Dante is known for establishing the use of the vernacular in literature at a time when most poetry was written in Latin, making it accessible only to the most educated readers.

For Dante, exile was nearly a form of death, stripping him of much of his identity and his heritage. At the same time (November 1, 1301), Charles of Valois entered Florence with the Black Guelphs, who in the next six days destroyed much of the city and killed many of their enemies. In the following years, his name is occasionally recorded as speaking or voting in the various councils of the republic.
Dante Aligheiri was born in 1265 to a family of lesser nobility in Florence. Dante pravdepodobne navštevoval jednu z rádových škôl vo Florencii (dominikánsku u Santa Maria Novella alebo františkánsku u Santa Croce). Dante, like most Florentines of his day, was embroiled in the Guelph–Ghibelline conflict. The custodians of the body in Ravenna refused, at one point going so far as to conceal the bones in a false wall of the monastery.

An early indication that the poem was underway is a notice by Francesco da Barberino, tucked into his Documenti d'Amore (Lessons of Love), probably written in 1314 or early 1315.

Dante saw in him a new Charlemagne who would restore the office of the Holy Roman Emperor to its former glory and also retake Florence from the Black Guelphs.

Its first section, the Inferno, begins, "Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita" ("Midway upon the journey of our life"), implying that Dante was around 35 years old, since the average lifespan according to the Bible (Psalm 89:10, Vulgate) is 70 years; and since his imaginary travel to the netherworld took place in 1300, he was most probably born around 1265.

Bola dcérou bankára a zakladateľa florentskej nemocnice Santa Maria Nuova. Bola inšpirátorkou jeho poézie. Dante was one of the delegates.

[chýba zdroj], https://sk.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dante_Alighieri&oldid=6867695, Osobnosti na argentínskych poštových známkach, Osobnosti na nemeckých poštových známkach, Osobnosti na talianskych poštových známkach, Wikipédia:Infobox Osobnosť s parametrom Veľkosť obrázka, Wikipédia:Infobox Osobnosť s parametorom Popis a s obrázkom, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 Unported. Dante si osvojil výsledky antickej kultúry, arabského myslenia, katolíckej teológie (tomizmus) a averroizmu. It included a commemoration from Pope Francis.[44][45]. Learn more about Dante’s life, writings, and significance in this article. The phrase is a quote from the fourth canto of the Inferno, depicting Virgil's welcome as he returns among the great ancient poets spending eternity in limbo.

He began writing poems while young, and, when he was nine, he met Beatrice, a girl to whom he later dedicated most of his poetry. The poem amazes by its array of learning, its penetrating and comprehensive analysis of contemporary problems, and its inventiveness of language and imagery. Zaoberal sa štúdiom antického, vtedajšieho talianskeho a provensalského básnictva, predovšetkým antická poézia bola jeho vzorom. This profession was not inappropriate since at that time books were sold from apothecaries' shops. Francesco notes that Dante followed the Aeneid in a poem called "Comedy" and that the setting of this poem (or part of it) was the underworld; i.e., hell. It was during this time that he wrote De Monarchia, proposing a universal monarchy under Henry VII. (In June 2008, nearly seven centuries after his death, the city council of Florence passed a motion rescinding Dante's sentence.)[24]. In 1310, Holy Roman Emperor Henry VII of Luxembourg marched into Italy at the head of 5,000 troops. Dante is considered the greatest Italian poet, best known for The Divine Comedy, an epic poem that is one of the world’s most important works of literature. Not much is known about Dante's education; he presumably studied at home or in a chapter school attached to a church or monastery in Florence. Artists from Pisa University and engineers at the University of Bologna at Forlì constructed the model, portraying Dante's features as somewhat different from what was once thought. On its most comprehensive level, it may be read as an allegory, taking the form of a journey through hell, purgatory, and paradise. In Florence, Baldo d'Aguglione pardoned most of the White Guelphs in exile and allowed them to return. Evidently, Dante's command of philosophy and his literary interests deepened in exile and when he was no longer busy with the day-to-day business of Florentine domestic politics, and this is evidenced in his prose writings in this period, but there is no real evidence that he ever left Italy. By this meaning of the word, as Dante himself wrote in a letter to Cangrande I della Scala, the progression of the pilgrimage from Hell to Paradise is the paradigmatic expression of comedy, since the work begins with the pilgrim's moral confusion and ends with the vision of God. Dante Alighieri (Italian: [ˈdante aliˈɡjɛːri]), probably baptized Durante di Alighiero degli Alighieri[note 1] and often referred to simply as Dante (/ˈdɑːnteɪ, ˈdænteɪ, ˈdænti/,[2][3] also US: /ˈdɑːnti/,[4]; c. 1265 – 1321), was an Italian poet. [29] Brunacci became lector at the Santa Sabina studium, forerunner of the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, and later served in the papal curia.[30]. Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio are also called the tre corone ("three crowns") of Italian literature. In addition to poetry Dante wrote important theoretical works ranging from discussions of rhetoric to moral philosophy and political thought. Pre dejiny politickej filozofie má veľký význam latinsky spis De monarchia. to which both heaven and earth have set their hand Dante's in-depth knowledge (within the limits of his time) of Roman antiquity, and his evident admiration for some aspects of pagan Rome, also point forward to the 15th century. Because Dante’s poetic persona looms so large in his writings,very little can be said about his biography that does not, in someway, depend upon an interpretations of his continual re-crafting ofthat persona. Publishing in the vernacular language marked Dante as one of the first in Roman Catholic Western Europe (among others such as Geoffrey Chaucer and Giovanni Boccaccio) to break free from standards of publishing in only Latin (the language of liturgy, history and scholarship in general, but often also of lyric poetry). Tu proverai sì come sa di sale

Dante Alighieri, probably baptized Durante di Alighiero degli Alighieri and often referred to simply as Dante, was an Italian poet.

Dante's other works include Convivio ("The Banquet"),[48] a collection of his longest poems with an (unfinished) allegorical commentary; De Monarchia,[49] a summary treatise of political philosophy in Latin which was condemned and burned after Dante's death[50][51] by the Papal Legate Bertrando del Poggetto, which argues for the necessity of a universal or global monarchy to establish universal peace in this life, and this monarchy's relationship to the Roman Catholic Church as guide to eternal peace; and De vulgari eloquentia ("On the Eloquence of Vernacular"),[52] on vernacular literature, partly inspired by the Razos de trobar of Raimon Vidal de Bezaudun. Bernardo Bembo, praetor of Venice, erected a tomb for him in 1483.[31][32].
If it is true that he was born under the sign ofGemini—as reported in Paradiso22.112–120—then hisbirthday would have been sometime in May or June of that year.According to the testimony of his own writings, at the age of nine hemet for the first ti… At 18, Dante met Guido Cavalcanti, Lapo Gianni, Cino da Pistoia and soon after Brunetto Latini; together they became the leaders of the dolce stil novo. Potom študoval filozofiu a teológiu. Dosiahol značného vzdelania. Dante, bitter at the treatment he received from his enemies, grew disgusted with the infighting and ineffectiveness of his erstwhile allies and vowed to become a party of one. Dante Alighieri (patrně 2. polovina května 1265 Florencie – 13. It is uncertain whether he really married her, since widowers were socially limited in such matters, but this woman definitely bore him two children, Dante's half-brother Francesco and half-sister Tana (Gaetana). He did not intend to practice as one, but a law issued in 1295 required nobles aspiring to public office to be enrolled in one of the Corporazioni delle Arti e dei Mestieri, so Dante obtained admission to the Apothecaries' Guild. He is best known for the monumental epic poem La commedia, later named La divina commedia (The Divine Comedy). Some say he refused to participate in the attack on his city by a foreigner; others suggest that he had become unpopular with the White Guelphs, too, and that any trace of his passage had carefully been removed.

In effect, he set an example of so-called courtly love, a phenomenon developed in French and Provençal poetry of prior centuries. Nonetheless, a tomb was built for him in Florence in 1829, in the Basilica of Santa Croce. Italy's first dreadnought battleship was completed in 1913 and named Dante Alighieri in honor of him. Professor of English and Comparative Literature; Director, Gould Center for Humanistic Studies, Claremont McKenna College, California. Warner; Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin company. In addition, the first use of the interlocking three-line rhyme scheme, or the terza rima, is attributed to him. Antonia later became a nun, taking the name Sister Beatrice. He was buried in Ravenna at the Church of San Pier Maggiore (later called Basilica di San Francesco). For other uses, see, Dante's tomb exterior and interior in Ravenna, built in 1780, His birth date is listed as "probably in the end of May" by Robert Hollander in "Dante" in.

He refused to go, and his death sentence was confirmed and extended to his sons. He finished Paradiso and died in 1321 (aged 56) while returning to Ravenna from a diplomatic mission to Venice, possibly of malaria contracted there. Some speculative sources claim he visited Paris between 1308 and 1310, and other sources even less trustworthy took him to Oxford: these claims, first occurring in Boccaccio's book on Dante several decades after his death, seem inspired by readers who were impressed with the poet's wide learning and erudition. Nicholas Brunacci OP [1240–1322] who had been a student of Thomas Aquinas at the Santa Sabina studium in Rome, later at Paris,[27][28] and of Albert the Great at the Cologne studium.