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Develop and then enhance their level of competence by participating in relevant training and appropriate Continuing Professional Development activities.

You can also use this search facility to find all our EMCC Global Volunteers, see who volunteers for what, and contact them via their EMCC email addresses. Ensure that their capability is sufficient to enable them to operate according to this Code of Ethics and any standards that may subsequently be produced. 0000007335 00000 n 0000015587 00000 n If you are an EMCC Global Volunteer and wish to amend your volunteer profile please contact [email protected]. 0000001650 00000 n 0000002802 00000 n Please contact us if you are interested or if you have topics we might discuss. The EMCC Ethical Code covers the following: Walking with Leaders Ltd is registered in England and Wales, No.03858145  VAT registration no 790 4179 12   Registered Office, Office 2, Greswolde House, 197b Station Rd, Knowle. In order to inform the public and to contribute to the professionalisation of coaching and mentoring, the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) together with the International Coach Federation (ICF) and others have created and adopted a Professional Charter for Coaching and Mentoring. The coach/mentor is committed to functioning from a position of dignity, autonomy and personal responsibility. European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) Code of Ethics.

Code of conduct and ethical guidelines for mentoring pairs. European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). 0000002916 00000 n 0000010644 00000 n

This version comes into effect on 1 May 2018 and will apply to all the signatories’ membership categories. endstream endobj 244 0 obj <. 0000004563 00000 n 0000030012 00000 n Seek to create an environment in which client, coach/mentor and sponsor are focused on and have the opportunity for learning. Be aware of the potential for conflicts of interest of either a commercial or emotional nature to arise through the coach/mentoring relationship and deal with them quickly and effectively to ensure there is no detriment to the client or sponsor. Never represent the work and views of others as their own. Ensure that the expectations of the client and the sponsor are understood and that they themselves understand how those expectations are to be met. f you are interested or if you have topics we might discuss. As membership bodies, we are committed to maintaining and promoting excellent practice in coaching and mentoring. Ensure that their level of experience and knowledge is sufficient to meet the needs of the client. More languages to follow. Disclose information only where explicitly agreed with the client and sponsor (where one exists), unless the coach/mentor believes that there is convincing evidence of serious danger to the client or others if the information is withheld. 0000000016 00000 n At all times operate within the limits of their own competence, recognise where that competence has the potential to be exceeded and where necessary refer the client either to a more experienced coach/mentor, or support the client in seeking the help of another professional, such as a counsellor, psychotherapist or business/financial advisor. Read more about the Global Code of Ethics. Maintain throughout the level of confidentiality which is appropriate and is agreed at the start of the relationship. Following the last very successful "Carry-on-Coaching" day we have been asked to run another one in the autumn.

h�bbbg`b``Ń3� ����` �� The Charter, drafted in accordance with European law, is registered on the dedicated European Union database, which lists self-regulation initiatives in Europe. The Code aligns with the content and requirements set out in the Professional Charter for Coaching and Mentoring. EMCC wants to celebrate the work of our volunteers and to help promote more members playing an active part in the work of EMCC internationally. 0000010241 00000 n Registered Address: EMCC Global, 63A Scepterstraat, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, Administration Address: EMCC Global, PO Box 3154, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 3WD, United Kingdom, © 2020 EMCC | Privacy and Cookies Policy | Sitemap, EMCC Global Social Responsibility in Africa, Global Coaching Mentoring Alliance (GCMA), Coach/Mentor Individual Accreditation (EIA), EIA Applicants with an EQA or Equivalent Accredited Training, Coach/Mentor Training Programme Accreditation (EQA), Supervisor Individual Accreditation (ESIA), Supervision Programme Accreditation (ESQA), Coach/Mentor Scheme Accreditation (ISMCP), Coach/Mentor Programme Manager Training Quality Award (PMQA), Coach/Mentor Individual Programme Manager Accreditation (IPMA), Team Coaching Training Quality Award (TCQA), Team Coaching Individual Accreditation (ITCA), Stay in touch & support each other webinars, Coach, mentor, supervisor COVID-19 resources. The Global Code of Ethics. It provides a clear account of what behaviour is considered ethical, correct or right in the circumstances. endstream endobj startxref It is the body which a large range of European organisations work with and/or recognise for coaching and mentoring qualifications, … Global Code of Ethics .

0000025966 00000 n 310 0 obj <> endobj The supervisor will be bound by the requirements of confidentiality referred to in this Code. The term “coach/mentoring” is used to describe all types of coaching or mentoring that may be taking place, both in the work environment and outside.

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0000016842 00000 n Solihull W Midlands B93 0PU. The first version of the Code jointly created by the Association for Coaching (AC) and the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) was launched in February 2016.

279 0 obj <>stream 0 0000004369 00000 n Understand that professional responsibilities continue beyond the termination of any coach/mentoring relationship.

It was created by two professional associations, Association for Coaching (‘AC’) and European Mentoring and Coaching Council (‘EMCC’), in February 2016. 0000014802 00000 n EMCC Global is registered as a 'not for profit international association' in Belgium under registration number 0819.495.590. The coach/mentor will ensure that the duration of the coach/mentoring contract is only as long as is necessary for the client/sponsor. Rehabilitation exercises. The European Mentoring and Coaching Council provides coaching and mentoring professional accreditation, as well as support and guidance to the coaching and mentoring profession and for its members. Managing your pain from home. Many coaches, mentors and supervisors say they chose EMCC as their professional body because of this ethical code. 0000011184 00000 n

0000033385 00000 n The EMCC recognise that there will be many types of coach/mentoring taking place and these will need to be defined when more detailed standards are produced. These include the following: Maintenance of agreed confidentiality of all information relating to clients and sponsors. All our members, as part of their continuing membership, agree to adhere to the elements and principles of this code of ethics. As membership bodies, we are committed to maintaining and promoting excellent practice in coaching, mentoring, and supervision, a field that is becoming increasingly professionalised. Understand and ensure that the coach/mentoring relationship reflects the context within which the coach/mentoring is taking place. In this Code we have used the term “sponsor” to differentiate the latter. The mentoring relationship, acting either as a mentor or a mentee, may present you with a number of issues or dilemmas. Research. 261 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<94F86FD15D0B204FA2DB23EB8269DD79>]/Index[243 37]/Info 242 0 R/Length 89/Prev 56354/Root 244 0 R/Size 280/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Click here to view the GLOBAL CODE OF ETHICS For Coaches & Mentors. Resource topics for 2020. ��v51Z�ď"d�`�;J^���$�׸�ԻF����? Help with back pain The newly launched 2nd version of the Code (1 May 2018) now brings together the collective inputs and contributions of five coaching and mentoring membership bodies who have all signed up to the spirit and the collectively shared aspiration for excellence which is expressed in this single unified Code. 0000001491 00000 n The code itself discusses the difficult issues, and difficult decisions, that often need to be made in coaching practice. The code is currently available in Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, and Turkish. The EMCC CODE OF ETHICS (updated 2015) INTRODUCTION. The terminology is the same, but the process may differ in significant ways from that undertaken in other professions, such as psychotherapy and counselling. If you are an EMCC mentor/coach or EMCC Accredited Supervisor and wish to edit the basic profile already in place then please log in, go to membership, then choose the option for 'My Account'. All members of the EMCC accept the principles and aims of the EMCC. All our members in their roles as coaches, mentors, supervisors, trainers and/or students) as part of their continuing membership, agree to embrace and respect this Code of Ethics, and adhere to elements and principles of this Code of Ethics, within the signatories’ specific governance and the wider context of practice. The European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) has been established to promote best practice and ensure that the highest possible standards are maintained in the coach/mentoring relationship, whatever form that might take, so that the coach/mentoring environment provides the greatest opportunity for learning and development.

%PDF-1.4 %���� Respond to the client’s learning and development needs as defined by the agenda brought to the coach/mentoring relationship. European Mentoring & Coaching Council . This is referred to later in this document. Ensure that any claim of professional competence, qualifications or accreditation is clearly and accurately explained to potential clients and that no false or misleading claims are made or implied in any published material. 0 It places certain responsibilities on an EMCC member when a complaint has been made against them, or when a member becomes aware that a fellow colleague and member has behaved in an unethical manner. The EMCC Global Code of Ethics is the professional code of conduct by which our members adhere. Contracting & business.