It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The three dolphinariums in the country will no longer be able to reproduce or bring in new dolphins or killer whales. During the last reform of the CAP, a special effort was made for small and medium farmers to encourage more productivity and drive the involvement of youth. This policy, based on the link between produce and its source, and its superior environmental quality, is now shared at European level and represents an important lever for the use and development of our territories. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Under the leadership of Stéphane Le Foll, France has engaged in a two-year programme for the agro ecological transition of its agriculture. AMSTERDAM—The Dutch government has agreed that all mink fur farms must permanently close by March 2021, according to Dutch national... AMSTERDAM—COVID-19 infections on Dutch mink fur farms have now led to an estimated 1 million mink being culled by government... LONDON—British citizens overwhelmingly agree that the time has come for Britain to be fur-free. France announced Tuesday that it plans to “gradually” ban mink farming in the country as well as the use of wild animals in traveling circuses and the breeding of dolphins and orcas in captivity. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. French circuses currently use some 500 wild animals, depending on the profession. Pompili said the government will offer circuses and dolphinaria assistance of up to eight million euros ($ 9.3 million) to help them adjust to the bans. An estimated 60 million mink are farmed for their fur in 24 countries around the world, with the top three production countries China (20.6million mink), Denmark (17.6million mink) and Poland (5 million mink) in 2018. For food safety reasons, but also to balance the territories, it is important that public policies establish favorable and appropriate economic and institutional legal frameworks to secure access to land, credit, markets and training for family farmers. Although the mink fur farm ban does not impact France’s Orylag rabbit fur industry, it is nonetheless a significant sign of progress towards ending the trade. Through its policies and history, France has developed its agriculture on the model of family farming. So it is commendable that Minister Pompili has listened to the public outcry that this kind of cruelty is unacceptable. These national guidelines are now widely adopted in Europe. The announcement also included many other sweeping animal welfare reforms adopted by the French government, such as ending the use of wild animals in traveling circuses and keeping and breeding dolphins and killer whales in captivity in marine parks. Muriel Arnal, CEO of One Voice, said: “Finally, France has a mink fur farming ban. 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It is certain that the French fur industry will resist these measures, which in recent years has fought fierce rearguard action against luxury fashion houses without fur. One Voice has been urging the Ministry of Ecology since 2017 to publish a decree to shut down all mink operation in France. In support of their campaign, HSI/UK and other members of the Fur Free Alliance—an international coalition of more than fifty animal protection organisations—wrote a letter to the French Embassy asking for a ban. Steel production rebounded with reopening of auto factories: Cleveland-Cliffs CEO, Whitney Houston hologram surfaces without domain approval. The announcement comes a month after an undercover investigation by French animal campaigners, One Voice, revealed shocking evidence of animal suffering on mink fur farms. It is he or she who owns the means of production, works, takes technical and economic decisions on the farm and who bears the risk. The French word for farmer is paysan or peasant. There is no ready recipe, but a need to develop specific solutions in each context. Across Europe, mink fur farms have been affected by outbreaks of COVID-19. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. • 25 per cent of farms have at least one production under a sign of official quality. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. For as long as the UK remains open for business to sell fur from countries overseas such as France, we are complicit in this cruelty.”. Across Europe, 13 countries have banned fur farming, Britain being the first to do so in 2003. As of 1998 35% of France's area was arable. Recent food crises have shown an increased interest in speculative land capital and agricultural commodities.

Farms are the result of each country and the agrarian, cultural and social history of each territory. We must act now to... Post was not sent - check your email addresses! • 500,000 farms with an average size of 55 hectares and 966,000 permanent assets, • Agricultural production doubled in 50 years, to €66 billion in 2010, • Farmers are better trained, and 34 per cent are from higher education, • Agriculture employs more than 1 million people, and over 25 per cent are women, • The food industry is the second-largest industrial employer. You have entered an incorrect email address! Environment Minister Barbara Pompili announced the sweeping measures … On the economic front, the establishment of inter helped improve the organizational capacity of the agricultural sector and tools for the empowerment of farmers have been put in place, such as the recognition of producer organizations or written development contracts.