Now, when I say fast, I mean fast for a fish, not a speedboat. If you are fishing at dusk or early dawn a noisy lure will be especially productive. Cast out as far as possible. Their natural prey is often unexposed with a strong tide, so it’s a good time to strike. It’s also important to consume them the same day you catch them. For those of you who may not know, a snapper is a baby bluefish. A little extra work never hurt anybody. They also have even been known to cannibalize each other. Although, keep in mind the number-one rule when it comes to bait: fresh is best. We're always looking to improve our articles to help you become an even better fisherman. *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The fireball rig is a commonly used rig for bluefish. You can also use circle hooks with good success. But you can can catch 3 to 5 pounders all day. If you intend to catch bluefish from the surf. You’ll want to head to the beach at a time when the catches are likely to be closer to shore, which means also monitoring the tides. This saltwater species is a very popular game fish and lots of fun to catch.Some Bluefish can be found in the Gulf of of Mexico…

... and temporary “inlets” on the beach made from the surf. For soaking bait, I like a longer 10-12 foot medium heavy rod that’s and capable of casting a heavy payload a great distance.

{"cart_token":"","hash":"","cart_data":""}. They spend their days attacking schools of spearing and killies or mummichogs. The Florida record catch is 22 lbs. Both work great with a moderate to fast retrieve. For casting plugs, a 9 foot medium rod hits a good sweet spot. Use those pliers!See ya,Augustus Clay. The world record is 31 lbs. After choosing your weapon swap out the treble hooks and replace them with a single J-hook; it simplifies removing the hook from that set of rather dangerous teeth. ... and temporary “inlets” on the beach made from the surf.

You can use a fireball rig or a fish finder rig. In most of the Gulf, bluefish are not often specifically targeted, as they’re not nearly as reliable as they are on the Atlantic side. Inshore bluefish are most commonly found along the surf zone. FREE. You will also have to learn the contours of the beach, the tides, and the lure of choice. The combination of salt, water, and oxygen cause corrosion quickly, leaving untreated metal angling equipment weak and damaged after only a few uses in the ocean. Reason being, bluefish have razor sharp teeth and will cut through equipment with ease. or more, are called “chopper“, or “gator” blues. For my rod, I use the Star Rod Stellar Series 7′ graphite medium action spinning rod with a Penn Spinfisher VI 3500 reel. fbq('init', '2045670448804120');

Granted it may take some time before they show up, but when they do, get ready! What’s the best tide or time to fish for spring blues and drum?

Set-ups for bluefish are very similar to that of striped bass. So, how will you pull ’em up through the suds? If you monitor the water temperature along the coastline where you fish you’ll have a pretty good  idea when to expect them to be in the surf. However, it is advised to stay away from casting bucktails, because those razor-sharp teeth cut the hair off in short order leaving you with what only can be described as a very ugly lure. Place either a whole or half of a shiner or killie bait on the hook, toss it out and wait. We’d toss out the line and wait. 75 lb.) My favorite is casting and retrieving lures and poppers. Don’t worry about distance, because often the drum are right in the slough close to beach searching for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. However, they can get rather large in the Northeast, where they regularly catch fish around 15 lbs. In North Carolina, you have a chance at catching a large bluefish in spring, and again in the fall, as the migration occurs. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The truth of the matter is, if bluefish are around, they’re generally not that hard to catch. Twenty pound test line is a safe bet even for the larger species. Simply tie your main line to the barrel swivel, and attach a pyramid sinker to the bottom of each rig. Tie your main line to the swivel, and add a weight to the included snap. Bluefish have an oily flesh that can spoil rapidly, therefore they should be bled by cutting the gills, and properly cooled down immediately.

The good news is that bluefish like these baits as well – yes, even the sand fleas. The reason Gotchas dont work well in the surf is because you cant get the same action out of them in the surf as you can off a pier.....Hopkins ,, Stingsilvers , ... BTW, in order to catch bluefish when they are schooling/blitzing you have to be able to do two, very important things: 1) Throw out a … They are amazing at attracting fish at night and keeping them in the area. ''); 30 to 40 lb test, wire leader, weight, a circle hook, and bunker chunks. I recommend 1.5 to 3 ounces. A standard reel should work fine for bluefish. Bluefish are often found by looking for large schools of bait being thrashed or birds circling and feeding on the bait chased up by the toothy predators. It is known, that bluefish will try to eat just about anything. Chances are you’re going to be going through equipment fairly quickly. In Gulf regions, you can downsize your tackle, as you won’t likely encounter any 10 lb. Although wire will work in some cases, you’ll get more bites by using heavy monofilament instead. Be sure to attach your lure to a heavy leader material. It’s also advisable to use a short piece of wire leader if you want to avoid running back to the tackle store after every outing, because those big blues have a real talent for biting your lure off. Keeping your bait healthy and fresh is super important to attract big fish. If you wish to cast lures, you’ll want lean toward a lighter setup, that won’t wear you out. Blues could be running close to shore, or further out, so you’ll have to try different “zones” to find them.

I don’t know what the proper term for this rig is, perhaps a doodlebug rig? For those of you who aren’t familiar, a leader is material that connects your fishing line to your swivel and hook. Rig up your bobber, leader, sinker, and hook the same way you would with the bamboo rod. You can also go chunking with a surfcasting rod set up. These five tips will help make it happen. They are also strong fighters and will do anything to get away free. Not enough to exhaust the bait, but enough to flush impurities from the tank. It has become a very popular recreational activity because it’s accessible to a wide array of anglers as there is no need for an expensive boat. Heavy leaders are needed because bluefish have very sharp teeth. If all you have available to you are smaller blues, no worries, those are still a blast to catch. Are Sharks Detrimental To Sailfish Survival? My Dad got me hooked on fishing (no pun intended,) and I remember him taking me down to the creek with our bamboo pole and a bag of shiners. Don’t throw hard, but instead, lob the rig out to prevent throwing off the bait. Usually in September, most snappers are ranging about 8 to 10 inches. They are one of the most voracious species in North America. While most say bluefish prefer 68-degrees, I’ll be … The mere fact that bluefish feed down there tells us about their tolerance for chilly temperatures and explains why they are one of the first species that move north and become available to early season surf fishermen. Bluefish tend to attack fast moving lures, so be sure to pick up the pace. Any shorter than that, and you’re going to start losing considerable casting distance. Don’t limit yourself to the fish species you’re used to hunting for.

Because they are pelagic fish they move along the coast following their preferred water temperatures of 66-72 degrees. The large blues don’t typically make it all the way to Florida before moving offshore. November 18, 2018 in Uncategorized | Tags: Bluefish, bluefish bait, bluefish feeding habits, bluefish fishing, bluefish fishing lines, bluefish lures, bluefish plugs, bluefish rigs, bluefish set up and equipment, bluefish set ups, bluefish surf plugs, bluefish tactics and techniques, catching bluefish, catching fish, fishing, how to catch bluefish, how to set up lines for bluefish, saltwater fishing, surfcasting, surfcasting for bluefish, what do bluefish eat, where are bluefish, where to catch bluefish, where to find bluefish | Leave a comment. Bluefish may be one of nature’s perfect predatorial gamefish. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 12 oz, taken from Hatteras, North Carolina. If you’ll be opting for live bait rather than lures, you’ll have to take an extra step of care to get the best chance at success. Often during a bluefish blitz, baitfish are literally chased right up onto the beach. I prefer a rod that is a minimum of 8 feet when fishing from the beach. This time they are even larger.

No matter the size, they sure are feisty little devils. Mullet is particularly effective along the Atlantic coast when the mullet run is taking place in the fall. monofilament is a great size for leader material. I’ll find my spot in the bay, creek, or where ever and start tossing. The mere fact that bluefish feed down there tells us about their tolerance for chilly temperatures and explains why they are one of the first species that move north and become available to early season surf fishermen. When that doesn’t produce, move to sub-surface lures, such as jerkbaits, jigs and spoons. When the bluefish are running you won’t even have time to put your rod in the sand spike. You catching fish, is always good business for them. Bluefish have very sharp teeth and will require fishing with wire leaders. If there are structures, or sandbars, bluefish are probably hiding out behind them ready to ambush. Ever since I was a young kid, I would look forward to the spring and summer months to try my hand at catching a blue. If they are in a feeding frenzy, they will eat just about anything in their path. Everyone likes hanging out on a beach, why not add a little extra interest with surf angling? Casting from a boat, I recommend a 6’-7’ medium to medium/heavy power rod with 4,000 series spinning reel.

The following is a guest post from Cast & Spear reader, Steven! The first and most basic, is to hit the water with a bamboo rod. South of Cape Hatteras, the best fishing will generally be in the spring, and again from November to December. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) When you start to build your skills, try using a tin or spoon lure or snapper popper. The scent, natural look, and motion of live bait make it super appealing, but it only if it’s healthy. Catching bluefish can be exhilarating during a frenzy, and just as exciting anytime you hook up with these ferocious fish. All rights reserved. But they’re a bottom feeder, so bait should be fished on the bottom with no float.