European Association for Education © 2014 • Privacy Policy, Welcome To the European association for education, (SESE) Study of European Stakeholders in Education, (NREE) Need for a Reform in Europe's Education, (OOES) An Outcome Oriented Educational System.
In this way, achieving the desired outcomes is always guaranteed. 4- Recruiting universities, educational institutions, organizations, industries and experts as members of technical committees
Absence of outcome orientation in various levels in the EU, from education systems to policy making, is the most fundamental problem in education system of the Union.
EAIE: European Association for International Education | 10,387 followers on LinkedIn | The EAIE is the European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education. This means that instead of optimizing the inputs of a system and its processes, which may or may not lead to better outcomes, the desired long-term outcomes of the system be initially defined, then the system and its processes be re-designed so that these specific outcomes could be achieved and finally the inputs required for this new system be identified and provided. The problems in the educational and vocational systems of the European Union, which are identified by the EAEâs studies, can be categorized in two groups: 1- The shortcomings associated with activities and programmes that have been carried out in the Europe thus far. High and rising unemployment rates, particularly among younger age groups, have also cast doubt on the relevance of the skills that people have acquired as a passport to employment and to suitably matched jobs. I’m happy to announce that College Recruiter has partnered with European-based Gradcore, Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR), and the European Association for International Education (EMPLOI) to create the Graduate Employment Conference Europe (GEC Europe).
EADL is the European association of schools, institutions and individuals working in correspondence and distance education.
EAE believes that the key to successful reforms in educational systems is utilizing a bottom-up approach called âOutcome Oriented Approachâ which involves defining the desired outcomes of a system and then redesigning the processes and inputs of the system according to these outcomes.
EAE is the European Association for Education which was founded in 2011 in Vienna, Austria by a group of experts in various fields of science and education, as a non-profit international association according to the Austrian law, with the purpose of improving education in the European Union and other European countries at all levels.The EAE was initially founded on the basis of observed shortcomings in educational systems in Europe and therefore as its first initiative it started an elaborated analysis of the sectors which are directly or indirectly connected to education in order to identify the problems which may have been resulted from shortcomings in academic and vocational education and training. Members of the EAE's Management Board are as follows: Mr. Ali FarinpourChairperson, University of Reading, United Kingdom, Mr. Friedrich SchwankDeputy chairperson, University of Innsbruck, Austria, Mr. Adam LangBoard Member, University of Wien, Austria. 2- Introducing EAEâs Competence Profile, as a standard tool for identification, assessment and recognition of individualsâ academic and vocational skills. Each technical committee consists of high ranking representatives from European universities, educational institutions, organizations and industries along with experts, professionals and specialists in the particular field of that committee.
This intensifies the need for the right skills in the incoming years.
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Please, check the official conference website for possible changes, before you make any traveling arrangements, EAIE - The European Association for International Education, We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website, The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Situation, Conferences in Fira Gran Via (Fira Barcelona), Events by EAIE - The European Association for International Education. They are continuously falling short in providing skilled and competent graduates to the labor market and this has resulted extensive skills mismatch and lower than expected economic growth of countries in the recent years. erafaes tyus smo lase lrem port.varatertasniptai ades goayse sere badrays kasetase hertar.
9- Introducing quality assurance system based on Outcome Oriented Approach and implementing it across Europe. Employers must register in order to post their job openings to College Recruiter.
The base membership fee for universities, organizations, industries, institutions, etc. They also outline the associationâs methodology in implementing the EAEâs outcome oriented approach. Governmental and non-governmental organizations, associations and institutions that have the role of implementing EUâs policies, often act separately from each other and the lack of coherence between their actions renders the allocated efforts and budgets ineffective. In addition to the numerous workshops, sessions and seminars, the conference also features an exhibition, which allows companies, organisations and institutions active in the field to promote their products to a targeted audience. However, the share with low-level or no qualifications will fall sharply to 14% of the labour force in 2025, compared to 24% in 2010 and 31% in 2000. EAIE 2020 - The 32nd Annual European Association for International Education Conference brings together higher education professionals from all over the world to discuss trends and developments in international education. These VETs will not be used by individuals in the long-run and will eventually make them disappointed.
Each webinar is focused on a specific dimension of a certain topic. Non-permanent board members are elected by the General Assembly and by the two permanent members prior to convening of the General Assembly. and can be divided into more realistic and practical sub-objectives as presented below: 1- Align and converge the otherwise non-convergent actions of other governmental and non-governmental bodies active in the field of education, assessment and quality assurance in Europe, based on the OOA, and consequently improving the overall effectiveness of these activities. In most European countries VET doesnât have a well-structured system for implementation and evaluation. 7- Guiding individuals in identification of credible educational and training centers, which have successfully implemented Outcome Oriented Approach in their programs and can provide the individuals with the skills they require through approved courses.
- Renewal or redesign of quality assurance system in the EU connect high-quality students and recent graduates at scale to great
The Management Board consists of one chairperson, one Deputy Chairperson and five regular board members. The Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) is the only association dedicated exclusively to senior leaders in the field of international education.
Learn how and when to remove this template message, 'The International Student Mobility Charter', List of higher education associations and alliances, NAFSA: Association of International Educators,,,,,,, Educational organizations based in Europe, Non-profit organisations based in the Netherlands, Articles lacking reliable references from May 2020, Pages using infobox organization with unknown parameters, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.
8- Developing new criteria for ranking universities and other educational centers based on their criteria of Outcome Oriented Approach.
Our studies show that educational systems in Europe are in need of reform. And also guiding and encouraging them into getting the education or trainings which will provide them with these skills. In this approach, inputs and short-term outcomes of the system, such as time and financial values, have less importance. The Conference attracted around 600 professionals who were inspired by the idea of joining a network of international educators.
Based on this viewpoint, implementation of OOA in educational systems means that instead of focusing on the time spent and credits acquired from courses and carried out researches (as inputs and short-term outcomes) the focus should be set to the long-term outcomes of the education, such as: - Providing the students in the educational system with knowledge and skills that are relevant to the current and future requirements for jobs. In 2012, the magazine incorporated a thematic approach, tackling one prominent topic within international education per issue.
The first issue of Forum was published in 1999. Above all, VET should be accompanied by research to identify the need for skills in ever changing labour market. The application will be processed by the general assembly of that particular technical committee(s) where the final decision is reached. - Educational standards and guidelines In OOA, the performance and efficiency of the processes are measured mainly by their outcomes, and all of the modifications to the processes are done with the aim of achieving the desired outcomes. The Journal of Studies in International Education[6] is a peer-reviewed journal for higher education administrators, educators, researchers and policy makers.
Most of the actions carried out up until now in the European Union and other European countries have targeted academic and vocational education systems as a whole, disregarding diversity in majors and technical professions. By utilizing EAEâs Competence Profile, educational background (academic and vocational), occupational background and informal and non-formal skills of the individuals can be officially recognized, accumulated and presented by universally approved credits. 15- Organizing periodic technical conferences, summits and seminars across Europe as a means for exchanging knowledge and achievements with the members and benefitting from their contribution. 6- Disregarding skills supply and demand It is now evident that in order to answer the current and future needs of Europe, some of the tools in these areas should be modified and many new tools should be created for other areas. 13- Developing platforms for EAE natural members, by which they can build their Competence Profile online and edit and update their information. | The EAIE is the European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education. It is a non-profit, member-led organisation serving individuals actively involved in the internationalisation of their institutions through a combination of training, conferences, research and knowledge acquisition and sharing. 8- Identifying and categorizing students, trainees and graduate across Europe, in order to provide them with associationâs services.
These awards are intended to encourage stakeholders in the field of education and labor to participate in design and implementation of Outcome Oriented Approach. The first Occasional Paper was published in 1992, entitled 'Mass higher education in Europe: implications for student mobility and international education'.