If taking only three levels in Fighter, the Assassin gains “Death Strike” which gives the potential to do an average of 321, maximum of 558 damage, in the first round.
I can picture it, and I’m inspired! Assassin seems to be one of the best Rogue archetypes to multiclass into as a Fighter in terms of combat bonuses. Unless you take the Close Quarters Shooter Fighting Style (UA), you’ll have a hard time in melee-ranged combat.
So by multiclassing, you could expand your spell knowledge. Combine this surprise round with an Arcane Shot to do additional critical damage.
By dipping up to five levels, you will also gain an Ability Score Improvement and Extra Attack.
If you start as a Rogue, multiclassing into a few levels of Fighter will give you a Fighting Style, Second Wind, Action Surge, and a Martial Archetype if you dip three levels. Sneak Attack can also be used during a reaction with the Riposte Maneuver in addition to an in-turn use (. 10. Cunning Action isn’t much use when on a mount, so if combining with Cavalier, maybe just take one level in order to gain Expertise.
You can then get sneak attacks off your own echo and can start scaling sneak attack from there. What I'm wondering is if it's worth taking a few levels in a caster class for some magic. 10.
With each level, Fighters gain more Ability Score Improvements (or feats), whereas Rogues gain more abilities that reduce damage or hone skills. Olrox17 and Benjamin Olson If you know your campaign will not reach level 20 anyway, focus on the features that will help you the most throughout the campaign within the levels you will reach. For these combinations, your focus will not be on typical Rogue sneaking. You’ll lose 3d6 Sneak Attack by taking 7 levels of Samurai, as well as some top-level features. Close. Samurai (Fighting Spirit at level 3) gives advantage to weapon attacks, which would give a Rogue Sneak Attack. Steady Aim (Sharpshooter class feature) requires the use of a Bonus Action, which a Thief could use to Cunning Action or Fast Hands.
Next we’ll look at combinations with Fighter being the core class. Inquisitive uses Wisdom (Insight and Perception), so you’ve got some stats-synergy there. CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License, 5e Multiclassing Combinations: Your Ultimate Guide for a Masterful Multiclass. If you take up to five levels in Fighter, you gain two attacks per turn.
Hi everyone!
This is especially pertinent when shooting during a surprise round to ensure you hit something. We recommend taking no more than 3 levels in Rogue. Dipping five levels will also give you an Ability Score Improvement and Uncanny Dodge with a total of 3d6 Sneak Attack.
I love the graceful yet powerful strikes in combat combined with the masterful cunning displayed out of battle. Taking a few levels in Rogue or Fighter can benefit a character in and out of battle. Being hidden from your enemy gains you advantage, setting up your Rogue for Sneak Attack every time.
If you’re especially zealous, Fighters gain additional archetype features at level seven. This new level, following the. Mastermind (Insightful Manipulator at level 9) and Battle Master (Know Your Enemy at level 7 ) both give insights to your target’s skills. You can also take the Archery Fighting Style for an additional +2 bonus to attack rolls to ensure you hit. We can combine archetypes that don’t specify between melee and ranged with any of the other archetypes. Hide in the trees above a party of bandits, catch your opponents unaware, and gain incredible “surprise round” bonuses. Expertise, Thieves’ Cant, 1d6 Sneak Attack, Ability Score Improvement, 2d6 Sneak Attack, Ability Score Improvement, 4d6 Sneak Attack, Ability Score Improvement, 5d6 Sneak Attack, Ability Score Improvement, 6d6 Sneak Attack, Ability Score Improvement, 8d6 Sneak Attack, Ability Score Improvement, 10d6 Sneak Attack. First we’ll look at builds that focus mostly on Rogue with some Fighter sprinkled in.
The tradeoff is additional Sneak Attack if you choose not to multiclass. Battle Master Maneuvers (Combat Superiority at level 3) can give advantage, enabling Sneak Attack. This can give your character versatility in and out of battle.
This echo is a magical, translucent, gray image of you that lasts until it is destroyed, until you dismiss it as a bonus action, until you manifest another echo, or until you're incapacitated. You will also be proficient in all armor, shields, and most weapons.
We can separate the archetypes by what type of weapon damage they employ: Melee or Ranged. Make sure that your Arcane Shot requires an attack roll, or you won’t gain the Assassinate ability. Otherwise, you will just use the normal spellcasting table for your archetype. However, if sneak isn’t your focus, a horseback Rogue feels epic.
Swashbuckler (Panache at level 9) and Cavalier (Unwavering Mark at level 3) both have abilities that entice a foe to target them. Hi Chris! I like this a lot. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. With Elegant Courtier, you can add your Wisdom modifier to Persuasion. This only applies if you take two martial archetypes that have spellcasting levels. An Echo knight lets you attack from either your space or your echo’s, not both.
Take the Sharpshooter feat for additional damage. Character Building. Echo Knight/Hunter multi-class strikes me as having more synergy, than a Rogue/Echo Knight combo. We recommend taking three or five levels in Fighter. Fighters’ Extra Attack allows for trying again if you miss your attack, giving you another chance to Sneak Attack. Starting as a Rogue, you will immediately gain four skills as well as the required armor and weapons to stealth and Sneak Attack.
At level 3, he can climb faster than normal, gaining leverage from being above and out of battle.
Even just taking one or two levels in Rogue can be worthwhile for the Expertise and Cunning Action. Multiclassing in Fighter gains you a Fighting Style. With a Precision Attack, the Assassin is more likely to hit, giving him that sweet Assassinate bonus. How would you build a character like this? See our reasons to or not to multiclass in our article How to Multiclass in 5e. Let’s look at how these two archetypes combine for awesome features. However, an Arcane Trickster is limited in which Wizard spells he can learn (enchantment or illusion, mostly).
A thief can utilize ranged weapons without taking any levels in Fighter.
What I'm wondering is if it's worth taking a few levels in a caster class for some magic.
See our full build in this article.
Mine is Rogue. Discuss this with your DM before building to make sure all of your combinations line up accordingly. Thief (Thief’s Reflexes at level 17) and Sharpshooter class (Snap Shot at level 18) give bonuses to the first round. If your arrow misses, use Curving Shot to roll again. If you start as a Fighter, multiclassing into a Rogue will give you Expertise, Sneak Attack, Thieves’ Cant, Cunning Action, and a Roguish Archetype at level three (with 2d6 Sneak Attack). This will grant you Sneak Attack and give you 5 temporary hit points.
I've been wanting to play an Echo Knight since it was announced, and since a friend of mine wants to run Wildemount soon, that seems like a good time to play one. At level 7, a Samurai adds Wisdom to Persuasion.
Ancestral Guardian/Echo Knight Multiclass Build (Clone Army Character) D&D 5e.
Why is battle master tagged as Strength Based when the DC for their maneuvers can be based off STR or DEX?
Thank you! If you’re extra paranoid about taking damage at high levels, these can be unfortunate features to miss out on. Samurai bonus proficiencies combine well with the Swashbuckler archetype: History, Insight, Performance, or Persuasion.
First, let’s compare the two classes level-by-level. Fighter features improve as levels increase, whereas Rogues gain new features with higher levels. Your echo has AC 14 + your proficiency bonus, 1 hit point, and immunity to all conditions.
Combining this with Swashbuckler’s level 9 feature Panache, a creature who fails an Insight check contested against your Persuasion gains disadvantage against creatures other than you, giving you a forced one-on-one melee combat. This build is the ultimate sniper. Sneak Attack increases by one die for every two levels of Rogue, so you could be missing out on up to 2d6 of Sneak Attack damage depending on how many levels of Fighter you take. An Eldritch Knight learns abjuration and evocation Wizard spells. Gain advantage up to three times per long rest with Samurai’s Fighting Spirit. Multiclassing Rogue to Fighter Starting as a Rogue, you will immediately gain four skills as well as the required armor and weapons to stealth and Sneak Attack. However, a Fighter multiclassing into a Rogue will miss out on Extra Attack x3, a Martial Archetype, and possibly additional uses and power of Action Surge and Indomitable.
First of all, the thief archetype is the sneakiest of all the Rogue archetypes.
Thank you for pointing it out, David!
By multiclassing into a Fighter, a Rogue will miss out on Stroke of Luck, Elusive, and maybe Slippery Mind if you take five levels, plus 1d6 Sneak Attack for every two levels you dip. User account menu.
Certain Battle Master maneuvers (level 3) also have this ability. Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster both utilize Wizard spells. Here are some general things to consider: We’ve already analyzed the Rogue Assassin Fighter Battle Master multiclass in this article, taking three or five levels in Fighter. I also love Fighters: simple, strong, and versatile.
Utilize Sneak Attack on marked targets for increased damage on opportunity attacks. At level 7, a Samurai gains proficiency in Wisdom saving throws, which is what level 15 Rogue Slippery Mind would give, so your tradeoff of extra Fighter levels pays off. We all have our favorite classes. At level 9, he gains advantage on Stealth checks if he moves half his speed. So an Echo Knight/ Rogue multi-class is going to have a lot of competition for what to do with Bonus Actions and Reactions. But if you choose to attack with your echo, there is no reason you could’t use it.
Up to 3 levels of Samurai is a smart multiclass for any Roguish archetype. Rogues are already mobile with Cunning Action, so having a mount could be redundant, depending on how a player uses it. In another thread about getting the most out of sneak attack iTreeby brought up an Echo Knight / Rogue multiclass and I really like the feeling of this combo (especially if you reflavor the echo as your shadow).
I would argue that this is the most synergetic archetype to multiclass with a Rogue. Swashbucklers using the Panache feature make Persuasion checks. Potential Echo Knight/Caster Multiclass. “Shadowblack Assassin” by 000Fesbra000, CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. In this article, we’ll look at a myriad of variations of the Rogue/Fighter multiclass and analyze their pros and cons. Samurais at level 7 can add Wisdom to Persuasion checks and gain proficiency in Wisdom, Charisma, or Intelligence Saving Throw.