ATTENTION GUITAR PLAYERS: You can play the uke parts too! Or, try accompanying the melody with a different countermelody for each verse.

. Also spelled “Aura Lea,” this American Civil War era piece has a pretty melody with some nice harmony for the second uke. . Now everybody sing!

Select the image of the song below for a free, printable PDF of the melody. Warm greetings to our new friends from far-away places like Iceland and Tasmania! “May your song guide you home.” ― Sophia Elaine Hanson, Vinyl. “. . 2. ), ARTICLE:   This Ancient Hawaiian Philosophy Will Change Your Life and Make the World a Better Place: It adds color and interest but should be played much softer than the other instruments. PERFORMANCE NOTES: A lovely lullaby from the African-American tradition. ON TOP OF OLD SMOKEY PERFORMANCE NOTES: Each verse of this iconic song was sung in a different key; that’s why Johnny said, “People ask me why I always hum whenever I sing this song — it’s to get my pitch.” We simplified it and kept it in the key of A. You’ll notice that the ukes play E7 while the guitar plays E. That’s because an E chord on a normally tuned uke is voiced too high for this song.

Happy Birthday sheet music for the clarinet. . . .

If you don’t sing, this might be a good place to start. . Most of our music has multiple parts for ukulele and guitar because our emphasis is on playing together, so find a partner and form a duet! “When you play music you discover a part of yourself that you never knew existed.” ― Bill Evans. You can make this one a fun audience participation number at campfires by adding baritone and bass “bum-ba-dee-dahs” and high-pitched coyote howls in the distance. Play it nice and slow. It’s the gift of song.” ― Christine E. Schulze, The Silver Stag, “When you play, never mind who listens to you.” ― Robert Schmann, “To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable.” ― Ludwig van Beethoven, “Play the music, not the instrument.” ― Author Unknown.
“It’s raining, it’s pouring. The backing part plays the chords with just three downstrums per bar.

. . It’s free. . The Green Bay Ukulele Club is no exception, although we’ve also provided uke and guitar chords for the key of B so that you can jam and sing along with the original recording. A lovely “farewell song” from New Zealand during the era of the two world wars: PERFORMANCE NOTES: Render this slow waltz with the longing, sadness (and respect) appropriate for the time and place. April 24, 2016 The Uke Guy Unknown Artist Comments Off on Happy Birthday To You Ukulele Chords. Privacy Policy, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, Choan Galvez – Larry’s Waltz in Progress (Tab), UkeTube: Bobby Alu, Carly Rae Jepsen, Valerie June, UkeTube: Zoe Bestel, George Hinchliffe, Avett Brothers, Friday Links: TV Screen Ukes, Ultraman, Ties for Straps. “Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.” ― Lao Tzu. Receive the latest Uke Hunt posts in your inbox. On the first verse just bang on the chord on the first beat of each measure. . . : “To speak your heart out, nothing can be better than night and acoustic guitar!” ― Dinakar Phillip. If you are a newbie and want to play a more stereotyped and simplified version of the melody using just quarter notes feel free to do so. Use a nice light strum on Uke 3. Google this song to find out what it’s really about. Happy Birthday Ukulele Pluck-strum Pattern. If you find Uke 2 too difficult to play, try one of the other uke parts. “Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun . From the Urban Dictionary: Top Definition. (Go to the VIDEOS Page to see our club performing this song live!

The chromatic chord shifts are a unique feature of the harmony. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Uke 4 comes in on the Chorus with a really cool strum. . .

. Everything about it. Play it slowly; it’s a sad ballad about a dying cowboy. . Maybe you’re strumming Uke 4 chords but you want to plug in a countermelody bit from Uke 2 for two measures. . : PERFORMANCE NOTES: This arrangement sounds great!

Happy Birthday (Duet Tab) The lead line of the duet tab is very similar to the solo version but has all the chord bits removed. Nelvis? . The song is simple but the melody is actually complex and is more challenging to play than you might think. Here’s an example which occurs often: The chord notation says Dm7 but the chord the uke actually plays is a Dm. Copyright © 2020All rights reserved Powered by WordPressUke Hunt theme by ø . Facebook is getting boring; so off to bed to rest my head, but I’ll probably be back in the morning . The “oohs and aahs” start on measure 6; the lyrics start on measure 14.: PERFORMANCE NOTES: We’ve incorporated some of the nice qualities of the Marty Robbins version of this iconic traditional cowboy song in our arrangement. Download. It’s touching the soul of another person without ever touching the flesh.” ― Courtney M. Privett, Arrow of Entropy. . Download. It’s a silly and fun song. . IDEA: You can switch back and forth between different parts while you play a song. Happy C Birthday Dear ( F NAME) Happy C Birthday G7 to Y C ou. Ukulele is a great “gateway” instrument for other stringed instruments. . “Hippity, hoppin, Easter’s on its way . Add another and you’ve got a full-sounding trio! .

Beware of the tempo changes; in certain sections the strum slows down. .

“Music is the best means we have of digesting time.” ― W. H. Auden. Downstrokes are on the downbeats (grey numbers) and upstrokes are on the upbeats (between the grey numbers). PERFORMANCE NOTES: This is a catchy little number that should be better known than it actually is. Read the score while listening to it.


. What do you call a cow that plays a musical instrument? . .

. I had very little in common with and knew even less about a generation that I was supposed to be the voice of.” ― Bob Dylan, Chronicles, Vol.

. A beautiful Japanese melody. It incorporates triads (3-note chords), 1/2-step slurs and a strong vibrato, hence all the squiggly marks in the tablature. Layers of ukes make this one fun to play.

Even ol’ Bob himself played and recorded many different versions in different keys with different performers at different times. . Also, I’m hoping that you’ll check out our version of “Moon River” for advanced players (including the famous guitar part) in its original key, transcribed right from the famous scene in the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” on this website. . PERFORMANCE NOTES: This is a beautiful ballad that goes back many centuries. 3. . . . “Daylight come, and me wan’ go home . HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 Gtrs and 1 Bass TAB 29.27 KB.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Uke Duet WAV 6.10 MB. The meaning and spirit of the beautiful lyrics suggest that the song should be played slowly with tenderness and care. So you’re just playing one note at a time. .”. Have fun! . If you’re a beginner just trying to figure this stuff out, start with this song: There ― you did it! . “Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker . The tab for the solo version is all played with just the thumb on the picking hand.

. The song uses several different strum patterns, which are notated next to the section headings by symbols with the numbered beats in grey font below. If you’re looking for “Danny Boy,” another great Irish song, you’ll find it on the FREE SHEET MUSIC page. Porky Pig does a g-g-g-great v-v-version of this song as Friar Tuck in a riotous Looney Tune with Daffy Duck as Robin Hood. It’s worth learning this version first so you have the melody down before moving on to the solo version. Render it with care and soul. Play it at a tempo so that every word, every syllable, can be clearly heard. . : Often the uke chords are voiced on three strings instead of all four so that they don’t conflict with the melody.

We often have to make compromises like that because of the limitations of the instruments. Song "Happy Birthday" ukulele chords and tabs by Misc Traditional. hippity hoppity: music what older folks think young urban youths listen to. Happy Birthday (Good Morning to All) < Hill, Patty (67), tanti auguri a te (happy birthday) < Marinai, Massimo, Happy birthday to you Marie! Towards this end, we recommend that you don't leave your instrument in its case, under the bed, or in a closet; instead, have it sitting out and ready to play at a moment's notice. .

[Extra] C G7 From good friends and true, G7 C … It’s very easy to play Happy Birthday on the ukulele – and if ... We Three Kings Ukulele and Flute Duet. Uke 3 doubles the melody an octave higher for that nice music box effect, and we also added more harmony with ukes 4 and 5. Details. PONDER THIS: Studying the Full Score will give you perspective and insights into how the different instrumental parts work together in the ensemble. The lyrics are fun, too. Barrie, Peter Pan, “Endeavour to play easy pieces well and with elegance; that is better than to play difficult pieces badly.” ― Robert Schumann, Advice to Young Musicians, “There is something intimate about playing a duet. Precious! A catchy tune, regardless of your politics: “Children’s voices – even those who couldn’t carry the tune – are always appealing.” ― Anne McCaffrey, Dragonseye. . Keep this one nice and slow; don’t hurry it.

Here’s another resource you might find useful. Share them with your friends! .). LISTEN: The WAV files are a valuable learning tool! . HAPPY BIRTHDAY 4 Ukes TAB 30.88 KB. No need for anything fancier than that. . PERFORMANCE NOTES: Notice the tempo change in the middle of the song. To accomplish that you can give it a lilt and swell by ever so slightly varying the tempo and volume. . . Click for chords . “Here, I give you my phone number; when you worry, call me, PONDER THIS: Studying the Full Score will give you. PERFORMANCE NOTES: A beautiful waltz that will make you a better player. Try practicing twice a day, at least 15 minutes each session. 3 chords – C, F, G7.

PERFORMANCE NOTES: Look at all those open string notes Ukes 2, 3 and 4 get to play! . The last verse has some interesting syncopation and elaboration. Aug 22, 2017 - Happy Birthday To You, free ukulele tab sheet music

“Music is the moonlight in the gloomy night of life.” ― Jean Paul Friedrich Richter.

Circle, check or bracket your sheet music at those locations, and/or keep a notebook and jot down details of your favorite bits of music, and incorporate them in your own explorations. It’s a strange barbershop quartet-style countermelody.
The original recording was played on guitar with no capo; he plays a simplified version on guitar with open chords and a capo@4th fret (see the image above) when he performs it live.


Listen for it. If there’s one easy ukulele fingerpicking song everyone should add to their repertoire, this is it! Don’t play it too fast, and sing it like you mean it. . PERFORMANCE NOTES: This is one of those beautiful slow waltzes that I like to play with a slight hint of dementia. 7. I was really captured by it. . You guitar players who already know it will enjoy playing it against all that nice harmony in the Ensemble WAV file. Easy, right?