[5] She falls off late-game so you can play safe until then as well

Her Ultimate is all her damage after the Laning Phase. [1]Take Corrupting Pot as Starting item. Keep your eyes on the Remount Bar. Sehen Sie sich zum Beispiel unsere Liste der Drei-Buchstaben Namen an oder geben Sie Ihren Traum League of …

Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. You beat her in lane hard. [3]Dont fight him without you have boots and Phage or else you'll get Kited and die. [3]Parry her E it's super obvious. [3]Never Forget the True Damage Ultimate, if you're low he will deal 30% of your HP as True Damage. A good Soraka will carry the game through you. [5]Set up a Freeze because Kayle Players get a lot of attention from their Junglers. [4]You can now Parry the stun from his Passive which makes this match-up a bit easier. [2]Dodge his Q using your own Q. Takes no Damage because Conqueror is Nerfed as hell? [3]Don't Ask for Ganks unless he is over-extended due to your Freeze or he can just Lightning Rush Away and you'll waste everyone's time.

You must be logged in or register before you cancast your vote. Import Runes, Summoners, and Builds into League. [1]you can fight him level 6 but I like to bait out his Ult so I dont have to damage through the insane amount of armor he gets from it. [1]You can Parry his Ultimate And His Charge which are most of his damage.

[3]You also outscale him HARD. The reason he is good is not because he beats you, it's because he beats your teammates. [4]Dont Fight her when she has her Passive & Conqueror stacked. Dont Stress it you'll be fine. [4] Don't ask for ganks just focus on farming till the Laning Phase is over, you will out-scale Hard.

Another Fun Match-up where you can parry something quite easily. [5]Only Q Front Vitals no point Trading Pre Lv.6 he heals too much from his Q. All her damage depends on hitting her E. Her whole Kit Revolves around a Gimmick. [2]Play around your Conqueror. [4]Ping your team the moment he leaves the lane and keep scaling.

[4]She scales Just as well as you so try to end the game early if you get ahead of her. (It's a 25 Second CD) Fiora macht in eine Richtung einen Ausfallschritt und sticht auf einen Gegner in der Nähe ein, wobei sie normalen Schaden zufügt und Treffereffekte auslöst. His Cleavers will be your demise if you're not careful.

[1]The Pulling Part of his Hook applies 60% Griveous Wounds but it's extremely easy to parry. Fiora pariert allen eingehenden Schaden und kampfunfähig machende Angriffe. [2]Parrying his W is good Her Early-Game is pretty weak. [4]Keep track of her energy bar, if she wastes too much energy then it's your opportunity to take a good trade. [1]Corrupting Potions to Lane along with some Magic Resist in your runes.

[3]Parry the Q that will stun you when you're at full stack of his Passive OR his Devour. Fiora legt alle 4 Schwachpunkte des gegnerischen Champions offen und erhält zusätzliches Lauftempo, wenn sie sich in dessen Nähe aufhält. This is guy is a cheese pick. [1]Start with Corrupting Pot and Play Passive. Alright Riot Threw him a Bone and being the Crocodile he is, he made full use of it.

[2]Don't fight him when he has his Q Stacked up. [1]It's Plenty Possible to Bait out his Ultimate if you make it seem like you're in a tough spot(Hold your Q) [1]You can parry her E(Knockback) but it has hard to predict so I recommend you stay away from Walls. He's a strong frontline tank late-game so you dont want the game to drag on. Extremely Strong Kit in Lane. [1]All his trades start with him running up to you with his Q but good Garen Players can Bluff. [S10] Rank #1 Fiora Guide - ForgottenProject, [10.20] Fiora Handbook (Top / Mid) (+ Match-up Guide), [10.20] Fiora Top Lane - In Depth - God Carry.

Ton of Poke, a Dis-engage which is hard to Parry and Her R which is Bullshit. Did this guide help you? You'll be under your turret for the first 15 Minutes of the game making you Question why even bother with this Game? [3]Do not get close to him when he has a big Minion wave, he will taunt you and Minions will do a lot of damage Early.

Only Q-Poke Front Vitals.

[1]Don't ask for Ganks He will Ult the weak person, get a kill and walk back to his turret. [3]Her early-game is weak so theres a high chance you will kill her in a lv6 All-in as long as you're not already behind. Angriff wird kritisch treffen.

[3]Ninja Tabis are good against him since All his damage is from auto attacks. Never intiate without your Conquerer and it's better to fight him when you have your Conq ready and he doesnt. [3]Dont waste your Q on random things early or he'll lock you down with his wall and you're dead since you cant hit any vitals when you're in it and your Q is on CD. [1]Take Corrupting Pot as your Starting item. Its primary function is to provide the League of Legends community easy access to Professional Player's builds across all regions. [6]Don't ask for Ganks if you're losing or she will get a double kill. If you're up against Shaco in the top lane you may as well expect him to be Pink Ward's Lost Child. [3]Good Garen Players will try to bait your parry out before they Q you, dont fall for it. There are Multiple things to parry and the 2 Second Stun you get off of them makes this a Free win. Has the best Synergy with you because she's Fiora. [2]Sweepers Disable his Boxes so get that EVEN IF YOU'RE AHEAD. It's a skill match-up similar to Riven. [4]Poke him but not at the cost of your own HP because he has ways to out-heal you and kill you if you're low. [1]All her damage is from Tentacles and they are All skillshots. [2]Rush Tabis against her. [1]Take Corrupting Potion in Lane and Don't fight him when he's in his Ranged Form as he has an easy way to escape. Extremely Strong Early-Game due to his Burst Combo that lets him take negligible damage if done right. [2]Dont be scared to trade with her as long as you can proc vitals. [1]Parry his Hook and he's a Sitting Duck. You beat him HARD. You may also Sign In using your Social Media. Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? [3]You can Burst him down when you hit level 6. [2]If she uses Q on the wave, you can run her down the lane.

There's nothing that makes him OP but he's just overall a strong Pick. [2]Bait out his Blind while pretending to All-in him(Do this by simply using your Q on a vital and attacking him once and most teemo players get scared and instantly blind you). This Champion has a trash Design. [2]He will probably have Conquerer so play around that. Anschließend sticht sie in eine Richtung.

[4]Rushing Sanguine Blade after Tiamat is a valid option here. Plus Hourglass are Broken which is the main reason you even see Mages Top-Lane. [2]You will need Executioner's but don't Rush it after Tiamat.
[3]If you use your R on her, she will usually follow up with E to push you away. He is Over-buffed since the preseason. If you mess up you're in for a beating. You may as well replace all your other teammates with her. [2]You can also pick up Ignite for lane in case you don't want to rush Executioner's. [1]If you're able to parry her hard cc you win the trade. [2]If you Parry the Knock-up just make sure you Q-E into him before he Silences you. [1]You can hit Vitals on her even when she's in her Shroud as long as you know where to aim. Later in the game that goes up to 50% of your HP. Lookup LoL summoners match history, statistics, live spectate, rank, runes and mastery.

Nothing like a Soraka R, to let you turn around the 1v3 and kill everyone.
Angriff verlangsamt das Ziel, der 2. [1]Take Teleport and Just Farm out the Lane, there's not much you can do here. The other reason he's still so high up is because his kit is still Oppressive in lane. You pretty much cant kill him in lane unless he somehow messes up and he will out-scale you in team fighting HARD. You outscale him though so it's so bad. Ranged Top laners will always be a problem. He benefited the most from the new Sanguine Blade item and he's currently really good in Jungle as well. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! This used to be a Skill matchup until he got a slight rework and now he's strong. His lane can be Oppressing if you keep letting him trade with you. [3]Easy to Dodge his Q by using your own Q.

[3]Walk away from him if he gets his Empowered Q, indicated by his Bar turning Red. Don't underestimate his damage. This is a Skill Match-up but it favors you because his Knock-up is so easy to parry. [1] Don't get hit by her W. Q Into her If she tries to hit you with it.

DON'T LET HIM FREEZE! After the duration, Fiora stabs her sword forward and deals magic damage in a line.