He was encountered by Odysseus and his crew in the Odyssey. He was also a god of dusk and a father of the four winds and the stars of heaven by Eos(goddess of dawn). Zeus' symbols were the Thunderbolt, the Eagle, the Bull, the Oak Tree and the Aegis. Zeus' sacred animals were the Eagle, the Bull, the Wolf, the Woodpecker, the Swan, the Lion, the Cuckoo and the Quail. In relation to the many other roles Zeus had, he acquired many different epithets. Chione - goddess of snow and a daughter of Boreas, wind of the north, and Oreithyia. Zeus' sacred plants were the Oak tree and the Olive tree. Hemera was closely related with her mother Nyx, where the two were constantly changing as day and night. Athena, Apollo and Artemis, Hermes, Dionysus, Heracles, Helen of Troy, and the Muses are all children of his numerous erotic affairs. Uranus - primeval god of the heavens and sky. Led by him – and helped by the one-eyed Cyclopes and the hundred-handed Hecatoncheires (Zeus freed all of them from Cronus’ imprisonment) – the siblings overthrew Cronus and the Titans during a decade-long war called the Titanomachy. • Ani, primordial god of the sky identified with the Greek Uranus and Roman Caelus He trapped them inside a box and gave it to Odysseus and told him not to open it. While he was sleeping, they stole his thunderbolt and bound him with hundred-knotted cords. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Arce - messenger of the Titans and twin sister of Iris. Astraeus. After becoming Zeus’ sixth wife, Leto became the mother of Apollo and Artemis. However, there were other minor winds also, mostly representing winds of mixed directions, such as Northeast and Northwest. Mehet-Weret, goddess of the waters in the sky on … She traveled with the speed of wind throughout different realms, known as heavens, waters, earth and underworld. At that moment, Zeus turned back into himself and slept with her. The wine made Cronus vomit so much that he ultimately disgorged Zeus’ siblings – intact and ready for revenge. Zeus is pervasive in ancient literary sources. Hemera - primeval goddess of daytime and daylight. Therefore, many mythologists believe that Zeus is one of the oldest Greek gods. Zeus ruled over the Sky, the Thunder, the Lightning, the Weather, the Air, the Justice, the Kings, the Fate and the People. He was one of the first-born gods who personified the pure bright upper air, below Uranus(heaven), that only gods could breathe. Her great love was a mortal man called Endymion who was granted immortality and eternal youth by Zeus and was placed in a state of eternal slumber near Mount Latmos, where his bride came every night to consort with him. In fact, Homer says that before the fight between Achilles and Hector, Zeus weighed their lots and blessed the outcome. Chaos - the endless form of nothingness from which everything else sprang. On her advice, he masked himself as an Olympian cupbearer and tricked his father into drinking poisoned wine. When they departed, Aeolus trapped all other winds except the one which would lead them to Ithaca. Namely, soon after the Creation of the world, the then-ruler of the Gods Cronus – who had learned that one of his children would overthrow him – swallowed Zeus’ three sisters and two brothers at birth: Demeter, Hera, Hestia, Hades, and Poseidon. Sky deities are also associated with air, rain, snow and rainbows.
Hesperides - three goddesses of evening and sunset who tended the Hera's sacred garden in the far western corner of the world, located in Libya or Atlas mountains in North Africa. It was none other than Athena, the goddess of wisdom herself. Zeus was the first of the gods and a very imposing figure. She was a daughter of Zeus and Selene and had a sister Pandia. Warned that their child may be a threat to him, Zeus decided to swallow his pregnant wife. Considered the ruler of heavens and the governor of weather, Zeus was also associated with wisdom and awareness, with authority and destiny, with battles and power. In addition, he owns a pet: a giant golden eagle called Aetos Dios. He was a son and a consort of Gaea and from their union came the twelve Titans, three Cyclopes and three Hekatoncheires. Their number were fifty which represented each phase of the moon during these four years. Zeus chained Prometheus to a rock and tormented him for ages, but Prometheus stubbornly refused to reveal to him the secret. 1. Bearing the shape of many different animals, he had numerous love affairs with many nymphs and mortals, which made Hera jealous; some say that, when she scolded him for this, disguised as a serpent, he even slept with his mother, Rhea. Nephelai - nymphs of clouds and rain. Namely, soon after the Creation of the world, the then-ruler of the Gods Cronus – who had learned that one of his children would overthrow him – swallowed Zeus’ three sisters and two brothers at birth: Demeter, Hera, Hestia, Hades, and Poseidon. They are related to the periods of a day and night, to winds, clouds, stars and planets. The gods of sky and weather were named "Theoi Ouranioi" or "Theoi Meteoroi" by the Greeks. In the Olympian creation myth, as Hesiod tells it in the Theogony, Uranus came every night to cover the earth and mate with Gaia, but he hated the children she bore him. This, their second birth, made the youngest among them – Zeus – actually their oldest brother. You can read about him practically anywhere. However, theirs would prove to be a bittersweet marriage, because Zeus, to say the least, was a promiscuous god. Considered the ruler of heavens and the governor of weather, Thus, they had no problem in acknowledging his authority. Aeolus (Aiolos) - god and ruler of the winds. According to Hesiod, Zeus had the very same problem with his first wife, Metis. She was a daughter of Zeus and Selene and had a sister Ersa who was, according to some sources, interpreted as the same character. Aurai - nymphs of cooling breeze, daughters of the winds Boreas, Eurus, Notus and Zephyrus. So, Hera, Poseidon and Apollo – and, maybe, everyone else but Hestia – decided to teach him a lesson. Selene - goddess of the moon. She was a daughter of Erebus and Nyx and was a sister and wife of Aether. In the end, for reasons we don’t know (because a large part of the play where this story is told is lost), the Titan did tell Zeus that the woman in question is Thetis, so the god stopped pursuing her and gave her to Peleus. Knowing her sympathy for animals, he wooed her as a virgin by transforming himself into a distressed little cuckoo, which Hera took in her arms to warm it.