A Valor/Swords Bard with Swift Quiver from Magical Secrets or Pact of the Blade Hexblade with Improved Pack Weapon, for instance; both make cool and unique Sharpshooter builds that offer spellcasting versatility when you're not sniping. But 25 damage vs. 15 damage is moot to a 10hp target. Check out how this page has evolved in the past. Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls. Monster hunter’s strong too, and is a good choice if you like the feel of it.
A dueling (fighting style) Ftr1/Ro3 can expect +6 to hit & 17.5 expected damage (d8 weapon damage + 2 dueling + 4 STR + 7 sneak attack). You also gain proficiency in the Perception, Investigation, or Survival skill (choose one).
Like Gloomstalker ranger 5/war cleric 1/Battlemaster fighter 3, unleashing 7 shots in the first round with extremely high levels of accuracy.
I'm sure this has come up before, but it seems sort of 50/50 and I'm looking for advice. Why don't Presidential debates disable the candidates' microphones while it's not their turn to speak? With a heavy hood that concealed his face, Sagittarius struck back at the crime boss Dorphala and successfully put her behind bars, if only temporarily. You have mastered ranged weapons and can make shots that others find impossible. Andrea is by-the-book and disapproving of Terrence's more extreme methods, but the two have history and a mutual understanding. There was a really good question about this already that we can get some answers from. If you could find a way to hunter's mark as well, you could do even more damage, but because the samurai ability is a bonus action, you really can't add it without essentially guaranteeing each hit.
How, as a Pathfinder DM, can I help my players create characters at the correct optimization level for a given adventure?
This is my personal copypasta for a crazy multi-class Archer and ultimate scout build - Here's a DDB link, Wood Elf [Fleet of Foot and Mask of the Wild], Sample stats using standard array: STR:8 | DEX:15 | CON:13 | INT:14 | WIS:12 | CHA:10, Ranger 4[Gloomstalker/Close Quarters Shooter(UA)]. Don’t worry about your charisma; you’re still primarily an archer; your spells are just gravy. ... the disadvantage from using 3/4 of the weapons range and how cantrips most outclass range weapons in 5th edition. Find out what you can do. Hello highlight.js! So how do you counter Sharpshooter while playing by AL the rules? even without magic items and max dex, the damage and to hit bonus is nothing to sneeze at, (losing +1/+3 without the items, and +1/+1 for every two points of dex below 20).
Green: Good options. View and manage file attachments for this page. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. A single level dip in Fighter will grant it to you, assuming you can't grab it from your own class. Battlemaster for battlefield control, samurai for consistent high damage, eldritch knight for survivability and a little magic.
Helps when you're allowed to hide when lightly obscured (ranger have to be like lvl 9 to get that) and gives you a speed increase. Whooo buddy.. An example? Like magic a whole, whole lot, and want to be useful out of combat, but still want to focus on archery in combat? Dungeons & Dragons: The Best Feats For A Fighter. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). I will use the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance. "Roll Over" in the Song Roll Over Beethoven. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. I'd say go Ranger 5 for two attacks and the archery fighting style (if you pick hunter there are some nice minor bonuses to combat. The Sharpshooter is a master of ranged combat. Grab a weapon and and choose your style because we’ll be covering everything you need to know to make the best fighter in 5e Dungeons & Dragons. How do I deal with a powergamer in a game full of beginners in a school club? Unfortunately I don't have access to the Cloud Giant's Bargain so I can't do calculations based on the actual adventure AC's however from highly scientific random picks out of the monster manual AC's cluster around 13-16. The higher the AC of the target the more likely they are to miss...and misses will happen occasionally, especially if they have disadvantage. If you take the Attack action on your first turn of a combat, you can make one additional ranged weapon attack as part of that action. Point buy with a full elf to get a 17 in DEX. And sometimes, let them shine.
Like magic a whole, whole lot, and want to be a mystical archer with lots of tricks up their sleeve, including slinging arrows with a magical knockdown effect? If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. For example, let's say we take a human fighter. From 11th level, this enables you to put out something like 120+ damage in a single round (six attacks with at 1d8+15), and that's before magical items. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Sometimes you'll be fighting a crowd of kobolds in their warren of tunnels, and the sharpshooter'll effectively be mooted. I have plans to if I make it to the next campaign with this group, but my luck is terrible. 3 lvls are needed for longbows. MathJax reference. Eventually, he attracted the attention of a tiefling organized crime boss known as Dorphala. You take the feat to gain the +10 damage because it stacks with all of the other static damage. [Aside] 'I love it when a plan comes together.'". Can bacteria be killed by purely physical trauma? Sharpshooter works best with the Archery fighting style and multiple attacks, both features Rogues don't get. Breaking down our two cases we get, Maximum AC where -5/+10 adds average damage: 21. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. Next go rogue with eleven weapons you can use a Longbow then grab sharpshooter and eleven accuracy and either the assassin subclass or scout. The problem is, as it applies to AL play, the character is doing nothing that you CAN reduce the impact of directly since you can not alter the encounters drastically or use homebrewed rules. Either way, they all rely on Archery to land consistent hits. Then take Elven Accuracy at 4th (reaching 18 DEX), and Sharpshooter at 6th. Thanks for contributing an answer to Role-playing Games Stack Exchange! Like Reckless Attack, but for ranged combatants? Fighters are the most versatile class in Dungeons & Dragons, so here is a huge list of feats to be the best warrior, protector, or leader you can be. Starting at 15th level, you learn to trade accuracy for swift strikes. Both from pre-planning and from experience, here're the things we've come up with: Be open and tell the player that you're struggling to engage all of the party while allowing their character to shine when in its element. Check out how this page has evolved in the past. From what I can tell with Snap shot, that would apply to both your normal attack action and an attack action from action sure on your first round of combat, meaning you get 10 attacks on the first turn, and with careful aim you get +12 dmg to each of those attacks? But what about the size of that strike? (And we haven't even piled a feat onto there.). Archery PHB: The obvious choice for ranged builds. At level 6 a necromancer wizard can have, say 12 skeletons (but missing out on all 3 level 3 spell slots in return) each doing 1d6+5 damage at +4 to hit with shortbows, in total that is 12d6+60 (average 102) each round at level 6, so sure your level 20 archer can with an action surge do more damage, with greater accuracy (+8 vs +4) than a level 6 wizard, how is that absurd? The not-nice thing about having a sniper is that the damage your opponents are dealing tends to be concentrated on \$N-1\$ party members rather than on \$N\$ party members.
Send your melee units after them. Likewise, a fighter is adept with shields and every form of armor. If its within an hour you can apply Hex to your chosen target (1d6). I have never encountered a table that allows UA and not homebrew so far. Before you make an attack with a ranged weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. Valor or swords. Battlemaster is very popular because you can use Precision Shot to make sure your sharpshooting hits, at least until you run out of superiority dice. Want an unconventional archer, with lots of neat tricks like walking on water and speaking all languages and eventual proficiency in all saves? Choosing to stay at standoff range also chooses to write oneself out of a lot of interactions. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available.