The Corryvreckan is the third largest whirlpool in the world, and is on the northern side of the gulf, surrounding a pyramid-shaped basalt pinnacle that rises from … (As with all good stories, there are variations on the theme - sometimes the cables are of hemp, flax and maidens hair). Spectacular scenery on Jura's West coast.
There are decent flows in The Grey Dog, Cuan Sound and in the Sounds of Jura & Luing. Her father has consented to the marriage, on condition that Breakan should show his skill and courage by anchoring his galley for three days and three nights in the great whirlpool of Corrievreckan. Admiralty Charts - SC 2326 Loch Crinan to the Firth of Lorne / SC 2169 Approaches to the Firth of Lorne. At around 40 metres and deeper the wall is undercut. Get it wrong and you could also end up in the exposed seas outside the relative protection of the islands. Onwards we speed, flying along on the tide now, which is a nice change, quickly turning North round Jura and marveling at the coastline with it's unbelievable features, to overnight in a lovely bay at the entrance to Loch Tarbert. Or was it Jenny, for accepting the challenge so bravely and going away with a trio of total strangers and her beloved, at Easter, in Scotland, in one of them thar Eskimo kayaks?).
Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory. It was very comforting to know he'd monitored our morning call to the Coastguard advising our plans and had even considered calling us to ask if we'd like a pick-up. This is all clearly visible when there is no wind and the turbulent patterns are fascinating to see in …
Some basic camping is available on the Lunga Estate - 01852 500531 - and they have been known to allow a few cars to be left nearby. The general area contains some of the finest sea-paddling in Scotland and also some of the most ferocious tidal streams to be found anywhere in the world, notably in the Corryvreckan. Our journey finds us in Scandinavia, in Norway - exactly where and when is unimportant for we only need to know of a Scandinavian Prince, by name of Breakan.
West Loch Tarbert, looking West. I'd strongly suggest you have a look at the discussions linked from the "Local Info and Community Discussions" section of the Sea Trips - Scotland page where you'll find advice and comment about tidal conditions in the Corry, and also links to other trips in the area. We found a stone coffin on one of the beaches we stopped at on the way up the coast. The Loch Melfort Hotel also provides excellent food and good beer and is a couple of miles up the road towards Oban.
Within Scotland’s territory between the islands of Scarba and Jura, the Gulf of Corryvreckan holds a mystery: a whirlpool.
Kathy however is wearing a bright yellow Knoydart cag which stands out easily. It's calm (which is why we're out here in the first place) with no swell or wind so it's no big deal.
Cathy said she was a bit scared half way across - I was terrified myself!
Those of us with Nordkapps and Skerrys are perhaps a little more vocal in their assessment of the situation but the Quest does the job and I keep breathing air. Also watch for the Cal Mac as she doesn't have much room to move in these waters on her way to her berth and she's got the size advantage! I'd strongly suggest you have a look at the discussions linked from the "Local Info and Community Discussions" section of the Sea Trips - Scotland page where you'll find advice and comment about tidal conditions in the Corry, and also links to other trips in the area. A landmark made entirely of raging, perilous water, the Corryvreckan whirlpool can confidently claim to be one of Scotland’s most dangerous tourist attractions.
Cosy campfire on a dark night in the Sound of Islay, Jura shore. Rate is 8+ knots. DF1 is another offshore sea-mount with a shallow top covered in healthy kelp.
I believe that the origin of the name Stornoway, on Lewis, is a contraction of the Norse word(s) for "steering oar bay" - which is logical, given that it would be one of the first bays seen from the starboard (steering oar) side of a galley passing Southwards on transit from Norway. Some of the diving highlights are detailed below.
", Wilding, T. A., Hughes, D. J. and Black, K. D. (2005), "Diving: Perfect places to take the plunge",,, "The masterpiece that killed George Orwell", "The benthic environment of the North and West of Scotland and the Northern and Western Isles: sources of information and overview. Translation from Scots: "there runs a [tidal] stream, above the power of all sailing and rowing, with infinite dangers, called Corybrekan. Rate is 3-4 knots in the central region of the Sound between Skervuile and Ruadh Sgeir. MSI / Weather: See here for broadcast times, Duncan, who runs Farsein Cruises can be contacted on 07880 714165 - as he provided us with water-taxi services on this trip he allowed us to leave cars by his private pier. Don't count on being able to land though as it is a seriously sharp bit of coast and you wont do it except in calm conditions, even then its far from easy.
Breacan may be named after the whirlpool, or its current name may be a Gaelic pun on his name. In 1549, Dean Monro wrote of "Skarbay" that between it and "Duray": In 1820 the world's first passenger paddleship the PS Comet was wrecked nearby to Craignesh Point as a result of encountering the strong currents. (Thinking about the "happy couple" for a moment, one wonders who was the bravest?
The nearby Grey Dogs, or Little Corryvreckan, are classified as unnavigable. Or are we just in for what was forecast on the VHF? Petrol is hard to find in the area - fuel at Lochgilphead or Oban as there's nothing in between although there is a pump at the hotel/pub at the Bridge Over the Atlantic if you are going that way to Easdale. In various stories, Breacan moored his boat near the whirlpool to impress a local princess, or alternatively to flee from his father across the gulf. He'd like us to carry radar reflectors. The force of water pouring over and around the end of this pinnacle, and falling in to the 200 metre deep hole creates an impressive area of overfalls; one of the largest whirlpools in the world. It is possible for tourists to visit these waters by way of boat trips from local harbours or sightseeing flights from Oban Airport.
There is a nice wee coffee shop in the village.
Are we making any progress?
This page was last modified on 9 June 2017, at 16:58. In one version he is Irish - in another he is Norse - as in mine.
Contact by phone on 01475 729988 or VHF on Ch16, although there are coverage gaps, as outlined later, and neither VHF nor mobile can be relied on, as with all remote areas. General map of the area - the red dotted lines are ferry routes, not our trip!
The Yachtsman's Pilot, Clyde to Colonsay, Martin Lawrence. Missing his footing on the small island between the two, he fell into the raging tide where he perished in the maelstrom there.
It is known that many of the Hebridean islands were under Norse control and ruled from the Isle of Man. There is an unusual range of species found on this site, and it is a great place for underwater photography. Jenny, Kathy, Tim & Mike - Rob's behind the camera. On the return leg of an August boating daytrip to nearby Glengarrisdale, Orwell seems to have misread the local tide tables and steered into rough seas that drove his boat near to the whirlpool. UK Hydrographic Office website (links in the Almanac) provides tide information, as does Laver's "Greenock Oban & West Scotland Tide Tables".
Model shots of the whirlpool were made to give a medium view of the boat being drawn into Corryvreckan. The area is exposed to the full force of the Atlantic swells, and for this reason is only diveable in settled weather. One cable was of hemp, one of wool and one of maidens hair; this being of course from pure, innocent young women. I couldn't get reception until Shian Bay, and then only just got the forecast while standing on top of one of the raised beaches.
We, as ordinary folk, may not know too much of him, but Breakan is obviously well traveled as he's fallen in love with a Princess of these remote Scottish Islands. The Gulf of Corryvreckan, also called the Strait of Corryvreckan, is a narrow strait between the islands of Jura and Scarba amongst the Inner Hebrides, off the Argyllshire coast. Looking at the height of the debris field at the top of the beaches (maybe 10 meters?) Or is the Hag playing with us?
When she is finished with the washing, the cloth is pure white, and becomes the blanket of snow that covers the land.[3]. It also has a lot of ticks and a very nice malt whisky. The Lord of the Isles pub at the marina offers very good food, beer and a warm welcome.
Is the spirit of the Grey Dog risen from the depths and howling for his master? The Isle of Jura website has a lot of information about the island, including several thousand images! In 1947 he experienced the power of the Corry, nearly drowning when his boat got into difficulty.
According to the Isle of Jura website, when the cave was excavated in recent times, a stone coffin was found.
The Pinnacle. The sea and the islands have been here since before we came, and will still be here long after we have gone. Campsite locations you'll have to work out for yourself! Click the map to go to Multimap. Which would be interesting. They were rescued only when passing lobstermen noticed a fire the party had lit in an effort to keep warm.[8]. Heading North up the Sound of Islay - on the flood. I'd strongly suggest you have a look at the discussions linked from the "Local Info and Community Discussions" section of the Sea Trips - Scotland page where you'll find advice and comment about tidal conditions in … Hitting the water you encounter a forest of kelp. But not somewhere to foul up and you do have to get the timings right. would give fair warning of habitation so that you could be discrete if necessary. TM + © 2020 Vimeo, Inc. All rights reserved.
This being believed to be the strongest of all materials from which to craft a reliable cable. Well worth a look. It glowers o'er you as it allows you to pass and you do so with respect for the forces at work here. Breakan accepted this challenge, for great was his love of the Princess, and he returned to Norway where he had three anchor cables made. Corryvreckan is the third largest of these natural phenomenons and can be a spectacular sight to see.