Our collection contains worksheets for topics like reading maps, coordinates, directions (North, East, South and West), the continents, the oceans and much more. The included "My Home" stagger book has page options for each of the 50 states in the US. 41 0 obj <> endobj 54 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<4B669E4B096B3C9C999AB3CBB15F043A><1224A66A4CFF47B4BFDA44C234D3FEF6>]/Index[41 30]/Info 40 0 R/Length 73/Prev 19282/Root 42 0 R/Size 71/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream There are plenty of crossword puzzles and quizzes to test your students' knowledge of the earth's surface. Geography: A Literature Approach for Intermediate Grades uses Holling Clancy Holling’s award-winning books Paddle-to-the-Sea, Tree-in-the-Trail, Minn of the Mississippi, and Seabird (not-included; all sold-separately) to introduce children to world geography and three major regions of the United States.. We hope that your kids will enjoy our collection of free geography worksheets. Using kindergarten geography worksheets, students explore the world from the comfort of home. Map and geography skills may be used in many subject areas including language arts, math, and history. Geography Worksheets for Kids. There’s so much that kids need to learn about the big, wide world they live in! From physical geography to human geography, our fun geography … Geography worksheets will give kids the opportunity to learn more about all the different aspects that the subject covers. The activities in this resource can be used to introduce or practice the Georgia Performance Standards: SS1G2 The student will identify and locate his/her city, county, state, nation, and continent on a si Geography Worksheets City and State Worksheets. endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 70 0 obj <>stream
Name the States Worksheet 8 - Students will recognize the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York by their shape and write the name and abbreviation for each. These social studies resources can enhance any curriculum for kindergarten …

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