and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account. By continuing to browse Click here to view the latest trending articles from Studies in Ethnicity & Nationalism. Back issues is available here (Author/EB), The persistence of the Indian woman's biological function and role in the society has provided a sense of security and stability in the changing Indian world, and their flexibility in adapting to other roles has been a survival factor in processes of acculturation.

After trim spaces title : Students’ perceptions on ethnic tolerance in Malaysia: A study in three public universities, After trim spaces title : Ethnic categorisation, identity and perceptions of life among Swedish Samis, After trim spaces title : Philosophies of integration? Articles most recently published online for this journal. Data provided are for informational purposes only. (GC), Latvian Education in the United States: Antecedents and Development of Supplementary Schools, Latvian education efforts for culture preservation and language maintenance in the United States can be seen mainly in the form of supplementary schools. The discussion centres on the most influential, successful and popular papers.- from Author, Native Americans and the Nationalities Question: Premises for a Marxist Approach to Ethnicity and Self-Determination, The following issues are addressed for a Marxist approach to Native American strategies for self-determination: (1) specifying the level of the nationalities question; (2) ethnicity and Marxism; (3) nation, class, and imperialism; (4) the theoretical significance of the transition between communal and noncommunal modes of production; and (5) self-determination and autonomy. After trim spaces title : The Bristol school of multiculturalism, After trim spaces title : Xenophobia before and after the Paris 2015 attacks: Evidence from a natural experiment. : Contemporary depictions of Muslim sexuality, After trim spaces title : Are today’s youth more tolerant? (Author/EB), Cites negative stereotypes and cultural differences as barriers to unity among Black Americans and immigrants from the Caribbean islands. (Author/BE), Vietnamese Refugees in the United States: Adaptation and Transitional Status, Builds a profile of the second wave of Vietnamese refugees or 'boat people'. Representing more than historical revisionism a basic change in the premises for writing about the Japanese American concentration camps emerged. The following is a list of the most cited articles based on citations published in the last three years, according to CrossRef. : Contemporary depiction... Are today’s youth more tolerant? Members of _ can log in with their society credentials below, Wan Norhasniah Wan Husin, Norhana Abdul Halim, Nur Farahana Zul Kernain, Claire Chambers, Richard Phillips, Nafhesa Ali, Peter Hopkins, Raksha Pande, Ingvild Bergom Lunde, Mona-Iren Hauge, Ragnhild Elise Brinchmann Johansen, Mette Sagbakken, Sebastian Jungkunz, Marc Helbling, Carsten Schwemmer, Per Mouritsen, K Kriegbaum Jensen, Stephen J Larin. Explores her experiences as a Jew in early twentieth-century America. -from Author, Presents a historical overview of Indian programs at Hampton Institute. After trim spaces title : What is so special about online (as compared to offline) hate speech? Login failed. (Author/GC), The objective of the study was to define psychological health from the individual perspectives of African-American women and men of different age groups, and to develop a global definition for all African-Americans.

the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. (RDN), Analyzes the divergent Indian and White demographic shifts in six reservation counties in Eastern Montana. Refugees are much like immigrants, in the sense that they are forced to reckon with similar difficulties related to the new social settings. Articles with the highest Altmetric score from the last 3 months, indicating influence and impact. The sources and nature of ethnic identity, minority rights, migration and identity politics remain central and recurring themes of the modern world. The causes and consequences of racial segmentation that made white students and students of color behave differently are examined. (KH), Race, class, and medicine: "Bad Blood" in twentieth-century America, Scientific attitudes toward Indian mixed-bloods in early nineteenth century America, Degeneracy and race in the nineteenth century: the impact of clinical medicine, Experience of Native Americans at a Black College: Indian Students at Hampton Institute, 1878-1923, A Century of Political and Economic Effects on American Indian Society, 1880-1980, Jews, Reds, and Violets: Anti-Semitism and Anti-Radicalism at New York University, 1916-1929, Northern Money and Southern Bogus Elitism: Rockefeller Foundations and the Commission on Interracial Cooperation Movement, 1919-1929, The Myth of Ethnicity: Scholarship of the Anti-Affirmative Action Backlash, Ethnic Visibility and Adaptive Strategies: Samoans in the Seattle Area, Afro-American Innovation and the Folk Tradition in Jazz: Their Historical Significance, On Afro-American and Afro-Caribbean Cooperation, Voluntary Ethnicity and Social Change: Classism, Racism, Marginality, Mobility, and Revolution with Special Reference to Afro-Americans and Other Third World Peoples, The Manipulation of Race, Caste and Identity: Classifying Afro Americans, Native Americans and Red-Black People, Tiene Arte Valor Afuera Del Barrio: The Murals of East Los Angeles and Boyle Heights, Free Alcatraz: The Culture of Native American Liberation, Desecration and American Indian Religious Freedom, Asian American Middleman Minority Theory: The Framework of an American Myth. (Author/EB), The Evolution of the Term Mulatto: A Chapter in Black-Native American Relations, Traces the different social, ethnic, and racial connotations of the word "mulatto" since the Spanish colonization of the Americas. Finally, English language instruction in the camps is discussed. (Author/EB), The Fourth World and Indigenism: Politics of Isolation and Alternatives, Criticizes two alternative approaches to indigenism--integrationism and ethnic particularism or Pan Indianism--which have played significant roles in producing contemporary patterns of Native American thinking on the indigenous question. Sign in here to access free tools such as favourites and alerts, or to access personal subscriptions, If you have access to journal content via a university, library or employer, sign in here, Research off-campus without worrying about access issues. (KH), Challenges the view of Chinese and Japanese Americans as middlemen with its assumptions that Asian Americans are sojourners and unassimilable. (Author/AM), Education, Expediency, and Ideology: Race and Politics in the Desegregation of Ohio Public Schools in the Late 19th Century, An historical account of the ideological debate over the utility of separation for the black community and the political forces surrounding the introduction of school segregation in Ohio in the post Civil War period. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies (E-ISSN: 2149-1291) is a peer-reviewed and an interdisciplinary academic international journal, JECS publishes theoretical, methodological and empirical research from all disciplines dealing with ethnicity and culture. Please check you selected the correct society from the list and entered the user name and password you use to log in to your society website. The making and unmaking of ethnic boundaries in the public sphere: The case of Norway, Introduction: Theorizing the civic turn in European integration policies, Combining intercultural dialogue and critical multiculturalism, Sociology, Gender Studies & Cultural Studies Hub, Special Issue: Measuring Ethnicity, Religion and Migration, Review Symposium: "Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration and the Future of White Majorities" by Eric Kaufmann, Symposium on the Bristol School of Multiculturalism, Special Issue: Theorizing the Civic Turn in European Integration Policies, Special Issue: Diversity in an Anti-Immigration Era. After trim spaces title : What is (the wrong of) cultural appropriation? With the collapse of the communist system in 1991, ideology has been replaced by ethnicity as the driving force in politics. by Cyril Jayet.

Calls for political unity of the two groups, based on the fact that they are perceived and discriminated against as one by the dominant White majority. Ethnicities is a cross-disciplinary journal that will provide a critical dialogue between these debates in sociology and politics, and related disciplines. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, © Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism, to view the latest trending articles from. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 2019 Impact Factor 3.116 JEMS publishes research on all forms of migration and its consequences, including ethnic conflict, discrimination, racism and … You are adding the following journals to your email alerts. Stresses the fact that in Spanish America, the word more often referred to individuals of Black and American Indian admixture than to those of Black and White (Spanish) admixture. Ethnicities is a cross-disciplinary journal that will provide a critical dialogue between these debates in sociology and politics, and related disciplines. Xenophobia before and after the Paris 2015 attacks: Evidence from a natural experiment. (KH), Profiles the Asian Indian community in the New York metropolitan area, drawing from a major study of social and psychological adaptation among this population. Access to society journal content varies across our titles. Find out about Lean Library here, If you have access to journal via a society or associations, read the instructions below. You can be signed in via any or all of the methods shown below at the same time. Questions the equation of a middle class minority with a middleman minority, examining the roots of this myth in the relationship of Asian Americans to the White-Black racial dyad. Since 2016 the publication of Ethnicity Studies has been temporary suspended. (MW), This paper illustrates the ways in which the social environment can confer advantages on Black youth with respect to the playing of Afro-American music. These statistics are updated weekly using data sourced exclusively from CrossRef. The limits of pluralism which the U.S. government promotes are also analyzed in this context. The following is a list of the top downloaded articles from Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism in 2018. Relates the experiences of Indian students there and specifically those of a group of 60 students who were members of the Eastern Band of Cherokees of North Carolina. New login is not successful because the max limit of logins for this user account has been reached. As a result, Indians have few skills, little education, no capital, poor housing, poor health, and no influence or power. A Tale of Two Crises: Migration and Terrorism after the Paris Attacks. Focuses particularly on three issues: reburial, repatriation, and access to sacred lands. Sociology and Political Science - 487/1,111. (SLD), Revisions in Japanese American History: Review of Books Published in 1976, Notes that a new era for the recording of Japanese American history was inaugurated in 1976. (FMW), Discusses the role played by American Indians in World War II. The findings suggest that characteristics of psychological health may be the same across race, although specific interpretations and manifestations may differ. The failure of state multiculturalism in the UK?