Everyone has the right to study and work in a supportive and tolerant environment free from discrimination and harassment, regardless of race, religion, disability, ethnicity, or sexual identity or orientation. Colourlines – A daily intersectional news platform focusing on racial justice, published by Race Forward. Together with the School of Divinity's Equality and Diversity Committee, the Athena SWAN team advances equality and diversity within the School. Additional literature on tackling racism in the workplace and in the HE sector can be found here. At Durham University we are committed to building a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all the members of our community. We recognise that racism affects people and communities in different ways; and the profound impact it can have on mental health. - Check out our Understanding Race and Racism – Learning Resources.
The project consists of learning through research about the experiences of members of the university community and co-producing with our students, mechanisms to increase reporting, respond to … The University community is commemorating Black History Month with the rest of Britain this October.
Durham Constabulary is fully committed to embracing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the development of policing for the communities of County Durham and Darlington. Publishing a #blackouttuesday post in response to the George Floyd tragedy means nothing if they refuse to acknowledge and work on the racist issues within the University. There are lots of resources out there that come in a variety of forms that can enhance your learning and understanding of racism. You can change your cookie settings at any time.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number They include: Faith commitment is too often the forgotten aspect of equality and diversity, despite being accorded the same status as gender and disability in every significant statement of human rights. A Guide to Allyship – Information and guidance on how to be an ‘ally’. Diversity brings strength and we welcome applications from across the international, national and regional communities that we work with and serve.
A significant report published by Durham University in 2014 identifies gender balance as a key challenge for equality and diversity in theology and religious studies across the UK.
In April 2018, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Unit was awarded £50,000 by the Office for Students to undertake a two-year project tackling religious and race based hate crime.
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Logia seeks to support women who are considering pursuing postgraduate Divinity education or who are already students or staff at this level. Durham University, as an institution, needs to accept and admit that they have problems with diversity and racism.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Support tips for relaxation, physical activity and sleep. The University and the School are committed to supporting equality and diversity in all aspects of their activity. Logia is led by Directors Joanna Leidenhag and Hannah Craven, For more information, see the Logia webpage: http://logos.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/logia/, Equality and Diversity OfficerDr Madhavi NevaderEmail: divedi@st-andrews.ac.uk, Disabilities OfficerMs Debbie SmithEmail: das1@st-andrews.ac.uk, St Mary's CollegeSchool of DivinityUniversity of St AndrewsSt Andrews KY16 9JU, Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2850 Email: divinity@st-andrews.ac.uk, © 2020 The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532, Equality, diversity and inclusion at the University, Carers, childcare and school holidays information, Good Gender Equality Practice in Employment, a bespoke School-wide mentoring scheme for undergraduate women, a regular series of ‘fireside chats’ and workshops with female academics for all students, by inviting staff to share their experiences and offer advice to budding scholars (Logia Connect & Fireside Chat series; see our.
The School of Divinity has therefore developed a series of interventions to encourage female students to imagine an academic career within the discipline, as well as to promote the research of successful female academics. Equality and Human Rights Commission – Tackling racial harassment: universities challenged report and findings. Athena SWAN started with the Athena Project and the Scientific Women’s Academic Network (SWAN) advancing the representation of women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine in higher education.
The School offers accessible teaching space in its historic buildings, and, together with the University, aims to support students with disabilities.
By creating a working, learning and social environment in which individuals can utilise their skills and talents to the full without fear of prejudice or harassment, we aim to create a culture where everyone can reach their fullest potential.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. The course is open to all students and staff and is designed to raise awareness of key aspects of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Some organisations you could consider reading about and supporting are; Petitions are a great cost-free way to champion a cause you are passionate about and a way to evoke political and governmental action.
- Read about our commitment to the Race Equality Charter. Mind – Support tips for relaxation, physical activity and sleep. Understanding Race and Racism – Learning Resources, Freedom of information publication scheme. At Durham University we want to inspire and foster a community of expression and engagement. We would encourage our community to be active in the fight against racism. Report and Support Tool – We are committed to tackling ignorance, intolerance and hatred. This website brings together information and guidance on the Dignity & Respect policy, processes for raising and addressing concerns, and support and training available. by creating contexts for women to meet for mutual support both personally and academically (Logia Excel), by facilitating mentorships between women MLitt/undergraduate and Ph.D. students (St Mary’s Mentoring Scheme), by providing a platform of visibility for women’s stories via ongoing, by promoting the scholarship of women through our, by establishing collaborations with other institutions that share Logia’s vision (“.
Eventbrite, and certain approved third parties, use functional, analytical and tracking cookies (or similar technologies) to understand your event preferences and provide you with a customised experience. Durham University ⇨ Equality, Diversity and Inclusion ⇨ Black Lives Matter; ... At Durham University we want to inspire and foster a community of expression a nd engagement.
Logia is an organisation in the School of Divinity that aims to highlight and to develop women’s excellence. The Equality and Diversity Information Report 2017-18 provides a summary of activity and initiatives in support of the University’s Equality and Diversity Strategy 2016-21, which articulates the University’s ongoing commitment to equality and inclusion.