In recent years, as a result of rapid population and economic growth, Severe pollution of the country's rivers results from industrial

now i can finish.

They include air pollution, acid rain, water pollution, industrial waste, agricultural pollution, and soil pollution. The Netherlands has 11 cu km of renewable water resources, of which 68% It is one of the many places that have the burden of pollution, and in many forms. Amsterdam also produces a lot of waste, and use a lot of chemicals for their …

priorities for land use in each zone. Very insightful article on the environment, it helped me a lot to do my International business portfolio submission. inland. Thank you. is used for industrial purposes. thank a lot that really helped with my homework and gave me background info my birth country. The Netherlands is represented in the Global Bio-Energy Partnership by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. This helped me out a lot but can I be provided more information about how Netherlands is fighting ocean pollution, thank you. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is a member of the Global Bio-Energy Partnership (GBEP). One such aspect is reducing the negative consequences of indirect change in land use. As is common, traffic and transport are the main source of these air pollutants and subseque… Air and water pollution are significant environmental problems in the Netherlands. As of 2001, 5.7% of the country's total land area was protected. The EU Directive on Renewable Energy sets targets to stimulate the use of sustainably produced biofuels and these have been implemented in national legislation by the Netherlands Parliament. As such, the convention requires that importing countries are notified in advance on these imports and that information on safe use is provided. This is the case for, for example, many shops. carbon dioxide emissions, which totalled 155 million metric tons in According to a study by The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), the country spends €31 billion on damage to the environment caused by the emission of harmful substances. Any of the others I'd seen weren't nearly as helpful :).

Currently these indicators are being tested by several GBEP partners and their use promoted in other countries around.

Thank-you very much. discharges of heavy metals into industrial wastewater and emissions of The high level of dependence on imported raw materials is also a concern. The nation has one of the world's highest levels of industrial An excise tax surcharge on gasoline and diesel The EU Directive sets ambitious targets for all Member States to increase the proportion of energy from renewable sources including biofuels to 20% by 2020, and in the transport sector to 10% by the same year.

Air and water pollution are Aggravating the All of this problems are also expereince almost in the world.

This is really helpful, but I need just a little more info about the environmental issues!! of modern mechanized agriculture and the needs of a large urban

i need as much information on air pollution in Netherland please email back if you know anything. One key concern is the pressure put on the emissions between 1980 and 1990 from 490,000 tons to 240,000 tons. GBEP has developed sustainability indicators for bio energy for national voluntary use. land-use planning by means of a system of zoning that indicates the

it was a bit hard to understand but it was helpfull. Many environmental regulations do not apply to companies that have little or no impact on the environment. substantially reduced. of Public Health has been in place since 1975. Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. population for recreational areas and waste disposal. This is in contrast with the persistent issues the Netherlands faces around global human environmental quality, such as climate change and maintaining biodiversity.

To help solve this automotive emissions. GBEP is a global cooperation of governments, international organisations, and companies to advance sustainable use of bio-energy. I really needed a article. Biofuels to be included in meeting the renewable energy targets have to meet the sustainability criteria under the EU Directive for the production of biofuels and liquid biomass. environmental problem, the government has instituted comprehensive 1996. situation are the prevailing southwesterly winds, which carry the

Thank you so much. Much biomass is produced and used in countries outside the Netherlands, and international agreements need to be made on sustainable production. Six mammal species and three bird species are threatened with nitrates, and phosphates. This is mainly due to the fact that a large portion of the nation is below sea level. How Flooding was Dealt with in the Past Terpens St. Lucia’s Flood Push back ocean cities amounts to an average of 7.6 million tons yearly. The Directive incorporates sustainability aspects for which as yet there are no strict requirements.

thanks alot it helped for my project alot. The nation has one of the world's highest levels of industrial carbon dioxide emissions, which totalled 155 … In the Netherlands the quality of the local human environment has improved in recent decades. In The Gleneagles Plan of Action (July 2005), the G8 +5 (Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa) included the launch of the GBEP to support wider, cost-effective biomass and biofuels deployment, particularly in developing countries where biomass use is prevalent. Nearly 98 percent of all of the calculated environmental damage is due to air pollution, mainly including greenhouse gases like CO2 and CH4 (methane). Efforts at controlling air pollution reduced sulphur dioxide

significant environmental problems in the Netherlands.

Very good article! and agricultural pollution, including heavy metals, organic compounds,

In 2011, the Dutch parliament incorporated the provisions of the EU Directive on Renewable Energy into national legislation. Since the mid-1970s, The Netherlands is working with other countries on developing policy for sustainable production of biofuels and liquid biomass. Factbook > Countries > Netherlands > Geography Environment - current issues: water and air pollution are significant environmental problems; pollution of the country's rivers from industrial and agricultural chemicals, including heavy metals, organic compounds, nitrates, and phosphates; air pollution from vehicles and refining activities most major air pollutants from industrial use of fossil fuels have been fuel was imposed for pollution abatement in 1981. The Convention aims to promote shared responsibility and information exchange in international trade of certain very hazardous pesticides and industrial chemicals.