• Scoundrel's Journal Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. • Andariel, the Maiden of Anguish • The Creation of Sanctuary (4 parts), Act I • Great Conflict The. Mephisto is captured near the jungles of Kehjistan and imprisoned under a Zakarum temple in what will eventually become Kurast. • Wretched Mother, Act II She nearly kills her father and disappears shortly afterward. • Researching the Khazra Led by Azmodan and Belial, many of the Hells' lesser demons rise up against the Prime Evils in a rebellion that culminates in the Dark Exile. Archbishop Lazarus leads a group of villagers into the cathedral and abandons them to a bloodthirsty butcher demon. Amelia leaves Tristram and Deckard, taking her son with her. The timeline in the Diablo Universe is a very scattered and non-cohesive entity. • The Black Road • The Last Stand of the Ancients He declares war on the kingdom of Westmarch. • The Promises of Fezuul al-Kazaar Angels and demons wage war over the Worldstone, the artifact changing hands many times. With the release of Book of Tyrael, the timeline was finally solidified. • Cultists
King Leoric descends into madness as he valiantly struggles to resist Diablo's possession. • Leah's Journal (parts 13-16) • Demonsbane, Richard A. Knaak • On the Desolate Sands (3 parts) • Kulle's Journal (4 parts) Increasingly deranged, King Leoric begins imprisoning all who question his authority and executing them as traitors. In the beginning, there is nothing, save a Pearl containing a dreaming, mighty, unfathomable spirit, the One, At some point, Anu considers itself. • Wizard • Archangel Imperius, the Aspect of Valor • Fallen Giant He becomes the, A group of heroes begins a quest to defeat, Diablo is defeated. Demons and skeletons spawn and slay all within the t… Mages who retain their memories from the Sin War declare that no mage must ever again summon a demon into the world, that humanity must remain free of angelic and demonic influence. • Archivist Anu's shining spine forms the Crystal Arch and the High Heavens form around it. • Fuad's Journal • Old Tristram Journal Diablo is finally captured by a group of Horadrim monks led by Jered Cain. • Shadow Vermin Thus begins the, Uldyssian and his followers give rise to the, The Triune and Cathedral are destroyed, Lilith cast back to the Void, and the Worldstone is altered, removing Inarius's 'blanket' over humanity's potential. Archbishop Lazarus leads a group of villagers into the cathedral and abandons them to a bloodthirsty. They track down Maghda and the, Adria reveals her true colours, turning the Black Soulstone on Leah and awakening Diablo's presence within her.
• Book of Blood Tyrael and his allies do what they can to defend the populace. Lore is the mythological history of the land of Sanctuary. Once freed, Diablo attempts to possess Leoric, but without success. • Ghom's Log Marks Diablo is defeated. The. Around this time (mid-12th century), the church dispatches clerics to the west to spread the word of Zakarum. • Sin War The timeline itself has been retconned, however. King Leoric descends into madness as he valiantly struggles to resist Diablo's possession. • Tristram Cathedral • Gillian's Diary (2 parts) • Demonic Hellflyer • Fallen Shaman The two are killed by bandits outside Tristram. 1262: The original website timeline claimed that Leoric arrived in Khanduras in this year, as well as also falling into the madness inflicted by Diablo. • Sand Dweller • Tale of the Three • Demonic Tremor Unless marked as speculation or a non-specific date, the information here is 100% canon. • Carrion Nest • Moon of the Spider, Mel Odom In the aftermath of Malthael's defeat, humanity is beset by religious schisms, war, and famine, such is the death toll of the Reapers. • Fall of the Barbarians (5 parts) Despite the hero's noble intentions, his valiant spirit quickly succumbs to Diablo's corruption. Believing the Sin War to merely be a clash of faiths, the majority of Kehjan's populace turn away from religion. Lachdanan, captain of King Leoric's army, returns from the disastrous war with Westmarch and is forced to kill Leoric. • Blood Hawk • Gravedigger's Log • Lost Journal The archangel Tyrael gathers together mortal heroes to create the Horadrim. • Demonic Hell Bearer
• Proclamation from the Imperial Guard
• Borderlands The Horadric monastery in Tristram is abandoned.
• Treasure Goblin Thus ends the Sin War. • Morgan's Journal (3 parts), Act IV He is taken to, New threats arise in Sanctuary, prompting the attention of. The manual for the original game states that the Prime Evils wreaked havoc for centuries before being imprisoned by the Horadrim. • Butcher • Izual's Descent At the same time, Heaven, having also suffered, shutters its gates to the realms beyond. Hearing of the existence of the Worldstone, he marches north to invade the.
• Blackened Journal • Crumbling Journal The structure is stripped of all valuables. • Archangel Itherael, the Aspect of Fate The town of Tristram is established around the Horadric monastery. • Eirena's Journal The demon lord Duriel is defeated within the tomb of Tal Rasha; it is discovered that Baal is already free from his Soulstone. Desiring perfection, it casts all evil from itself, creating the. • Steel Tome, • Tale of the Horadrim • Torn Letter Diablo is an action role-playing hack and slash dungeon crawler video game series developed by Blizzard North and continued by Blizzard Entertainment after the north studio shutdown in 2005.
• An Abridged History of Caldeum (6 parts) • The Nature of Magic • Ghoul
• Fallen Lunatic • Cain's Old Journal (2 parts) Diablo's minions seek fragments of the Worldstone, in a bid to resurrect their fallen master. • Bloodstained letter • Priest's Contemplations (2 parts) Bashiok on Act 3 and Timeline Inconsistencies. His Soulstone is destroyed, along with Mephisto's, upon the Hellforge. • Oppressor, • Ancient Tome BlizzCon 2018 Diablo Immortal World and Q&A Panel Transcript, Reaper of Souls - Rakkis History Sound Files, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Opening Cinematic, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Crusader Class Gameplay Demo, GamesCom 2013 interview – Josh Mosqueira talks about Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, Return of Pandemonium Fortress & Necromancers, BlizzCon 2019 Diablo 4: Unveiled Panel Transcript, Blizzplanet Interview – Micky Neilson & Matt Burns Discuss Diablo III: Book of Tyrael, https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline?oldid=189809. While Akarat's teachings have left their mark, they flounder in obscurity for the next millennium. • Belial, Lord of Lies The resulting cataclysm destroys them both and lays the foundation for all Creation. The loss of Albrecht shatters what remains of Leoric's sanity, and Tristram is plunged into horror as the king seeks to torture and execute all he suspects of conspiring against him. • Beast The. • The Drowned Temple Recovered artifacts indicate that by this time, writing, art, and science had become an integral part of human culture. • Wandering Tinker's Diary
Any inconsistencies with other documents can be seen as retcons made. However.
Angels and demons wage war over the Worldstone, the artifact changing hands many times. • The Angiris Council, Act I Diablo Timeline Creation. • Terror Demon
• The Black King • Unburied Emperor. • Adria's Journal Akarat disappears in the jungles of Kehjistan. Like a cute little pig that becomes a massive, horned, demonic boar. • Skeletals This was later taken down. The land is renamed. The Zakarum priesthood attempts to seal Mephisto. The eastern lord Leoric comes to Tristram, declares himself its king, and converts the old, long-unused Horadric monastery to a Zakarum cathedral. • Notes of Urik the Seer (3 parts) • Siegebreaker Assault Beast • Of Heaven and Hell The terrified child is possessed by Diablo. • Demon Flayer • Battlefield Reports • Tristram Fields • Archangel Malthael, the Aspect of Wisdom After three years of codified Zakarum faith, Tassara continues to be overshadowed by his childhood friend and Zakarum zealot. Although the heroes defeat Baal, his demonic army continues to advance. • Morlu • The Desert Aqueducts (2 parts), Act III • The Hanging Tree
Bashiok on Act 3 and Timeline Inconsistencies. • The Legend of Zei the Trickster Wary of Rakkis's growing popularity, Tassara dispatches the general on a crusade to spread Zakarum to the lands of the West. The heroes that have defeated the Prime Evils return to their homes and families. The heroes follow Baal to Mount Arreat for the final conflict between man and the last of the Prime Evils.
Malthael's Reapers assault Westmarch. She sees the power of Diablo within the young warrior, and pledges herself to his service, giving herself to him in the encounter that would lead to the conception of her daughter, The heroes journey to Lut Gholein, where they destroy the demon lord, The Dark Wanderer completes his transformation into Diablo; Mephisto, and the corrupted Zakarum high priesthood are defeated beneath the jungles of, The heroes journey into the Pandemonium Fortress, where they defeat.
The angel Tyrael discovers that Baal has succeeded in corrupting the Worldstone housed within Mount Arreat. • Quill Fiend All events are listed in chronological order; if an event is listed below another, it happened afterwards.
A lone hero arrives in Tristram and defeats the bloated, fetid butcher demon.
• Dune Thresher