Reason and Scripture seemed to him the only grounds on which a true doctrine of the Lord's supper could be rested.

It has a palace standing in extensive grounds, a gymnasium, a normal seminary, a library, a synagogue, and three churches, one of which has the appropriate inscription, Religionis non structurae exemplum. Sentence Examples. You're on shaky grounds even talking about the place—especially details of our going up there.

About 1664 the palace was occupied as a school by Robert Uvedale (1642-1722), who was also an eminent horticulturist, planted the magnificent cedar still standing in the palace grounds, and formed a herbarium now in the Sloane collection at the British Museum. The next step was taken when it became fashionable to have conservatories attached to mansions, instead of having them in the pleasure grounds. The grounds for a divorce a mensa et thoro, which may be granted for ever or for a limited time only, are cruelty, excessively vicious conduct, or desertion; for a divorce a vinculo matrimonii the chief grounds are impotence at the time of marriage, adultery or deliberate abandonment for three years. 3. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. The Toxophilite Society, founded in 1781, has also occupied grounds here since 1883. The bishop's palace, a modern building in Tudor style, is situated in extensive grounds about a mile from the town. Example Sentences of the Verb Forget. by August Kiss, and the grounds also contain monuments to Frederick I. We are therefore to understand, first, that he wrote the earliest draft of his political theory some years before the outbreak of the Civil War, and, secondly, that this earliest draft was not written till, in accordance with his philosophical conception, he had established the grounds of polity in human nature. This image is not licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. Hence we conclude that the grounds are lacking which would entitle our assuming a priori that the Apocalypse is pseudonymous. 6. In the sentence, “John is not happy about going to his aunt’s house,” you can probably identify “going” as a verb because it’s an action. Why is it important to blow out the flame before the methanol is completely consumed? In attempts to do so, alike in national and in state politics, it impaired its morale by internal dissension, by intrigues,and by inconsistent factious opposition to Democratic measures on grounds of ultra-strict construction. Mary had been holding her ground for more than an hour when she finally gave in to his request. Dana, but, as already stated, has later received support on purely physical grounds. What is the fundamental reason for existence of negative temperature in a given specific system? If it can't fly again for some reason, then it is considered grounded. Sir Michael Costa was the conductor 1846-1854, and from his acceptance of that high pitch the fork became known as Costa's, and its inception was attributed to him, though on insufficient grounds. The United States, nevertheless, insisted that such prohibition was indispensable on the grounds - (t) that pelagic sealing involved the destruction of breeding stock, because it was practically impossible to distinguish between the male and female seal when in the water; (2) that it was unnecessarily wasteful, inasmuch as a large proportion of the seals so killed were lost.

How to politely (and correctly) apologize for not speaking English? be grounded The spark plugs must be grounded to complete the electrical circuit. But there has been considerable interference (ostensibly on humanitarian grounds) with the Jewish method of slaughtering animals for food (Shehitah) and the method was prohibited by a referendum in 1893. On the west of Prospect Hill is the Si yuan, or "Western Park," which forms part of the palace grounds. Example Sentences of the Verb Have In English. Example sentences with the word grounds. There are excellent fishing grounds on the coast, but they have had no appreciable influence in developing a commerical marine. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines 'grounded' as : prohibit or prevent (a pilot or an aircraft) from flying. Post was not sent - check your email addresses!

There are a few other bodies controlling particular open spaces, as the following list of public grounds exceeding 50 acres (in 1910) will show: Brockwell Park, Herne Hill 1274 acres Clapham Common 205 Clissold Park 541 Dulwich Park 72 Finsbury Park 115 Hackney Marsh 339 Hainault Forest, Essex. But of late years an increasing desire has been manifested, especially in Germany and America, to manipulate the fourth Gospel on grounds of internal evidence, at first only in the way of particular transpositions of more or less attractiveness, but latterly also by schemes of thorough-going rearrangement. Brisbane is well provided with parks and open spaces; the Victoria Park and Bowen Park are the largest; the high-lying Mount Coot-tha commands fine views, and there are other parks and numerous recreation grounds in various parts of the city, besides the admirable botanical gardens and the gardens of the Acclimatization Society. The points of interest on its shores are Lochearnhead (at the southern extremity of Glen Ogle), which has a station on the CallanderOban railway, and the ruins of St Blane's chapel; Edinample Castle, an old turreted mansion belonging to the marquess of Breadalbane, situated in well-wooded grounds near the pretty falls of the Ample; Ardvorlich House, the original of Darlinvarach in Scott's Legend of Montrose, and the village of St Fillans at the foot of the loch, the terminus of the branch line of the Caledonian railway from Perth. Read More. The external bases of Israel's religion had been swept away, and in exchange for these Jeremiah had led his countrymen to the more permanent internal grounds of a spiritual renewal. Flu Vaccine Sweden, Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language Learners Stack Exchange! Literally English verbs have five basic forms: 25 9 It all appeared innocent until her feet touched the ground, and then he pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her as his lips sought hers hungrily. The company supports a school, Leclaire Academy, and has built a club-house, bowling alleys, tennis-courts, base-ball grounds, &c. The first settlement on the site of Edwardsville was made in 1812, and in 1815 the town was laid out and named in honour of Ninian Edwards (1775-1833), the governor of the Illinois Territory (1809-1818), and later United States senator (1818-1824) and governor of the state of Illinois (1826-1830).