The world we live in is complex, and challenges are ever-present.
This course addresses contemporary issues concerning nonhuman animals (in particular, mammals), from multidisciplinary perspectives in the social sciences and humanities. This will be achieved through direct observation, anatomy classes, taxidermy demonstrations and through discussions in response to written material from the expanding inter-disciplinary field of Animal Studies. How is animal life represented and expressed through the arts and media, and how does this shape human-nonhuman relations? This course examines issues related to two important modes of human valuing of nature, the ethical and the aesthetic. This programme is concerned with the relationships we hold with our 'wild' environments, and how these evolved.
As part of the degree requirements, students will work in teams with students enrolled in related majors to solve problems collaboratively. Congratulations to our graduates! A student pursuing an undergraduate certificate must be enrolled as a degree-seeking student at ASU. These perspectives are essential if lawyers are to understand issues such as climate change negotiations and common but differentiated responsibilities. You will develop a knowledge of environmental debates from both cultural and scientific perspectives, and learn to communicate environmental issues using a variety of tools and strategies. South P: Temp 61.16° F Wind 0.0 mph from the ---. The Environmental Humanities is an inter-disciplinary field that explores the social, cultural and political aspects of environmental issues. The topics covered are deliberately broad, including climate, food, energy, water and biodiversity. Take a virtual tour, schedule a visit, learn more about admission and scholarship opportunities at Stony Brook University. for food or entertainment? They have radically redefined post-human politics, agency, corporeality, criticality, representation, and time.
As a result, understanding and responding to environmental problems requires the kinds of critical and creative approaches that are strengths of the arts and humanities. Why do human cultures engage differently with their natural environments and how do they understand processes of environmental sustainability and climate change? This is an area of legal regulation that has developed most influentially in the realm of Public International Law in the form of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol, and the ongoing negotiations in that forum. Environmental Humanities is an interdisciplinary field of study that creates a solid foundation to understand and critically engage with contemporary environmental issues. Climate change is a global issue, which requires international cooperation in order to be tackled. The Environmental Humanities major supports students to develop a deep interdisciplinary understanding to consciously and actively engage with contemporary ecocultural issues. We will use these materials to develop a critical understanding of the human dimensions of a range of environmental issues.
On the other, the EU aims to become the leader of climate governance, by tailoring its internal law to achieve this objective.
To this end readings will regularly explore these approaches and some teaching may be shared with students from other schools. This checklist summarizes your major/minor degree requirements. Here are five environmental careers that are a perfect fit for humanities majors: 1. The topics provide the context for small group discussions and class debate exploring common features of environmental change and sustainability problems; assessing their societal origins and implications, and exploring cross-cutting issues of interdisciplinarity and the science-policy interface. The master's degree explores the role humanities are called to play in times of environmental crisis, generating socio-ecological awareness and inspiring sustainability transformations. This course is about how the environment is imagined and written in an era of ecological crises; in other words, how to think ‘the ecological thought.’ Focussing on post-war and twenty first-century British writing, including the so-called ‘new nature writing’ and ‘new nature poetry’, the course will ask students to consider how ideas of place, landscape, nature, and the non-human world have been shaped by awareness of man-made climate destabilisation and accelerated extinction. The intention is to stimulate dialogue and produce artworks which explore our complex relationship and dependency on animals. Are we entering a posthuman age where nonhuman animals have attained a new status and significance in society?
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The Environmental Humanities major, leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree, draws together a range of disciplines to explore human understanding and interpretation of nature. Stony Brook offers a wide variety of scholarships to new and continuing students, some of which are based on merit alone and others which take into account financial need. Ecology, nature and the environment has paralleled and critiqued the development of the avant-garde in art, particularly since the 1960s. These artists can be jointly situated within art movements from Land Art, Eco-Aesthetics, Arte Povera, Genetic/Aesthetics and Post-Conceptualism, as well as within political and social movements, often with radical intent and in opposition to conventional neo-liberal and globalised economies. The course begins with foundational questions concerning the nature of animals and animal capacities before moving to ethical questions about the treatment of animals. What is an animal? Note: All courses offered for the major must be passed with a letter grade of C or higher. The SoMAS photo competition is an annual event where students (graduate and undergraduate), faculty and staff share their pictures with the SoMAS community and the general public. The Environmental Humanities major brings together subjects from International studies, Philosophy, History, Indigenous Studies, Cultural Studies, Sociology, English, Contemporary Arts and Geography. The environmental humanities certificate is available to all ASU undergraduate students.
Our research contributes to debate, informs policies and opinions, and creates new knowledge bases that are integral to the continued evolution of environmental understanding. On one hand, the EU's policy is influenced by its international commitments and by the international negotiations. Therefore, the class will be interesting for EU and non-EU students alike. Honours consists of an additional year of study where you'll develop your research and practical skills. The intellectual content of the course is also supported by a burgeoning quantity of academic literature in this area, given the social, cultural and political need for radical responses to nature, from genetics research to climate change.
The Environmental Humanities is a new interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary field of research addressed to the cultural dimensions of today's pressing socio-environmental problems, such as resource depletion, environmental injustice, oceanic pollution and acidification, anthropogenic climate change, and escalating extinctions. Congratulations to the recent research grants awarded to SoMAS faculty!
The major builds on the interdisciplinary core curriculum offered at Stony Brook University’s Sustainability Program.
Drawing insights from history, literature, cultural studies, politics and social sciences, you’ll learn ethical approaches to dealing with environmental issues and helping protect the natural world. The Environmental Humanities major supports students to develop a deep interdisciplinary understanding to consciously and actively engage with contemporary ecocultural issues. SoMAS Takes Flight to Measure Air Quality in the Arctic and NYC, Human Resources Issues Message Concerning Spring Semester Planning, Turkana Basin Researchers to Probe Climate Change and Evolution in East Africa, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. Environmental Writer. It embraces the emergent paradigm of Environmental Humanities, aimed at sustaining cultural and ethical change to protect and nourish life on our planet. YouTube Terms of Service
Together, our academics provide students with a holistic view of human interaction with the environment. The annual SoMAS Convocation occurred on Friday, May 24, 2019 at the Center for Leadership and Service. As part of our continuing study of the campus sustainability movement, we have examined the rise of this new academic sub-discipline, which has so far given rise to a new journal, Environmental Humanities, degree programs at seven universities, at least eight campus centers, and numerous conferences, ad hoc committees, and nascent associations. This course will introduce students to this area using a specific theme that will draw on current trends within the field. The approach is largely conceptual and theoretical, but also intends to bring theory and practice together via topical case studies and other means. From species extinction and genetically modified organisms to climate change and nuclear power, we as global citizens face a range of pressing issues.
All writing on the course exists in the shadow of the Anthropocene, the idea that humanity’s impact on global ecological systems has reached proportions previously only exhibited over geological time.
Our Degree Options.
First, their study is indispensable to assess the effectiveness of the global climate policy. It aims to provide a grasp of key issues in the new, burgeoning field of animal studies and to extend this knowledge to more specific topics through the use of films, guest lectures, student presentations, and a local field trip. Above: a close-up photo of a bay scallop (Photo by Chris Paparo). conserving species) and animals that share human spaces (e.g., companion animals and feral animals)? Students will enroll in major-specific courses in their junior and senior year.
This course investigates how pre-modern societies understood unusual geophysical events and natural disasters. Second, while international negotiations have not been successful in the last years, concrete actions have been implemented at national and regional levels.
However, the actions developed at local, national and regional levels are absolutely crucial. Who are the key actors shaping global environmental politics? To contact the faculty director of the major please email:
Much of this writing is motivated by a sense that a connection with the non-human has been a casualty of modernity, exacerbated by globalisation and the threats associated with climate change; other writing on the course expresses scepticism that a recovery is possible, or even desirable. 1. The course will therefore ask students both to assess the capacity of these forms to engage a sense of ‘placedness’, and to assess the limits of formal boundaries.
Assistant Professor / Faculty Director, EHM, environmental humanities, history of naturalist studies, American Literature, nature writing. Why conserve nature? 1400-1750, Please click here to see a full listing of the requirements for the Environmental Humanities major. In this course students will draw on scholarship from environmental politics and international relations to help understand the distinctive challenges and dynamics of global environmental politics.
This elective offers a diverse structure of visits, workshops, reading sessions and practical instruction which will introduce students to contemporary thinking about animals.