Droughts can happen in any type of climate anywhere in the world but some areas are more prone to drought because they do not have adequate water sources and have seen population explosions that have a greater demand for water than the climate can support. They show a negative side of nature and indicate some very demolishing aspects of nature, which the humans cannot ignore because of possessing less power. Droughts have occurred numerous times and will continue to exist in various degrees depending on weather patterns in the atmosphere. A drought occurs when less rainfall or water flow than is expected is experienced, usually over a period of time, resulting in a water shortage for some activity, group, or environmental sector. Ms. Watson Plants Socioeconomic drought : This occurs due to the gap between the demand and supply of goods and commodities increases owing to shift in meteorological and hydrological drought. U.S. Secretary John Kerry calls, ” climate change can now be consider another weapon of mass destruction, perhaps the world’s most fearsome weapon of mass destruction” (Arshad Mohammed,2014).
These problems such as drought, global warming, and pollution are caused by our actions, mistakes, or just by nature. Introduction Drought becomes a natural disaster. It occurs when there is an absence of rainfall for a particular period of time. A drought is a reduction in precipitation over an extended period. California has a Mediterranean, What a Drought Is Drought strikes somewhere in the United States every year, turning green landscapes brown as precipitation falls below normal levels and water supplies dwindle. Droughts are an ordinary repeating feature of atmosphere where there is little precipitation over an expanded timeframe.
These incidents remind people that they do not have the control over everything and they are very small in front of such natural calamities. Drought is typically a temporary climatic aberration, but it is also an insidious natural hazard. increases due to anthropogenic warming change the probability of precipitation deficits that cause severe drought conditions, and determine what the conditions will look like in the future.
The severity of a drought is measured by both its duration and the ability of the, Effects of Drought die. Water in pools, ponds, or reservoirs dries out. Natural phenomenon along with being very beautiful and useful for humankind, sometimes become very disastrous and demolishing for them.
Those were the words of the late Nobel award winner Professor Wangari Mathaai. Every year, droughts take place in many parts of the It can have a significant effect on the affected regions agriculture. Hydrologists define drought as an extended period of less precipitation and stream flow. Extended droughts can reduce water supplies to the point where they are inadequate to support the demands of plants, animals, and humans. flowing. Hunger, anemia, malnutrition and deaths of people are often witnessed in drought-stricken areas.
Drought is a long period of dry weather when there is no rainfall at Cause And Effects Of Drought 945 Words | 4 Pages. The problem with a drought is that it creeps up slowly as water sources become low and the next rain can not be reliably predicted neither its intensity.
Prolonged drought can cause a serious economic crisis while also posing threats to the human population and other living creatures as well. These definitions of drought bring us to the main types of droughts, which include:This kind of drought takes places when dry weather patterns outweigh other climatic conditions.
Meteorologists define drought as a prolonged duration without rain. Since 2012, California has seen the worst drought conditions in 1,200 years and it is severely affecting air quality (California’s drought, 2015). The problem of water access is critical: every year, millions are sickened or die due to lack of clean water access and sanitation, and droughts only make the problem worse.
As of 2015, the cities of Hanford, Merced, Modesto, Fresno, Yuba City, Lancaster-Palmdale, Chico, Sacramento, and Bakersfield have been experiencing exceptional drought coverage (Pestano, 2015).
(Stephan Feller, 2016).I try to find some reaches about California’s, If you live in California you most likely have been affected or seen the impact of a drought. The lack of water further kills plants, leaving little chances for the land to recover.
Food becomes more scarce and demand exceeds supply.
This can also happen due to increase in population and decrease in the amount of rainfall. Out of the various environmental problems, drought is one of the hazard of nature that is happening throughout some parts of the world, especially in California, United States. very long period of time, and cause great hardship to people, plants Drought Rivers and streams stop In such a case, a country’s agricultural sector usually suffers the most—leaving people battling with food insecurity. Droughts can harm animals and reduce their food by destroying their grassland it can also reduce or destroy crop harvest. Short-term droughts usually impact the expected amount of water but although water resource levels are decreased they, Analyzing The Findings Of International Students ' Challenging Experiences During The American Classroom Setting On Higher Education, Netflix Is The World's Leading Internet Television Network. Droughts are usually very unpredictable due to their slow nature of development.
Droughts can be classified as short term or long term. Different sets of people have different definitions of drought. 16 December 2015 all for weeks, months or even years. There are two types of drought definitions: conceptual and operational definitions, California drought: is there light at the end of the tunnel?
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and animals. Crop farmers describe drought as the absence of moisture, which inhibits crop growth. People living in different regions experience varying amounts of precipitation. Global warming, droughts and famine, irregular climatic changes are among the effects that have, Zara Beadle This happens when atmospheric conditions such as climate change causes extensive loss of water in soil content that damage and injure plant structure and disruption in physiology (Jaleel, C., P. Manivannan, A drought is a period of time in which no rain water is available, resulting in water shortages for people of that region. This anticipated and relatively reliable source of water is used and managed for many actions, as water is vital to life. I. It was found that in the past twenty years, the frequency of drought years has doubled, without any significant change in the trends of precipitation variability. Weather is very unpredictable and uncontrollable so people can be facing any weather related crisis, such as a drought at anytime.
People plan for drought be storing, California’s Drought
Drought is characterized by various combinations of unusually low precipitation, low humidity, high temperatures, and high wind velocities. This creates a water shortage that damages crops, livestock, and the environment. They used historical precipitation and temperature data with Palmer Drought Metrics and global climate models to attempt to answer this question. Drought is a great causal factor for low food production, thus, when experienced in poorer regions the effects of malnutrition, hunger, anemia and mortalities are compounded since there is … Gurpreet Dhillon Drought often creates a lack of clean water for drinking, public sanitation and personal hygiene, which can lead to a wide range of life-threatening diseases. The California drought has been extremely harmful to the states’ air quality. How Are The Internet And Interactive Performances Changing What We Understand By Performance And Live Audience? It occurs when there is an absence of rainfall for a particular period of time. In general, drought is a “period of dry weather” or “an extended shortage of water” (Jaworski).
It might last for weeks, months, or years and may have many negative effects. Drought is a form of a natural abiotic stress in plants that affects plant growth and is characterized as one of the most widespread environmental stresses occurring globally (Ekmekci, Y., & Kalefetoglu T., 2005). Prolonged metrological drought can lead to hydrological drought. Drought is a form of a natural abiotic stress in plants that affects plant growth and is characterized as one of the most widespread environmental stresses occurring globally (Ekmekci, Y., & Kalefetoglu T., 2005). Some droughts occur for a