Also don't forget DNS, the backbone of AD, if your devices can't resolve the AD Server by name, they will struggle to authenticate. TCP 49152 (see reg key 1) These ports are required by both client computers and Domain Controllers.

I was able to remove the DNS entry for the web server, and TCP & UDP – 389 53- DNS We reset the computer account and tried to re-join the AD Domain, which failed. We use a firewall to seperate 2 Networks. We are experiencing issues with one of our web servers in our public dmz. This article discusses the required network ports, protocols, and services that are used by Microsoft client and server operating systems, server-based programs, and their subcomponents in the Microsoft Windows Server system. no help. In running a port query, found that UDP for port 389 was failing. TCP 3268

Do you need both TCP and UDP for port 389 to be open in order to join the domain? Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), I can ping the server from my domain and from the server , if i use FQDN, i can May 17, 2013 at 06:54 UTC. TCP 5722 2. network WLAN i i try in WLAN Network to logon with a domain user, it wont work! using ipconfig /registerdns was able to re-establish the host record for the web server. I can ping the server from my domain and from the server , if i use FQDN, i can ping the DC's needed to join the domain.

In running a port query, found that UDP for port 389 was failing. We are having issues joining a Win 2008 R2 server to the domain.     TCP & UDP 53 : DNS

UDP 123

TCP 139

>>Do you need both TCP and UDP for port 389 to be open in order to join the domain? No matter what we do we are unable to join the domain. To continue this discussion, please Which of the following retains the information it's storing when the system power is turned off?

Those keys limit the ports the DC can use to ones that you've allowed on the firewall. Microsoft MVP [Windows] Please refer to the lab prepared to verify the Firewall Ports Required for AD Replication in Windows 2019 AD Server. TCP 389 succeeds. by As an example, when a client computer tries to find a domain controller it always sends a DNS Query over Port 53 to find the name of the domain controller in the domain.

We dropped the computer out of the domain, without dropping the computer account. TCP 3269 UDP 137 What are the ports that needs to be opened for the join to be succesfull? There is a firewall between the 2. Regards, Dave Patrick ....

Registry value: DCTcpipPort     TCP 1025 & 1026 : AD Login & replication on What are the ports that needs to be opened for the join to be succesfull? Can you please tell me which ports i have to open, that users can be authentificated by the AD?
we end up with network path not found.

The AD server is in network 1. You can refer to the below article, it may help you to open the ports required on the firewall to allow the server in DMZ to join the domain. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide 09/08/2020; 59 minutes to read; In this article. the server was working following the installation of the latest patches. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Parameters, Active Directory and Active Directory Domain Services Port Requirements,, Regards, Terry | My Blog: Active Directory using several ports to communication between domain controllers to clients. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting.

Having gone though this pain before I made a list... TCP & UDP 53 We reset the computer account and tried to re-join the AD Domain, which failed.

Please read the following web site for your information.     TCP 445 : SMB , Microsoft-ds Value type: REG_DWORD ping the DC's needed to join the domain. TCP and UDP 88 PS: What can i do to confirm that it is indeed the firewall blocking the communication and not something else maybe? Windows 2019 Server AD Domain Controller (LAB-WIN19 – Windows 2019 Server AD Domain Controller (LAB-WIN19A – Dat_Guardian

    TCP 389 : LDAP If you have a firewall between two managed hosts and you want to perform source or target activities, such as migration or cloning, you must configure a means for the managed hosts to receive data. Can you please tell me which ports i have to open, that users can be authentificated by the AD? 1. network wired. We use a firewall to seperate 2 Networks. Value type: REG_DWORD

No matter what we do we are unable to join the domain. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide
to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. This posting is provided “AS IS” Few hours later, the server failed to allow domain accounts to access the web applications.

Logged onto the server with the local administrator account, and was able to use nslookup to resolve the domain name, and the name of domain controllers.

Components used. For custom firewalls, you must manually open the required ports. Is your wi-fi an internal, encrypted, corporate wi-fi? UDP and TCP Port 135 for domain controllers-to-domain controller and client to domain controller operations.     TCP 139 : SMB no help. Hi, There are so many ports that have to be opened for Kerberos and authentication, having the server on the DMZ is worthless. how can i fetch "member of" details for all AD Users in a domain .     UDP 88 : Kerberos v5. As I am setting up a VM of Windows 2003 Server Active Domain, tried for ports needed to successfully let other machines authenticate themselves to the AD server. i i try in WLAN Network to logon with a domain user, it wont work! TCP 636 There is a firewall between the 2.

We dropped the computer out of the domain, without dropping the computer account. PS: What can i do to confirm that it is indeed the firewall blocking the communication and not something else maybe? If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact

TCP and UDP 474 Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.