People are too emotional and reactionary, and the discussion on this thread is a perfect example. This is incorrect since there is a world of difference between the two concepts, in spite of a few shared ideals. Patriotism is thus considered a common property and is construed equal all over the world. I think it is really just an engrained hatred of the English from “true Scot” nationalists, and just anti-British bigotry & hatred from Scots Irish who are raised on a diet of one sided misrepresented Irish Republican propaganda. Nationalism IS one of the pillars of Fascism by the way. the old Sweden) can lead to a harmonic society that don’t feel the need to overcome internal strifes by waging wars on other countries, a patriotic country often does not. All I read was the difference between “nationalism” and “nationalism-lite”. And you see the anger and fear he has brought out in people. Nationalism and patriotism both show the relationship of an individual towards his or her nation. Britain will have it’s language & customs but soon Britain will be little England. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Copyright © 2010-2018 Difference Between. If a person, after legally becoming a citizen in another country dislikes the freedoms and laws of that country then perhaps they should have stayed and fought for their own country. There is some difference between the two when it comes to the way in which a nationalist and a patriot think. It is much easier to negotiate between nations which have a codified set of amendable laws rather than between two religious entities inspired by unalterable and ambiguous religious laws. Recently non-Scots who classed as ‘nationalists’ and even ‘Nazis’ the Scots who voted ‘Yes’ during Scotland’s failed latest attempt to gain independence will have chosen to ignore that Brexit shows that they are no different from said Scots. The American National Socialist party defines itself as the American Nazi party and say they are “committed to bringing American National Socialism out of the past.”.
God told us to love one another. Its really very basic. There are still obvious areas of overlap: we define patriotism as “love for or devotion to one’s country” and nationalism in part as “loyalty and devotion to a nation.” But the definition of nationalism also includes “exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups.” This exclusionary aspect is not shared by patriotism. I personally believe Patriotism is the ideology of the original patriots AKA the Congress-men. Nationalists to the end. Nationalism is based on the notion that kinship gives affinity, a notion everyone know is true. They can really place anything anywhere, as long as the nation reigns as the top priority. If I were you, I would bite my tongue when conversing with followers of an higher ideology – and oh, if you’re trolling (which I hope you are, the thought of people like you actually voting sends shivers down my spine!) I am a Christian, and I’ve read in the New Testament that the Gospel of Jesus is NOT pride for country, or love for money, or hate against others who think any different, but LOVE!!! Nationalism consists in showing interest in the unification of a nation based on cultural and linguistic equanimity. On the other hand patriotism consists in developing love for a nation based on its values and beliefs. Seriously, I think you’re the one thinking in cold war terms here bro. What you should question instead of your country is why the hell you’re still living here if you don’t support your country. They are not Nationalists in any way really, the two are actually almost opposites. the differences displayed between nationalism and patriotism was simple and easily understandable!!!! You are Scottish, so you should know the dangers of Nationalism. Newsletters may offer personalized content or advertisements. Also your delusional comment on increasingly tyrannical government. The leftist lunatic globalists want to make it a dirty word to believe in nationalism. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy: Legal. Corporations run this world, just research who actually owns the forests, the leaseholds on container ports & even Thames water. John Dwyer enunciated this difference when he wrote: "The patriot says, 'I love my country,' works for its good, and defends it if necessary--against enemies within and without. God loves even those who do not love Him, so why shouldn’t we? Do you think the German soldiers who died in WWII had any different reasons for fighting than any other “nationalist”? The two are often confused and frequently believed to mean the same thing. nationalism IS fascism… it is a fictitious imaginary boundary you make to justify your ‘love’ of the land and segregate yourself from others.

This can be very difficult to do, as many, MANY people are hard to love,and we may not want to love them, but we must try, as it is what God commanded. For instance, I would be in favor of annulling debt to china and sealing trade, but only because they are flooding our economy. So you cannot have thought that hard before you commented. superb!!! Get an education, pal. In other words it can be said that patriotism works from the base of peace. He even asked the Father to forgive them. I know that there ARE idiot atheists hell-bent on harassing the faithful in the name of “rationalism”, but I feel offended when you suggest that EVERY unbeliever WILL “bring [a faithful person] away from the path of God”. You sound like a blood, soil and thunder Nationalist.

God bless you. If you’re a nationalist towards India it’d be self-contradictory to support British occupation, that would make you a loyalist. Your argument is as retarded as the ideology you follow. Yes, but completely false. This is not to imply that you hate modernization, but rather, you want to preserve their culture by letting other people know, even if they are modernized already. If you don’t love, please don’t call yourself a Christian.
It shows maybe you are stuck in the 50s with a homophobic attitude. It seems to me like most of the people that disagree here are really patriots who think they’re nationalists. An “imitator of Jesus” would practice Judaism, worship the Torah and celebrate passover. Because other countries and some people of this country feel fighting for others is more important than fighting for us. Or are you going to be someone who will still look to care and be protective of the country you’ve migrated to? Nationalism CAN be static and complacent. He asks himself “why is that?” many times, and by the end it just seems like he goes “oh well, I can’t find an answer for it, but heck, it’s just the way it is, right?” It seems to me that he’s not quite stating that that is HIS chosen answer to the question, but just questioning how people just go with it and never even bother to stop and think WHY, just like his neighbor. After the ultra-nationalist movements during the World Wars, the fall of colonialism, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the rise of democratic governments around the world, we are connected to everyone else in the globe like never before. ", @media only screen and (min-width : 500px) {.ethanmobile { display: none; }}, Get our top news delivered to your inbox every morning, Monday to Friday. Slightly unhinged, emotionally hysterical and you actually fit the caricature listed in the article here, the article that you decry, lol. I agree Nationalism is not Fascism, but is it any better? The nationalist, meanwhile, says, 'My country is better than yours.' Everyone loves Nietzsche so follow the logic, Übermensch. The ideology between the nation and the individual is best described not in the constitution, but in the declaration of independence. Patriotism, on the other hand, pertains to value responsibilities rather than just valuing loyalty towards one’s own country. So cut the crap, a nation of people can be greater or lesser than another. But then being a Nationalist… will probably wail a lot and yell “conspiracy” or one of the usual misdirections. It is a word with fluid meaning. The Bible states: 2 Corinthians 6:14 Non-Nationalists – 2.7 million definite, around 2.1 million rejecting independence at referendum.

By 'patriotism' I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people. Nationalism and patriotism are two words which are often used inter-changeably. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. This article is full of gross generalizations. They are like a BNP or Front Nationale, but with left wing rhetoric and faux-progressivism. Registered Voters in Scotland – 4.1 million The ‘nation state’ is dead & six German/Anglo/Saxon families may own the majority on the ground but the Multi National Corporations hlittle Englandbe ave the control. The anti-colonialism struggles in Asia and Africa are an excellent example of this. Oh, and “his” “nationalism” today would apply to “Democrats”, “liberals”, Western “intellectuals” and academics, and the like! Though it is true that they are practicing nationalism, they are practicing it extremely and in an unhealthy manner. Nationalism vs Patriotism . They come from the INTERPRETATION of Islam done by the fundamentalists, not from Islam itself. Here's What You Didn't See On The Show. On the other hand a nationalist considers that the people belonging to his own country alone are important. I would say that that notion rather is linked to patriotism, as patriotism is artificial. Sexism and authoritarism are NOT components of Islam. They were mixed up in Medieval Europe as well and, surprise, that time is caled the Dark Ages for a reason. Love is to patriotism as Pride is to nationalism. Liberties themselves only exist to secure the rights of individuals. Judges the world on nationality (an accident of birth) and not on action or a desire for peace and unity. He borrows the word Nationalism for a concept for which no word exists. nationalism isn’t about a sense of superiority…i’m not sure how developed countries live it out but in my developing country nationalism means striving towards a better society and overcoming despotism. Just like the poor American kids being sent to a war were they’re taught to kill a satanized enemy, causing millions of innocent deaths. Patriotism pertains to the love for a nation, with more emphasis on values and beliefs. A somewhat subtler difference between the two words may be found in their modifiers and the ideas to which each is connected. They’re dictators. Ignorant, (mostly white males) angry, gun toting, belly aching, uneducated blowhards just like the POTUS. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. There is moderate, extreme, and other forms of nationalism in India. If you live in a country other than the U.S. your government or dictatorship has already taken yours. They’re trying to subtly replace the term “white supremacy” with “white nationalism.”. Jesus said that the foremost commandment was to love God with all you mind, heart and strength and your neighbor as yourself. Your definitions and distinctions were helpful, but I object to your calling patriotism passive. 'They hate my country because it is so good.'".