Whether you use traditional homeschool curriculum, online homeschool, or chart your own homeschooling course, teaching Black History Month to your homeschoolers is essential. These are Amazon Affiliate Links. As schools across the nation reopen online and in person, most syllabi will likely discuss current events from COVID-19 to the Black Lives Matter protests.

Lastly, Michael’s Arts and Crafts store as some Black History items on sale for 50% off right now. Periodically choose topics that interest you as a family, and research those subjects together. You can make changes to your choices regarding privacy by emailing privacyrequest@christianbook.com with the subject line "EU Privacy Request". Although we talk about it often in our home, there’s just nothing quite like reading an account of our forefathers’ struggles and successes, watching a video, then creating a lapbook about it all. We use these in several ways. Frederick Douglass. I will also find songs like Wade in the Water on YouTube.
In his writing and preaching Hamilton focuses on life's tough questions, and addressing the challenging issues we face today. We respect your right to privacy in making this choice. The Civil War. These black homeschooling families have other concerns as well, they want to provide their black children with history and social context that is missing from schools. Use the unsubscribe link in those emails to opt out at any time. However, revising the accuracy of African American history texts in school curriculums is often met with resistance. I will also find songs like Wade in the Water on YouTube. Civil Rights Movement. Additionally, we have a cd of traditional Spirituals. This Black Homeschool Teacher Created a Free Virtual African American History Course. Your email address will not be published.

Her Father is senior pastor of a growing Pentecostal Church, her mother, an evangelists. Our Daily Bread Publishing / 2020 / Imitation Leather, Universal Music Distribution / 2020 / Compact disc, Significance of Christmas - Leader Guide, that Holds the Secret of America's Future. We read stories that feature black characters, we memorize poems by black poets, and when asked to give presentations at co-op, we may choose to speak about notable black figures. If you wish to change this choice and use our site, you may go back and choose YES instead. Many black families believe that taking control on their child’s education is one major way of liberating themselves from systematic racism which they continue to endure up until this day; and I strongly believe the same too. Look for books, documentaries, and artifacts, and keep a notebook or scrapbook recording what you've learned. This is a needed teaching tool for all students. Easy Peasy Homeschool Curriculum – Complete, free online curriculum for kids from K-12. Design Your Own Unit Studies . Black History Month resources: hands-on activities, printables, documentaries, video and audio clips, apps, and curriculum. Black History Month Activities for Kids #3: Host Black History Month Events Gather your group of homeschool friends, the homeschool co-op, the church youth group, etc. Each year during Black History Month, I search high and low for resources that will help me teach my kids about their culture and history. Phillis Wheatley. Photo Credit: Facebook. In our homeschool we study history all year. You can learn more about cookies, the types of information we collect, and how this information is used in our Privacy Policy. This post contains Amazon Affiliate links. Likewise, we love watching movies as a family. Additionally, we have a cd of traditional Spirituals. When he has a free moment, he enjoys drawing and completing home improvement projects. Martin Luther King Jr. Rosa Parks. In 2012 NA’Arah received her bachelor's degree with honors, from Rochester College in Biblical Studies. Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas and the author of over 20 books and several small group studies. Here are a few that we enjoy.

Sign Up To Receive Exclusive Email OffersYou can unsubscribe at any time, Sign up to receive exclusive email offersYou can unsubscribe at any time, 1-800-CHRISTIAN1-800-247-4784(Outside the United Statesand Canada Call: 978-977-5000). As schools across the nation reopen online and in person, most syllabi will likely discuss current events from COVID-19 to the Black Lives Matter protests.
George Washington Carver.

With that said, I understand that February is designated for observing Black history specifically. Demetria is a homeschool mom and "mompreneur"who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband, two daughters, and a dog named Shaggy. Less than a month ago, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) His newest book, Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas is now available. A few years ago I purchased a set of Black History fact cards. Shop for Homeschool, Black History and much more. Your email address will not be published. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Learning about diverse cultures and historical figures is a natural part of each day. Required fields are marked *. My children love to dress up and act.

Homeschool Black History Ideas. As promised, here are a few more links to some of our Black History reads. If you're anything like me, you didn't learn much about black history as a child, an… We respect your right to privacy in making this choice.

NA’Arah Ta’litha grew up living the life of the typical PK. If you are looking for some ideas about what to teach your kids during Black History Month this year, you should have a nice jump-start with fresh ideas for bringing Black History Month resources into your homeschool. In his writing and preaching Hamilton focuses on life's tough questions, and addressing the challenging issues we face today. The curriculum is Christian-based and …

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From Decolonizing Education Publishing, the book also lends support to families to integrate it into their homeschooling curriculum. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! We try to introduce our young people to who they are. There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription.

Homeschool Black History Ideas Additionally, we have a cd of traditional Spirituals. After a few years of scouring the web for ideas, I’ve finally found a few tested, tried, and true Black History Month resources that actually work for us. We love to sing in our house so we will do a few of these songs everyday. Please reload the page and try again. and host black history events! I hope this is super helpful to you in planning your black history month resources this February. By clicking YES below, you are giving us consent to set cookies on your web browser. The ABCs of the Black Panther Party brings to black homeschooling children the black histories that are not shared in the school.


This year we split in two teams of three. Let us know if you use any of these materials, and how it’s working for you! You can learn more about cookies, the types of information we collect, and how this information is used in our Privacy Policy. His newest book, Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas is now available. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. You can make changes to your choices regarding privacy by emailing privacyrequest@christianbook.com with the subject line "EU Privacy Request". All other links are not affiliate links. These kinds of hands-on activities make learning about our heritage come alive for us. Black Books. Black History. Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas and the author of over 20 books and several small group studies.

Of courses, we read a ton of books, write reports, and complete several crafts. By clicking submit, you agree to share your email address with the site owner and Mailchimp to receive marketing, updates, and other emails from the site owner. Clicking and purchasing from Amazon is completely up to you. After the kids find all of the cards, we read each card and stick them to the wall (removable poster tacky). Black Biographies ; Books & Biographies See More. She went on to complete a master’s degree (Missional Leadership) in 2014. Learn how your comment data is processed. The Black Homeschool – A site with articles on the history of Black children in the school system as well as homeschooling resources. I will also find songs like Wade in the Water on YouTube.