Thomae Dempsteri a Muresk Scoti pandectarum in Pisano lyceo professoris ordinari De Etruria regali libri septem : opus postumum in duas partes divisum tomus primus priores tres libros comprehendens.
In 1983, the “library” was incorporated into the new Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities and quickly grew to become one of the world’s largest collections of photographs of Western art from antiquity to the 1940’s, with total holdings of approximately two million photographs. Over the coming years, all archives from the Getty Research Institute’s special collections and Getty’s institutional archives will be added to the Research Collections Viewer.
The Index of Medieval Art The largest archive of medieval art in the world, the Getty Research Institute holds a repository copy of this Index and provides on-site access to the subscription database. 1771 as probable place and date for the ed.
Its Research Library and Special Collections of rare materials and digital resources serve an international community of scholars and the interested public. bd., 1-2. The Research Library at the Getty Research Institute focuses on the history of art, architecture, and archaeology with relevant materials in the humanities and social sciences.
Below is another scene depicting scholars, one of them identified as the author. Learn how to search the database and access the Photo Archive. The Getty Research Institute is dedicated to furthering knowledge and advancing understanding of the visual arts and their various histories through its expertise, active collecting program, public programs, institutional collaborations, exhibitions, publications, digital services, and residential scholars programs. All images are from Foto Arte Minore. The range of the collections begins with prehistory and extends to contemporary art. The Special Collections and Institutional Archives departments create finding aids for the Getty Research Institute's archival and visual resource collections and for a few historical records of the J. Paul Getty Trust.
“The materials in the Boulton archive give a commanding perspective of the art being produced during his long life and are fundamental for the understanding of Venezuelan art history.”. The other parts have individual t.p. Gelatin silver print. The Photography Incunabula Collection at the Getty Research Institute includes books from the 1840s through the 1870s, which are illustrated primarily with salted paper prints or albumen prints. Ensayo para un Braque/ Essay for a Braque, 1930s, Alfredo Boulton. [table striped="true" responsive="true"] German Sales Catalogs, 1930-1945 The Getty Provenance Index® Databases provide online access to German Sales Catalogs from German-speaking countries -- Austria, Germany and Switzerland -- from 1930 to Vol. 3 min read, pu Puerto Nutrias, 1948, Alfredo Boulton.
I’m especially interested in art history, architecture, and Southern California's cultural scene. The Photography Incunabula Collection at the Getty Research Institute, Panormitani Consilia, quaestiones & tractatus : in hoc volvmine continentvr consiliorvm libri duo, tractatus de Concilio Basiliensi, & questiones clarissimi Decretorum doctoris Nicolai de Tudeschis ... : cum summarijs ac indice : ea fide atq[ue] uigilantia omnia excusa, ut nihil hactenus euulgatorũ desideretur, Anzeiger des Germanischen National-Museums, Catalogue officiel général; préliminaires, section Belge, sections spéciales, Topic: Exposition universelle d'Anvers (1894), Veneres uti observantur in gemmis antiquis, Materials and documents of architecture and sculpture : classified alphabetically, Historia de las Indias de Nueva España y islas de Tierra Firme, Kunstrichtige Schreibart : allerhand Versalie[n] oder AnfangsBuchstabe[n] der teütschen, lateinischen und italianischen Schrifften aus unterschiedlichen Meistern der edlen Schreibkunst zusammen getragen, Divina proportione : opera a tutti glingegni perspicaci e curiosi necessaria oue ciascun studioso di philosophia: prospettiua pictura sculptura: architectura: musica: e altre mathematice: suavissima: sotile: e admirabile doctrina consequira: e delecterassi: co[n] varie questione de secretissima scientia, Exposition universelle de 1900 : photogravures de ND Phot, Paint & colour mixing, a practical handbook : for painters, decorators, artists and all who have to mix colours, containing 287 samples of actual oil- and water-paints and water-colours of various colours, including the principal graining grounds, and upwards of 600 different colour mixtures, with instructions on colour and paint mixing generally, testing colours, etc., etc. Location: Los Angeles, California, United StatesPhotographs: 2,000,000Website | Online catalogue The Research Library at the Getty Research Institute focuses on the history of art, architecture, and archaeology with relevant materials in the humanities and social sciences. The special collections consist of rare and unique materials from the 15th century to the present: nearly 50,000 rare books, more than 27,000 single prints and drawings in albums and collections, 800 collections of rare photographs, and more than 12,000 linear feet of manuscripts and archives, as well as optical devices and 20th-century multiples and videos. Storia degli scavi di Roma e notizie intorno le collezioni romane di antichità .. Explication des ouvrages de peinture et dessins, sculpture, architecture et gravure, des artistes vivans, Manly Palmer Hall collection of alchemical manuscripts, circa 1500-1825, A true & faithful relation of what passed for many yeers between Dr. John Dee ... and some spirits : tending (had it succeeded) to a general alteration of most states and kingdomes in the world : his private conferences with Rodolphe Emperor of Germany, Stephen K. of Poland, and divers other princes about it : the particulars of his cause, as it was agitated in the Emperors court, by the Pope's intervention : his banishment and restoration in part : as also the letters of sundry great men and princes (some whereof were present at some of these conferences and apparitions of spirits) to the said D. Dee : out of the original copy, written with Dr. Dees own hand, kept in the library of Sir Tho.
The Getty Research Institute, 2004.IA.06 For more details, view the Scope of Institutional Archives Collections page. For this work, Boulton researched and investigated public and private archives, magazines and newspapers, and artists’ correspondence. Veneres et Priapi uti observantur in gemmis antiquis, By Pierre d'Hancarville, according to Barbier, who gives Naples ca. 's: Tractatus secundus, De natvrae simia seu technica macrocosmi historia.