eBird version 2015 (v.1)
Wikipedia .
Clements 5th edition (incl. Thamnophilus major) Translations . Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 05 (Jan 2017) (v.?) ?
Parque Estadual de Itaúnas, EspÃrito Santo, Brazil23/02/2009 Parque Parque Estadual de Itaúnas, EspÃrito Santo, Brazil
IOC World Bird Names, version 9.1 (v.1) Clements 5th edition (incl. James Lee Peters (v.1) Noun . Male Great Antshrike
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl.
Great Antshrike (Taraba major) is a species of bird in the Thamnophilidae family. South American Classification Committee (6/06/2019) (v.1)
Estadual de Itaúnas, EspÃrito Santo, Brazil corrigenda 2.1) (v.1)
Does not qualify for a more at risk category. (v.1) 2012 revisions) (v.1)
Your sightings.
2007 revisions) (v.1)
Male is black above; female is rusty above. The female has rich rufous upperparts and white underparts. Sibley and Monroe (1993) (v.1) The female lays two, sometimes three, grey-marked white eggs in a deep cup nest in a shrub, which are incubated by both sexes for 14 days to hatching. It is a skulking species, which may be located by its song, 30 to 40 musical pook-pook-pook notes, or a snarled churrrr.
IOC World Bird Names, version 1.7 (v.1)
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.1 (v.1) Citation: (Vieillot, 1816) (v.1)
It is the only member of the genus Taraba-(monotypic).
This is a bird of thickets, cocoa and citrus plantations and sometimes gardens, with a preference for dense undergrowth.
Great Antshrike. present appetite, sometimes dropping onto the ground some distance
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.6 (v.1) Handbook of the Birds of the World and Birdlife (Dec 2017) (v.1) 2000 revisions) (v.1) James Lee Peters (original) (v.1)
(v.1) More, Choró-boi, Great Antshrike (Taraba major) Great Antshrike Male American Ornithologists' Union 6th edition (incl. Kevin Zimmer and Morton L. Isler Version: 1.0 — Published March 4, 2020 Text last updated December 9, 2012 45th suppl.) 50th suppl.) All rights reserved © 1996-2020 - Oiseaux.net, (e Bolivia, Paraguay, s Brazil and n Argentina), (e Colombia, s and ne Venezuela, the Guianas and ne and c Brazil), Buffon et l'Histoire naturelle des oiseaux, Handbook of the Birds of the World Vol 16. Loading... Close. Howard and Moore 3rd edition (as published) (v.1)
IOC World Bird Names, version 4.2 (v.1) Clements 6th edition (version 6.5 incl. Watch Queue … hide section Most recent photos of Great Antshrike (2)
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.7 (v.1) * Thamnophilus major Handbook of the Birds of the World and Birdlife (Dec 2018) (v.1) IOC World Bird Names, version 1.6 (v.1) Species: T. More, The Great Antshrike, Taraba major, is a passerine bird in the antbird
Clements 6th edition (incl.
1-2) (v.1)
43rd suppl.)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 03 (March 2015) (v.1) range. IOC World Bird Names, version 3.3 (v.1) 60th suppl.)
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl.
2011 revisions) (v.1) corrigenda 1.2) (v.1)
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. Great Antshrike. 2009 revisions) (v.1) (v.1)
Privacy policy, Bird checklists - taxonomy - distribution - maps - links. 56th suppl.)
South American Classification Committee (22/04/2017) (v.1) Genus: Taraba, Short link: https://avibase.ca/0776F498, Taxonomic Serial Number: IOC World Bird Names, version 3.4 (v.1) American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. (v.1) It is a resident breeder in the tropical New World in southern Mexico, eBird version 2016 (v.1) eBird version 1.53 (v.1)
Clements 5th edition (incl.
57th suppl.) corrigenda 4) (v.1)
More, great antshrike (plural great antshrikes) Clements 6th edition (v.1)
Watch Queue Queue. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category. Taraba major - Great Antshrike Taraba major - Great Antshrike Male is black above; female is rusty above. American Ornithologists' Union 6th edition (1983) (v.1) Genus: Taraba great-antshrike definition: Noun (plural great antshrikes) 1.
Parque Estadual de Itaúnas, EspÃrito Santo, Brazil26/02/2009 Parque Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive (03/07/2017) (v.1) IOC World Bird Names, version 5.3 (v.1) Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 06 (Feb 2018) (v.?)
You must be logged in to view your sighting details. corrigenda vol.1-2) (v.1) Authorities recognizing this taxonomic concept: You must be logged in to view your sighting details. 23/02/2009 It is the only member of the genus Taraba-(monotypic). (v.1)
(v.1) Clements 1st edition (v.1)
South American Classification Committee (16/07/2006) (v.1) Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 03 (March 2015) (v.?)
61st suppl.)
South American Classification Committee (8/06/2020) (v.1) Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 04 (Aug 2016) (v.1) Clements 5th edition (incl.
A male great antshrike. There are a few ways by which you can help the development of this page, such as joining the Flickr group for photos or providing translations of the site in addition languages. Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. (v.1) Sibley and Monroe 2nd edition (1996) (v.1) Song suggests some trogons, but ends with a quiet snarl audible at close range. Enter your login name or your email address and click on Send reminder to receive a reminder by email.
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. * French: grand batara Clements 5th edition (as published) (v.1) American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl.
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.5 (v.1)
23-4-2005, More, © 2019 Thewebsiteofeverything.comPictures and facts of theGreat Antshrike (Taraba major), Picture of the Great Antshrike has been licensed under a Creative Commons, Picture of Taraba major above has been licensed under a Creative Commons. 2003 revisions) (v.1) Clements, version 2019 (v.1) IOC World Bird Names, version 7.2 (v.1)
The Great Antshrike is classified as Least Concern. The great antshrike feeds on insects and other arthropods gleaned from foliage. Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 01 (August 2013) (v.?) eBird version 1.55 (v.1)
2005 revisions) (v.1) It is the only member of the genus Taraba-(monotypic).
Clements 6th edition (version 6.7 incl.
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. Birdlife checklist version 09 (Dec 2016) (v.1) Subspecific information 10 subspecies.
The great antshrike (Taraba major) is a passerine bird in the antbird family, Thamnophilidae.
This is a bird of thickets, cocoa and citrus plantations and sometimes Noun .
It is a resident breeder in the tropical New World in southern Mexico, Central America, Trinidad and South America down to northern Argentina and southeastern Brazil. Clements 6th edition (version 6.9 incl.
It is usually found from cover to boldly forage in the open. American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. Clements 6th edition (version 6.6 incl.
The chicks fledge in another 12 days. American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. The Great Antshrike, Taraba major, is a passerine bird in the antbird family. Birdlife checklist version 08 (Oct 2015) (v.1) IOC World Bird Names, version 1.1 (v.1) Locations for recordings with GPS coordinates
Take Merlin with you in the field!
Source: Wikipedia, Order: Passeriformes
48th suppl.) The great antshrike is a passerine bird in the antbird family, Thamnophilidae. 2010 revisions) (v.1) South American Classification Committee (20/02/2020) (v.1) eBird version 1.52 (v.1)
IOC World Bird Names, version 5.2 (v.1) Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. IOC World Bird Names, version 2.10 (v.1) Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive (31/01/2015) (v.1) Estadual de Itaúnas, EspÃrito Santo, More, With his pied plumage and bright red eye the male Great Antshrike is a
Great Antshrike song 2014 revisions) (v.1) Jump to navigation Jump to search. great antshrike (plural great antshrikes) A passerine bird of the antbird family (Taraba major, syn. Heard much more often than seen; typically sings from dense vine tangles. 37th suppl.) Birdlife checklist version 01 (v.1) (v.1)
South American Classification Committee (4/09/2012) (v.1) Translations 38th suppl.) IOC World Bird Names, version 2.0 (v.1) To register to myAvibase click here. Privacy policy, Bird checklists - taxonomy - distribution - maps - links. A male great antshrike. Parque Estadual de Itaúnas, EspÃrito Santo, Brazil (v.1) American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl.
Taraba major (0:33) [3] There are ten recognised subspecies.[4]. American Ornithologists' Union 6th edition (incl.
Taraba major. IOC World Bird Names, version 1.0 (v.1)
Heard much more often than seen; typically sings from dense vine tangles. It is a resident breeder in the tropical New World in southern Mexico, Central America, Trinidad and South America down to northern Argentina and southeastern Brazil.
Search. © Denis Lepage | Source: Wikipedia (0 votes) Photo powered by flickr.com.
47th suppl.)
(v.1) Each checklist can be viewed with photos shared by the birding community, and also printed as PDF checklists for field use. gardens, with a preference for dense undergrowth. suppl) (v.1) Their heavy bill is a vicious A passerine bird of the antbird family.
Highlight taxa in a checklist (shown in red)
South American Classification Committee (19/08/2010) (v.1)
English . (v.1)
To register to myAvibase click here. Taraba major
IOC World Bird Names, version 6.4 (v.1)
handsome bird! Birdlife checklist version 02 (v.1) Family: Thamnophilidae eBird version 1.50 (v.1) Forest : Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland, Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane ; Savanna : Dry, Moist ; Shrubland : Subtropical/Tropical Moist ; Artificial/Terrestrial : Subtropical/Tropical Heavily Degraded Former Forest, Updated on 2020/10/02 01:37:39 Click on the images to enlarge them.FIGURE 1 - Adult male lateral Zoonomen - Zoological Nomenclature Resource (v.1), Avibase has been visited 308,815,274 times since 24 June 2003.
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 04 (Aug 2016) (v.?)
Both have clean white underparts, bright red eyes, stout hooked bills, and crests that can be raised or lowered. IOC World Bird Names, version 7.1 (v.1) IOC World Bird Names, version 9.2 (v.1)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. The Great Antshrike (Taraba major) is a passerine bird in the antbird family. Birdlife checklist version 00 (v.1)
Birdlife checklist version 09.1 (Jun 2017) (v.1)