Read basic signage in the lingua franca of the host country, participate in greetings using the local lingua franca, 5. 0000002807 00000 n The Forum on Education Abroad is hosted on Dickinson College's campus.

0000031025 00000 n Ensure that the code addresses consequences for inappropriate behaviors. Not a Forum member? 0000030983 00000 n

0000003692 00000 n H�̒�J1��}���7����sTу7��A< .

Plan for plenty of ice-breaker and team-building activities early in and throughout the program to help participants get to know each other and feel comfortable communicating and working together in the online format. Build time into the planning and implementation schedule for faculty/staff to spend time getting to know each other, build rapport, and ensure that goals are aligned, whether this is a new partnership or an existing relationship.

Plan to assess participants’ achievement of the agreed-upon learning goals. How do we value reciprocity and build sustainable and mutually-beneficial relationships? This glossary is a beginning attempt to fill this gap. 0000020572 00000 n The Forum on Education Abroad … Have a plan for facilitators/instructors to actively monitor participant interactions, especially early in the program, e.g., faculty member may periodically drop in on small group meetings to ensure that participants are comfortable and working productively together.

0000005682 00000 n Video conferencing from home reveal things about students that classroom or in-person formats do not. Home; The Forum on Education Abroad The Forum on Education Abroad Location: Carlisle, PA Member Level: None. Consider using the technology of the more tech-limited partners so that all partners and participants can engage fully in the experience. 37 0 obj <> endobj

Submissions will be featured in The Forum’s Education Abroad Digital Resource Center. As with education abroad opportunities, education abroad professionals can be a driving force in the development and implementation of online global learning experiences by helping to seek out opportunities, build partnerships, advise students of their options, and help instructors to identify learning goals for international experiences that extend beyond specific academic disciplines. Her research interests and publication record include international social justice, co-occurring mental health, substance abuse, and medical needs among adults, peer services in behavioral health services. �@F�s�o��4I��*�z���B����� �R�(M!��#�� پ�l]�Lj���3��$�T���"��k�dG!6�x�[�+��-DS��t�@�#���Ϩ�a0&r ����_0f>;�:�3f�35i(�G`פN��J4�z�~-���G`��$j�yHȩ�& ]��>

Encourage open, honest communication for all faculty, staff, and participants. 0000004485 00000 n While online global learning experiences have unique considerations, many of the facets of supporting participants’ personal, social, intercultural, academic, and career development are similar to what we’re accustomed to in the field of education abroad.

Consider designing the experience to result in project or portfolio deliverables that give participants something tangible to demonstrate what they have achieved through the online experience. For small-group projects, internships, or other work that happens relatively independently, establish and follow through on regular, mandatory touchpoints between participant(s) and instructors/supervisors. The award recognized the most innovative incorporation of The New York Times into an education abroad curriculum. endstream endobj 49 0 obj<>stream

Synchronous online activities often take longer than expected. Draw on partnerships that already exist between faculty or departments. They play different roles in your internationalization efforts and they complement one another. The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.

However, education abroad impacts much more than the participants: home and host communities and institutions, local economies, partners, faculty and program leaders, and the environment all feel the effects of our growing global industry. Facilitate frequent and open communication via real-time meetings between faculty/staff facilitators of the online global learning experience before the program begins and throughout the experience. 0000002596 00000 n Submissions will be featured in The Forum’s Education Abroad Digital Resource Center. 2401 … Education Abroad has the potential to make a transformative impact on a student’s personal, academic, cultural, and professional trajectory. The terminology of the field of education abroad is as diverse as its practices, resulting in a degree of semantic ambiguity that at times borders on anarchy. Develop a 3-page topic briefing to present in class which summarizes best practices on your topic in the United States, India, and other developed and developing nations around the world, addressing the three components of economic, social, and environmental sustainability. Virtual Exchange and Education Abroad: Synergies for Sustainability. Consider running a tech rehearsal with participants before the substantive work of the program begins. �,����#������b�|#p��?Sp������Dɇ ��Q���S0 Some entries have been reassigned to different locations, and the order of sections and subsections has been rearranged for more logical flow. If the power goes out in one location of the partnership for a day, a flexible schedule from the outset will make it easier to make up for lost time later. Consider using the platforms participants have readily available in all locations, i.e., if computer availability is limited for some participants, use WhatsApp or other mobile messaging systems on mobile devices rather than computer-based video conferencing software. Sustainable microenterprises: In class, utilize provided copies of recycled NYT two page spreads to create origami newspaper basket to take with you to India to collect recycled paper and tetra packs. However, education abroad impacts much more than the participants: home and host communities and institutions, local economies, partners, faculty and program leaders, and the environment all feel the effects of our growing global industry. However, education abroad impacts much more than … There are 47 items in the toolbox, please login or join to access these great resources. Be respectful of participants in different time zones. Consider online global experiences as a part of a global learning portfolio. 0000001491 00000 n H�̑M This can be done, in part, as a group activity that engages participants in the process early in the program. STARS Bulletin.

Offer participants assistance (financial or otherwise) to aid in accessing necessary technologies to the extent possible. Explain the culture, history, literature, language, arts, religion, intellectual traditions, and institutions of the host country in comparison with the US, 4. xref

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Search For: Sustainable Campus Partners Directory. This second edition represents a substantial revision. Consider making this a full-time staff role to ensure program sustainability in the long-term. The Forum on Education Abroad is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the Standards Development Organization for Education Abroad. For additional guidance for specific program types, we also encourage you to consult: The Forum thanks the following individuals for their contribution to the preparation of this Guide: There are 47 items in the toolbox. 0000001393 00000 n Ensure that goals for the online experience are clearly established. Education Abroad has the potential to make a transformative impact on a student’s personal, academic, cultural, and professional trajectory.

Design opportunities to encourage participants to reflect on their personal, academic, intercultural, and professional growth. n�ײ0�%��f������|U��9�l�� 7?���j`���l7���"�t�i��N�f]?�u�h��gM Zʲ4��i���[�&LY��_�x� Connect participants to future online global learning or in-person education abroad experiences to build upon the global competencies they’ve developed through this experience. 0000003114 00000 n The Forum on Education Abroad is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the Standards Development Organization for Education Abroad. endstream endobj 52 0 obj<>stream

Clearly outline and communicate policies regarding participant conduct and expectations for participation online. AASHE The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. Mohamed Abdel-Kader, Kyle Kastler, Andie Shafer, Henry Shepherd, Christine Shiau. ©2015 The Forum on Education Abroad 71 sustainability courses offered abroad (Tarrant, Rubin, & Stoner, 2013). Ensure open channels of communication between participants and faculty/staff and let participants know how to make use of these to convey issues related to internet access, illness, or other inability to participate without fear of repercussions. 0000005987 00000 n Box 1773, Carlisle, PA 17013  |  Phone: (717) 245-1031  |  Fax: (717) 245-1677  |, Professional Certification in Education Abroad, Conducting Education Abroad during COVID-19, Community Engagement, Service-Learning, and Volunteer Experiences, Undergraduate Research, Field Studies, and Independent Study Projects Abroad, Guidelines for Community Engagement, Service-Learning and Volunteer Experiences Abroad, Guidelines for Undergraduate Research, Field Studies, and Independent Study Projects Abroad, Guidelines for Undergraduate Health Experiences Abroad, Guidelines for Good Business Partnerships. *�Y�=�@Q�i3TЋL� Consider creating in-person or online showcase formats to allow participants to share their work and practice these skills. Conference Resource Hub. Make a plan to evaluate the success of an online global learning experience, especially if this is the first iteration, in order to plan for improvement in future iterations. 0 Make use of all available resources to ensure technology is accessible to participants of all needs and abilities, e.g., use captioning tools, ensure that documents and websites are readable by screen readers and other assistive technology, access to translators if partners are in countries that speak different languages, etc. 0000005189 00000 n