In March 2018, the HEA merged with the Equality Challenge Unit and the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education to form Advance HE, a single sector agency for equality and diversity, learning and teaching, and leadership and governance in higher education. By aligning your practice to the PSF you show that you are committed to improving the quality of your teaching and supporting of learning to enhance the learning experience of your students. 7-8). Learn more about how individuals have used the PSF to reflect on and improve their teaching practice: Professor Dr Wichit Srisa-an becomes first Principal Fellow in Thailand. Birmingham B15 2TT Over 125,000 staff in 90 different countries have had their individual teaching practice recognised through our Fellowship scheme, underpinned by the PSF. The teaching and learning development strand of HEFi work is led by the Educational Development Team, a group of experienced practitioners from a range of discipline backgrounds. A comprehensive set of professional standards and guidelines for everyone involved in teaching and supporting learning in HE, the PSF can be applied to personal development programmes at an individual, institutional or national level to improve teaching quality and celebrate success. Working in this way allows individuals and institutions the opportunity to interpret the framework to meet their needs, whilst also maintaining alignment with international standards. If the site contains content that does not yet reflect the withdrawal of the United Kingdom, it is unintentional and will be addressed. Providers ensure that part-time and associate tutors, including graduate teaching assistants and visiting lecturers, have the necessary support for teaching and assessing students both formatively and summatively.’ (pp. Staff are encouraged to value their own and others’ skills, to recognise that they have a responsibility to identify their own development needs and to engage in initial and continuing professional development. Find out more Enhancing Organisational Performance. Evidence cards. In order to ensure that learning opportunities and teaching provided to students are of high quality, HEIs generally operate a structured system for identifying any professional development needs of staff, and monitoring whether they are met. HEIs in England with a TEF award will be able to charge a higher maximum tuition fee than those institutions without an award. A number of organisations and frameworks exist which support higher education institutions (HEIs) and their academic staff in fulfilling the expectation to undertake professional development. The SEDA-PDF is owned by the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA), the professional association for staff and educational developers in the UK. It provides recognition for HEIs, accreditation for their professional development programmes and recognition for the individuals who complete those programmes. Providers assure themselves of the effectiveness of their approaches to staff development and have procedures to identify teachers in need of additional support, providing them with opportunities, support and mentoring to enable the improvement of their skills and competency to an agreed level. Accreditation services are also available to subscribing institutions.
The four Descriptors - labelled D1 to D4 - correspond to the HEA fellowship categories, with D1 being Associate Fellow; D2 Fellow; D3 Senior Fellow; and D4 Principal Fellow. See below for further information on all of our professional development opportunities with links to Canvas support for University of Birmingham staff. SEDA uses a range of named awards to accredit different types of professional development within the PDF and also offers Fellowships and courses in supporting and leading educational change. This is why we manage and lead the development of the UK Professional Standards Framework (PSF), a globally-recognised framework for benchmarking success within HE teaching and learning support. Staff new to teaching or supporting student learning engage in appropriate induction and mentoring activities (such as observed teaching) and may also access postgraduate teaching qualifications. Many of the opportunities for professional development that are offered through this strand of work are recognised in HEFi’s Awards and Recognition Framework that will be launched in October 2018. Becoming an HEA Senior Fellow.
planning and defining expectations and setting personal objectives. Continuing professional development (CPD) may include a wide range of activities, from short courses to higher degrees. Let’s hear it for good education. Initial Education for Academic Staff Working in Higher Education, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), SEDA Professional Development Framework (SEDA-PDF), Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA), UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF), Measuring the Impact of the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning, Shifting Academic Careers: Implications for Enhancing Professionalism in Teaching and Supporting Learning, Success as a Knowledge Economy: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice, National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS), Political, Social and Economic Background and Trends, Population: Demographic Situation, Languages and Religions, Fundamental Principles and National Policies, Organisation of the Education System and of its Structure, Administration and Governance at Central and/or Regional Level, Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level, Early Childhood and School Education Funding, Organisation of Programmes for Children over 2-3 years, Teaching and Learning in Programmes for Children over 2-3 years, Assessment in Programmes for Children over 2-3 years, Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Early Childhood Education and Care, Teaching and Learning in Primary Education, Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education, Secondary and Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary Education, Organisation of General Lower Secondary Education, Teaching and Learning in General Lower Secondary Education, Assessment in General Lower Secondary Education, Organisation of General Upper Secondary Education, Teaching and Learning in General Upper Secondary Education, Assessment in General Upper Secondary Education, Organisation of Vocational Upper Secondary Education, Teaching and Learning in Vocational Upper Secondary Education, Assessment in Vocational Upper Secondary Education, Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures, Programmes outside the Bachelor and Master Structure, Developments and Current Policy Priorities, Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning, Initial Education for Teachers Working in Early Childhood and School Education, Conditions of Service for Teachers Working in Early Childhood and School Education, Continuing Professional Development for Teachers Working in Early Childhood and School Education, Initial Education for Academic Staff in Higher Education, Conditions of Service for Academic Staff Working in Higher Education, Continuing Professional Development for Academic Staff Working in Higher Education, Initial Education for Teachers and Trainers Working in Adult Education and Training, Conditions of Service for Teachers and Trainers Working in Adult Education and Training, Continuing Professional Development for Teachers and Trainers Working in Adult Education and Training, Management Staff for Early Childhood and School Education, Staff Involved in Monitoring Educational Quality for Early Childhood and School Education, Education Staff Responsible for Guidance in Early Childhood and School Education, Other Education Staff or Staff Working with Schools, Other Education Staff or Staff Working in Higher Education, Management Staff Working in Adult Education and Training, Other Education Staff or Staff Working in Adult Education and Training, Quality Assurance in Early Childhood and School Education, Quality Assurance in Adult Education and Training, Special Education Needs Provision within Mainstream Education, Separate Special Education Needs Provision in Early Childhood and School Education, Support Measures for Learners in Early Childhood and School Education, Guidance and Counselling in Early Childhood and School Education, Support Measures for Learners in Higher Education, Guidance and Counselling in Higher Education, Support Measures for Learners in Adult Education and Training, Guidance and Counselling in a Lifelong Learning Approach, Mobility in Early Childhood and School Education, Other Dimensions of Internationalisation in Early Childhood and School Education, Other Dimensions of Internationalisation in Higher Education, Other Dimensions of Internationalisation in Adult Education and Training, Bilateral Agreements and Worldwide Cooperation, National Reforms in Early Childhood Education and Care, National Reforms in Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning, National Reforms related to Transversal Skills and Employability, Legislation and Official Policy Documents.
This is why we manage and lead the development of the UK Professional Standards Framework (PSF), a globally-recognised framework for benchmarking success within HE teaching and learning support. Evaluation and enhancement takes place for all learning and teaching activities’ (p. 3). For full details of how the TEF is intended to work, see the Office for Students (OfS) website.
The SEDA Professional Development Framework (SEDA-PDF) provides a set of standards which can be used to facilitate and support the design and delivery of initial and continuing education development programmes and activities within higher education institutions (HEIs). The Descriptors outline the key characteristics associated with four broad categories of typical teaching and learning support roles within higher education. Many of the opportunities for professional development that are offered through this strand of work are recognised in HEFi’s Awards and Recognition Framework that will be launched in October 2018.
This article should be read in conjunction with the article on ‘Initial Education for Academic Staff Working in Higher Education’, as there is no clear division between initial education and continuing professional development for academic staff working in higher education (HE). professional values that individuals performing these activities should exemplify. The Dimensions of Professional Practice are: An account of the development of the UKPSF as well as an overview of activities attempting to enhance the quality and professional status of teaching in higher education over the past three decades is provided by SEDA’s 2013 evaluation report Measuring the Impact of the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning.
It was developed and managed on behalf of the higher education sector by the Higher Education Academy (HEA).