence: her role here is to make significant damage while keep reducing speed and attack bar of a significant threat the enemy can have. For ToaH 45% is enough. •Hwa needs really good runes for her to be effective. Monster Database & Ratings .