I use different sets/reps schemes, but the principles are similar. How long can you use the program before moving on to a more advanced or intermediate program?
Right now, over the past 2 months I've actually lost 8 lbs while putting 40 lbs on my bench (crazy) and at least the same on my squat.
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3. Bench Press to Overhead Press ratio should be adjusted to 3:1 instead of 1:1—for every overhead press workout you should have three bench press workouts, Do not perform sets of greater than six repetitions—simply increase the weight used to make sure less repetitions are performed. Done correctly, it can greatly impact your results in a positive way. I work up to triples or singles once a week for deadlifts, or do a ton of 10 rep sets with lighter weight. His complaints are not unique, as many feel SS does not do 'enough' towards muscle growth and hypertrophy and leaves too much progress on the table. Milo won the Olympic Games 6x. It turned him into the best wrestler of his time. To combat this, a popular variant of the program referred to as “phraks” was created. He was also as big as a tank. I'd like to hear more about your experience to see if we can figure it out, but this is all a learning process for us all, so maybe it doesn't work for everyone. He felt the Pump program was overkill and probably did him more harm than good. Honestly, it's so cheap that it's worth it regardless (we have bought the first and second edition at this point).
Contrast this with random workouts that don't intelligently build upon one another—what most people unfortunately do when they enter the gym. However, instead of jumping into the next workout, take a day off from lifting completely. I'm wondering about a 5/3/1-like 3x10 @ 50%. Deadlifts- Lower rack pull and power shrug combo, dumbbell rows, barbell rows. Johnny gives a general ballpark number to use in his book, but following this method works just as well if not better. The program is already super tough but I've done bodybuilding workouts right after my 8x2 or 8x3. According to the legend, Milo from Croton trained for the Olympics by carrying a calf each day.
I ran the program for 4 months. Plugins: these 'add-ons' are included on top of the 'base' plan and are chosen based on individual training goals. Doug Hepburn was a legendary Canadian old school strongman who also won a gold medal in the World Olympic weightlifting championships in 1953. Doug was old school strong. I believe he did either a high volume program after, or one with mostly singles - you can look it up.
2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3. The routine as outlined by Starr was simple. I mean, GZCL's T2 workouts are usually in that 80% of 1RM range and they can be 5x7 depending on your workout. Deadlift using the Hepburn layers. By doing this, you will allow your body to fully recover so that it can reap the complete benefits of hard training.
Chest-supported T-bar row 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps. Day 3 – Deadlift.
This triggered his body to gain strength and muscle. The 5x5 system actually shares many similarities with how I train athletes. Put quality size on as well.
For each workout, pick 2-3 accessory exercises above to complete. Greyskull LP (GSLP) is a powerlifting program famous for its effectiveness at building strength and size rapidly. But how does GSLP utilize auto-regulation so effectively? The book also gives insight into peaking for a meet. Modified Hepburn Training.
But it should be made clear that at its core, the plan isn't intended for just powerlifting or gaining strength. Let's look at it in action with some added exercises for biceps and back: There are a couple of key things to notice: Sheaffer is also huge on including neck extensions and contends that champions from all sports have strong, thick necks. Physiqz is a powerlifting site so our focus is on that aspect, but if you are interested in losing fat, getting better at sports, are a female, or also looking to become a runner—the book has you covered and gives several golden nuggets of information for each. when you stall on this method, Doug had a solution - switch programs for a few months. The programs you’ll tend to find from Doug talk of doing a ‘power’ routine followed by a ‘pump’ routine. Fantastic article covering the life and training routines of Doug Hepburn. If you are a powerlifter, however, the acceptable repetitions before a reset are lowered from 5 to 3 to place emphasis on strength. Squats are performed twice per week, deadlifts once, and bench press and overhead press are alternated.
Additionally, trainees are encouraged to include 'plugins' to accelerate progress towards any number of different goals. Slow for beginners but for intermediate/advanced lifters that's pretty great. If you selected leg extensions and leg curls instead, you would do those at the end of the workout after squats or deadlifts (and not after bench press in the example above). Seated row 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps. Day 4 – Bench press get used to the workout, and tuning your body to using good form for low reps and heavy weight.
It's great so far. Even if you don't increase the weight, you can be sure that you will provide adequate overload stimulus to your muscles required for growth. just start with that.
this method is so simple I honestly believe it just works for anyone. Overview & numbers in video. I have them hit the whole body three days a week with 3-4 lifts per workout.
But, Doug wasn’t just strong. Week 2, workout 2 - 3x7; Week 3, workout 1 - 2x7, 1x8; Week 3, workout 2 - 1x7, 2x8; Week 4, workout 1 - 3x8; Week 4, workout 2 - Add weight, start over with a 3x6; As you can see, it takes 7 workouts - or 3.5 weeks - to cycle through this progression scheme and get to the point where you add more weight to the bar. You CAN (I have done BJJ with it) crosstrain other stuff with this system but you will have to slow the progression to 5 lbs a month, or 10 lbs every 2 months, by doing 1 workout a week instead. In the normal plan, if you are unable to complete any given set for 5 repetitions you know it is time to reset and drop the weight 10%.
One of the most exceptional things about Hepburn’s strength-related antics was his simple approach to programme design. Hepburn's "A Program". To be honest, that rate is still great if you are consistent.
Within a couple of workouts you will be back up to 225, except this time you will be restored and strong enough to dominate it!
There are two ways to approach your workout on any given day: You can walk in and follow a … But going even further, GSLP allows for consistent progress for a much longer period of time through the use of reset techniques, intelligent altering of sets and reps, and powerful plugins. However, with a small adjustment it becomes an insanely-effective method for adding weight to your squat, bench, and deadlift. A hybrid of Powerlifting, and Bodybuilding.
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If you have tried Starting Strength or another novice training plan and haven't made much progress, it's very likely that GSLP is perfect for you and can help jump-start your results. If your bench 1RM is 265, you would start with around 210.
The one thing I will say about it is that deadlifting heavy twice a week was hard as fuck on my body. A core tenant of the program, with each workout more weight needs to be added to the bar: In order to progress effectively and quickly you will need to pick up microplates, an essential piece of powerlifting equipment for upper-body movements.
keep it old school, anyway - I'd love to hear other success stories or have a discussion about the Hepburn method - what I consider the best and simplest program to run (if you miss a day, for example, its simple to figure out how to continue progression). The A workout is also the same one that's on here: if you can hit it for 6x2 your first workout, do 2x3 at the end and jump up faster next time. 2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3. While this is absolutely critical to continue making results, it often misses the bigger picture. I did something ... interesting. As you can see above in the example for bench press, after the AMRAP set there is an extra added heavy single. In this way, muscle growth and strength development are maximized. But then again I only 1RM 265 on the bench, I suppose if you're some kind of mountain like this dude 80% bench is 400 lbs. :). While it will vary from person to person and many factors come into play, beginners can expect consistent progress from the plan for several months or even a year before needing to switch things up. Workout A 7/9/18. I believe in his method because its before steroids, its so simple, and it has worked for me and some of my training partners for years. AMRAP sets: just as the name suggests, 'as many reps as possible' sets are performed until failure. Johnny recommends these to be done with every session. Powerbuilding. Get the complete Greyskull LP program with an included calculator delivered to your email immediately! To make GSLP better than the alternative novice plans, Johnny two additional elements to the program: In his own words, Johnny points out that it is absolutely perfect for beginners and even intermediate lifters, though more advanced trainees will require a different approach such as DUP. By avoiding this, form is maintained so that each repetition performed is of much higher quality. That inspired me to look up the half-forgotten Hepburn bench routine I saw in Starr's book. I mean, GZCL's T2 workouts are usually in that 80% of 1RM range and they can be 5x7 depending on your workout.