This is where the term community tank takes its meaning. I also pointed out that these guppy strains don’t come as cheap, especially that it’s recommended to buy them from a reputable breeder.

You can gift these guppies away or sell them to other breeders or aquarists. Apart from the beef heart, the paste can also contain shrimp, vegetables, spirulina powder, etc. Your email address will not be published. to help identify the strain you’ve produced; Keep track of your breeding program and breeding techniques that you’ve implemented and the results you’ve gotten; Make a note of breeding dates and delivery dates. September 28, 2018 September 27, 2018 admin Useful Guppy Information Breeding Guppies, Raising Guppies, Shake the Winter Blues Breeding guppies is easy to do, and it’s also very enjoyable. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Provide about 8 to 10 tanks for preserving a purely single breed.

I mentioned at the beginning of this article that when you breed guppies selectively, you need to invest in a high-quality pair. I imagine your confidence has soared and you have the urge to have some different inhabitants. I have maintained most of my lines with this method. Fry are not strong enough to swim away from strong filters.

Subscribe to our RSS feed to get the latest articles on Guppy care! You know by now that guppies are omnivorous fish that require a varied diet rich in both vegetable matter and meaty foods. Required fields are marked *. Therefore, depending on what your purpose is — breeding show guppies, experimenting with traits, breeding for profit, etc. In my experience, you will need at least 8 aquariums – 10 gallons each – to conduct successful breeding. Depending on water conditions, temperature, and diet some Livebearers can have offspring as often as every four to eight weeks. Their appearances might end up being a fun combination that has different traits from their parents. ), so you may need to be more attentive to their upbringing and care, but they’ll also bring you in more profit. While […], I have always considered myself lucky in that mostly my beloved guppies remain healthy and are a pleasure to watch. The aquarium is the environment that […], Guppies are amongst the best fish for someone starting an aquarium, as they are hardy, pretty, and affordable. When line breeding is carried out well, it leads to best examples of offspring. However the end result might also not be the result that you like from the mixing. This can be important because at breeding certain combinations can produce bad offspring (e.g. They should come from experienced and reputable breeders. They are usually able to breed without any special living conditions. With a one to three ratio, the male’s attention is split between three females, making breeding a less stressful process for the females. Guppy bent spine or other faults can appear and, if your fish become too sick to have a quality of life, you may need to euthanize them. If your guppy is not in a breeding tank she will be very antisocial, and seek out some tank plants or any other suitable place to hide.

Disclosure: When you purchase something through my affiliate links, I earn a small commission. For adult guppies, you can cook vegetables at home including zucchini, cucumber, carrots, spinach, cauliflower, peas, broccoli, cabbage and kale. To breed guppies selectively, you’ll need to plan carefully, you’ll need to monitor your guppies, put them on a healthy and nutritious diet, and you’ll need to invest in aquariums to house multiple generations of guppies and equipment to maintain excellent conditions. They tend to be livebearers meaning the female gives birth to reside fry rather than producing ova. Keep in mind the type of fish you want to breed, the fish’s coloring, and the shape of their tails. Here there are some things to keep in mind: When any female Guppy or Livebearer fish is pregnant, you’ll notice that she will develop a large round belly. You can set up your own brine shrimp hatchery at home, but first you need to purchase the eggs and a hatchery kit that you can easily find on Amazon.

This[...], Steps by Steps to Breeding Healthy Guppies, Essential Aquarium Equipment for Guppy Tank, Guppy Love – I Fell in Love With These Delightful Small Fish, Hot Guppies – Discover Suitable Condition For Your Guppies, How to Shake the Winter Blues by Raising and Breeding Guppies for Fun and Profit, The Best Types of Freshwater Aquarium Fish for Beginners. It’s always good to have a backup. Even relatively new aquarium hobbyist can start their own breeding projects with the four most popular Livebearer fish, Guppies, Mollies, Platys and Swordtails with not much experience once they get feeding, water changes and filter maintenance down. The Guppy takes its name from Rev. A healthy diet is required for guppy fish not only because it will help them grow better and stay healthier, but also because it will help them develop their colors more beautifully.

The cost is also influenced by scarcity (rare strains are more expensive), the time it took the breeder to achieve that particular type of guppy fish and the health status of those fish. However, it is always with your beautiful little friends in mind that you get the right items to make their […], When we look at fish swimming in the aquarium all we see are the shape and colours. If you’re down to culturing your own live food, even better because there are various “delicacies” that you can culture at home including: Of all these, I consider baby brine shrimp to be the best type of cultured food to feed baby guppies. It’s easy to start a culture at home too. To get the best from your guppies it is advantageous to keep them supplied with a heated watery environment in which to live. May 27, 2017. Besides cultured food options, there are other foods that you can prepare at home to avoid feeding them only flake foods. Fancy guppy fish may be more sensitive to toxin spikes, so keep a nice and clean aquarium. To get started you need two aquariums, two 10 gallon tanks will do just […], Setting up your first fish tank in your home can be a very exciting project, but it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. It is your choice at all times. So it’s important that you setup hiding spots for your fry so they can escape from being eaten by their parents or other tank mates. Although he is credited with discovering the wild Guppy in 1866, Spaniard De Filippi found the fish in Barbados in 1862 and labelled it Lebistes poeciliodes. Guppy Aquarium Assign your guppy fish a number or letter. One can become a professional guppy fish breeding expert with passing time and breeding should become a breeze and they he can try different complex combinations to develop more complicated, beautiful and colorful baby guppies. If you want them to grow up faster, you can even feed them up to six times a day. Breeding guppy fish for selected traits can be a challenge even for aquarists that do have some experience under their belt. If you do a quick search for guppy fish on eBay or other marketplaces that sell guppy breeding pairs, you’ll see prices ranging from $10 to $60+ for a breeding pair.

Note, I did not say 7 pure strains! Feed the fry small amounts several times a day.

For most aquarium hobbyists, their first experience with fry (baby fish) is often through Livebearers. The […], Guppies are in the happy position of being able to handle a tropical aquarium or depending on the circumstances, live outside in a pond if the climate is a warm one.

Live foods are important to guppy fish that are still developing, because they offer them a fair amount of protein, fat, and some carbs.

Fry who are born prematurely often don’t survive.

It is fair enough at the beginning to have trios of breeding guppies from one or two species only. Now this may sound like a lot (and I hear you, it is a lot), but here’s the breakdown of it: You need 1 for the parents, the ancestors of the lineage. There are a huge variety of different types of freshwater aquarium fish […]. Breeding Guppies and the other three most popular Livebearer fishes (Mollies, Platys and Swordtails) are great fishes to start with, as they are hardy and easy to breed. Daphnia is a bit more difficult to culture, it requires a separate tank, feeding, water movement, plus it produces a strong odor, so if you can source daphnia from someone else, go for it. Still, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try your hand at selective guppy breeding but do make sure to follow the advice in this article and document yourself about selective breeding techniques.