Find more ways to say foreign, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Check out our list for saying king in different languages. H.W. (Pronounced Kur-nik) there are a few people in Germany I’ve met with that name. Be ready to meet a foreign friend! So i am looking for the word king in other languages that sounds cool.i found Roi in french but i am afraid people who read it will read it as Roy instead of ROUA . Another word for king. Meloch and Malcah. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. There's a powerful mythology that kings must die to ensure the welfare of their people. Looking for ways to say king in other languages? Closely connected with this mistake of translating is the other of taking liberties with foreign phrases in their original form, dovetailing them into the construction of an English sentence when they do not lend themselves to it. Find more similar words at! The name Caesar became a title for Roman emperors, and Kaiser is the German-language version of Caesar. share. I’m not sure what you mean by “semantic similarities”. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A community for those interested in names. Lugal - Sumerian, the first written language. its nice but i am looking smaller. Any of these would be cute on a pet but I think only Rey works for humans.

Find more ways to say king, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Are you asking about subtle differences in meaning between different words for “king”? The most familiar phrase thus treated is. It sometimes occurs to a writer that he would like to avail himself of a foreign word or phrase, whether to make a genuine point or to show that he has the gift of tongues, and yet not keep his less favoured readers in the dark; he accordingly uses a literal translation instead of the actual words. It now only remains to add that there are French words good in some contexts, and not in others. any suggestions?also it has to be short ,not like vasilias in greek. Fowler (1858–1933).The King’s English, 2nd ed. Vocabulary FOREIGN WORDS THE usual protest must be made, to be treated no doubt with the usual disregard. any suggestions?also it has to be short ,not like vasilias in greek. 28 synonyms of king from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 30 related words, definitions, and antonyms. The word king is important in religion. Find another word for king. It may fairly be doubted whether this is ever worth while; but there is all the difference in the world, as we shall presently exemplify in a pair of contrasted quotations, between the genuine and the ostentatious use. So i am looking for the word king in other languages that sounds cool.i found Roi in french but i am afraid people who read it will read it as Roy instead of ROUA . König is more a last name though in Germany. Titles for kings and queen of israel. The word King in other languages? A person or thing regarded as the finest or most important in their sphere or group, “Apart from being a cultural icon, Elvis Presley is often referred to as the, A person who has the support of his peers to lead or direct, A wealthy and influential businessman or businesswoman, A respectful term of address to any male, especially if his name or proper title is unknown, A person or thing that wins or is victorious, A person of high rank, status, power, or influence, A king in a standard deck of playing cards. It will be admitted that all the four passages below are ugly: A special caution may be given about some words and phrases that either are shams, or are used in wrong senses. My brother's name is little king in irish: Ríain. good name though. Semantics is about meaning, and all words for “king” mean the same thing by definition. Synonyms for king include ruler, emperor, monarch, sovereign, crown, lord, majesty, prince, head and leader. Another word for foreign. King synonyms. 13 comments.

The difficulty is that some French, Latin, and other words are now also English, though the fiction that they are not is still kept up by italics and (with French words) conscientious efforts at pronunciation. Chapter I. Titles of nobility are on the list of names you’re not allowed to give your child. 1908. Top synonyms for king (other words for king) are champion, sovereign and emperor. Your posts are welcome so long as they stay on topic and remain civil, Press J to jump to the feed. In Latin words and phrases, other cases should always be changed to the nominative, whatever the government in the English sentence, unless the Latin word that accounted for the case is included in the quotation. Koenig is King in German.

Of the first kind are. To would be the direct translation of king.