Inside the box you’ll find five glorious action figures that look fantastic inside and outside the streamlined packaging and they truly represent one of the finer moments of Hasbro’s involvement in the video game side of the Expanded Universe. After killing all resistance in the immediate area, Delta Squad shot their way past a glass wall and entered an adjacent room. While there, Scorch and Sev came upon Kal Skirata and Walon Vau together on the barracks' parade ground, engaged with reciting the names of fallen clone commandos, both from within their respective training companies and without, in the Mandalorian custom for honoring dead comrades and loved ones. Gruff in his demeanor, and a serious no-nonsense type of person, Fixer had a habit of calling his squadmates by their numerical designations rather than their chosen nicknames. They were quickly cut off from the guidance of CC-01/425, who was again serving as mission advisor to the squad. The next day, they would again be present as Vau delivered a report to Zey in which he insinuated that although the culprit delving into the Republic Treasury system had turned out not to be Skirata, Vau had forcefully persuaded Skirata not to cause any more further trouble.
Each squad member was flown in separately and rendezvous during the final hours of the battle in order to assassinate Geonosian chief lieutenant, Sun Fac. During the Clone Wars, Delta Squad received their orders from Jedi General Arligan Zey, directly or through Jedi General Bardan Jusik, his replacement Etain Tur-Mukan, or clone adviser CC-01/425. Boss making his way out of Petranaki arena. [2] Once Skirata and Jusik passed the explosives off to the terrorists and cleared the area as planned, the assembled troops struck, shutting off the lights and attacking from every direction, including the roof. Though the squad did not believe Skirata would do anything to jeopardize the clones he'd come to care so much about, Vau instructed Delta to remain out of the affair for their own good. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. His Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala would attempt to rescue Kenobi, but would fail and instead join him in captivity. The advisor then patched through a transmission from General Yoda, who stated that Delta Squad's efforts had enabled the Republic to establish forward command in Kachirho, and that the Republic would continue to rely on their skills in the coming battle. Despite the length of time between her disappearance and Delta Squad's tasking of her retrieval, Kaminoan intelligence was able to track Ko Sai's movements to the planet Vaynai. [10] Relatively taciturn, Boss was not a man of many words, and much of what he did say came in the form of orders issued to the other members of Delta Squad. Although Fixer brought the snowspeeder closer to the extraction point, Delta and Vau would have to fight their way through an armed patrol of Muuns and battle droids to escape.
367 days into the Clone Wars, Sev and the rest of Delta Squad found themselves investigating an Acclamator-class assault ship, Prosecutor, which had disappeared earlier and now mysteriously reappeared on the border of Republic space.
Vau believed that in order for his commandos to survive in combat, he must train them as harshly as possible—to do anything less would compromise their training.
Delta Squad then took an elevator down to the lower levels of the facility where they discovered a Geonosian birthing chamber, that led to a radar jamming device.
Folks, let us tell you that these stock mount weapons look fantastic and if Hasbro has any sense at all, they’ll apply this paint job to figures both in The Clone Wars line as well as The Vintage Collection. Ihre zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen. [2] Seen as brutal by many, including his fellow Cuy'val Dar training sergeants, Vau's practices made Delta Squad an aggressive, but supremely efficient unit and they were truly grateful toward the man for making them into survivors. The squad split up upon arrival, with Sev partnering with Ordo and Fixer with Atin; Boss and Scorch stayed together, covering the depot's landing strip. Shortly after, the squad found that the Prosecutor has been attacked by Trandoshan slavers and mercenaries when Sev was captured at the starboard data core, and Boss forced to flee into the ship's maintenance shafts. Omega Squad's Darman blew open the door with a breaching grenade, and Scorch lobbed another grenade through the blasted-open entrance before following Atin and Corr—Omega Squad's replacement for Fi, following a traumatic brain injury during a mission to Gaftikar—into the house. [4] Vau took great pride in his squads' consistently high performance, both in live-fire exercises on Kamino and later during their deployment in the Clone Wars. Delta Squad performed live fire exercises along with the other commando batches.
At Comic-Con 2006, it was announced that the rest of Delta Squad would be turned into action figures as a set of four along with three Geonosian warriors. In spite of this, Delta still had their next lead and—after diverting to retrieve SCUBA trooper armor—traveled to the watery resort world of Dorumaa.
[1], The DC-17m and DC-15s, wielded by Delta Squad, Like all Republic commando squads in the Grand Army of the Republic, Delta Squad's commandos wore Katarn-class commando armor that was stronger and more durable than the standard armor worn by regular clone troopers. [4], After weeks of excavation under the observation of Jusik, Delta Squad would uncover no evidence of Ko Sai—there was none to be found since she had been wisked unwillingly away to Mandalore. Part of Special Operations Brigade's Arca Company of Zero Five Commando, the unit played instrumental roles in the Battle of Geonosis as well as during the lead up to the Battle of Kashyyyk. The seven-figure set was exclusive to in the Fall of 2006. During their brief time together aboard Delta's stolen ship, Sev provoked Omega Squad member Atin into a confrontation that nearly came to blows, a confrontation over their shared history as commandos both trained by Walon Vau. The Mandalorian sergeant took great pride in his squads’ consistently superb performance, both in live-fire exercises on Kamino and later during their deployment in the Clone Wars. * The Star Wars: Republic Commando (Delta Squad) set made its debut in July 2011 during San Diego Comic Con and was available at the show and online for purchase. The squad encountered an advanced spider droid—which they were able to destroy by releasing a cargo crane's payload over top of the droid—before being joined by a LAAT/i gunship which finished off the droid presence and airlifted Delta Squad out of the Trandoshan base. Months later, the Deltas found themselves on Kashyyyk for intelligence reasons.