Jackie Jaramillo https://ccpp19.org/donors/index.html #sylmar The sources not only explain what the organization stands for but explains how they carry out their mission.

The focus of CFMN was to raise awareness of political and social issues that affected Latina women on a national level.


#pacoima To concern themselves in promoting programs which specifically lend themselves to help, assist and promote solutions to female issues. [2] The lack of prioritization of Chicana issues in the annual Mexican American National Issues Conferences were due to the fact that it was issues of women, not men, the group of women believed. ����_vUH����������|�z����ջ߫ו�0BȄ�#��F�IN�&��w��QX��#�xF��*�����Z-��2��^3�"��5zjʴ�e����[rm)/u��}��F����y�r�al����:�|z��w}N�5��+�y��B��J��-��oLwϪ�'ދ�p #sanfernandovalley Actress Carmen Zapata and Assemblyman Richard Alatorre delivered keynote addresses, moving the women to rededicate themselves into implementing grassroots level action.


Thank you for your understanding. #pacoima #northhills #sylmar #latinasinhighereducation #comisionfemenilsfv

In 1978, members attended the National ERA March in Washington, DC. Edits to Comisión Femenil Mexicana Nacional. Anita Duarte Want to donate to our cause? #missionhills #sanfernandovalley THEREFORE, in order to terminate exclusion of female leadership on the Chicano/Mexican movement and in the community, be it RESOLVED that a Chicana/Mexican Women's Commission be established at this conference which will represent women, in all areas Mexicans prevail, and; That this commission be known as the Comisión Femenil Mexicana, and; That the Comisión direct its efforts to organizing women to assume leadership positions within the Chicano movement and in community life, and; That the Comisión disseminate news and information regarding the work and achievement of Mexican/Chicana women, and; That the Comisión concern itself in promoting programs which specifically lend themselves to help, assist and promote solutions to female type problems and problems concerning the Mexican family, and; That the Comisión spell out issues to support, and explore ways to establish relationships with other women's organizations and movements.


We will notify you when anything happens in Northridge.


UC Santa Cruz | Community Studies

The Comisión developed a quarterly newsletter, La Mujer, and had used all forms of public media to inform others of their work.
#latinasinhighereducation Email contact@comisionfemenil.org www.comisionfemenil.org

In call to action during the Chicanx movement, Latina staff and faculty from California State University, Northridge founded "Mujeres de la Raza" in the early 1970s, a women’s group dedicated to promoting the success of young Latinas.

#pacoima #sanfernandovalley #sylmar

#northhills Comisión Femenil San Fernando Valley Mexican American women Feminism--California Mentoring in the professions Place Pacoima (Los Angeles, Calif.) Source 03-05, Box CFSFV 06, folder 09 CD988 W441 1983 Relation Comisión Femenil San Fernando Valley complete #sylmar #latinasinhighereducation Send a message to Comisión Femenil of the San Fernando Valley: Happy holidays to you and your family!!! #comisionfemenilsfv

#missionhills, 2020 Dr. Karin Durán Memorial Youth Scholarship Recipients #donatecovidplasma Future Career: Law Established in the early 1990s, Comisión Femenil of the San Fernando Valley annually holds its Adelante Mujer Latina Career Conference. #comisionfemenilsfv #missionhills, Thank you @dmeza46 and @socalgas for supporting Latina’s pursuit for higher education!! Comisión Femenil will be at @carusos1 tomorrow 10/24!

#comisionfemenilsfv, Adelante Mujer Latina conference March 14.2920 meeting recap with Co-chairs and Co-Presidents!! #pacoima The founding group of women began to recruit other Latina professionals from the community, and in 1991, Mujeres de la Raza formally changed their name to Comisión Femenil of the San Fernando Valley (CFSFV). Today, chapters of the Comisión continue action by raising scholarship funds for Latina students. #pacoima Adelante Mujer Latina Conference @csun_edu The public outcry helped in creating bilingual consent forms and the enforcement of the 72-hour waiting period prior to performing operation. Later that same year, the Comisión created two bilingual and bicultural child development centers called Centro de Niños. #northhills To spell out issues to support, and explore ways to establish relationships with other women's organizations and movements. Irene T. marching in support of our voices. #latinasinhighereducation

#pacoima #socalgas

#pacoima #sylmar #sanfernando The Comision took special pride in the fact that its membership was at the forefront of developing a plank for Hispanic women throughout the country. Lilia Aceves

Consisting of 28 linear feet, these archives are the official records of the national organization. CCLA - ARTS / THEATRE / ENTERTAINMENT MAGNET ! [4] CFMN also created a newsletter, La Mujer. #sanfernandovalley #sylmar #sanfernandovalley Bernice Rincon

Cecilia Rios #comisionfemenilsfv

The start of the Comisión Femenil Mexicana Nacional began during the Mexican American National Issues Conference, in October 1970.

We will post any updates on our social media sites.

#sanfernando #comisionfemenil #sanfernando #sanfernandovalley

Supporting the Latina through Education, Scholarship and Leadership Development. #northridge, Free COVID-19 testing Tuesday August 11,2020. Jessica S. VAUGHN NEXT CENTURY LEARNING CENTER #northridge #sylmar The Comisión Femenil Mexicana Nacional archives were established in CEMA in January 2000. [6], Centro de Niños also continues to expand across Southern, California, specifically Los Angeles. #comisionfemenilsfv The program provided bilingual counseling, family therapy, educational and vocational training, and positive role models as well as positive alternatives to incarceration.

#northhills endobj :@melodripco

Career workshops presented by professional Latina’s inspire and motivate students.
#sanfernando The effort and work of Chicana/Mexican women in the Chicano movement is generally obscured because women are not accepted as community leaders, either by the Chicano movement or by the Anglo establishment. The founded Casa Victoria, "a residential treatment program for adolescent girls who have been involved in the juvenile justice system.

Thought the lawsuit was unsuccessful, the Madrigal V. Quilligan case resulted in a public outcry over the sterilization of women. #comisionfemenilsfv


Comisión Femenil Mexicana Nacional State Senator Nell Soto, Honorary Event Chair Goals. It was this conference that formally established the Comisión Femenil Mexicana Nacional and it was here that the organization drafted it's first constitution.

#sanfernando In 1975 the Comisión participated in a class action lawsuit opposing the involuntary sterilization of Chicanas. CFSFV is a 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax deductible.

The Department of Public Health has made a strong recommendation that events where people are closer than an arm's length of distance should be avoided. #savinglives, Let us celebrate Michelle Rogel Comision Femenil member is being celebrated by Bobby Hertzberg #TeamHertzberg highlights an organization or individual who exemplifies heroism through their dedication to making life better for the San Fernando Valley. #csun #granadahills #pacoima #northhills The Comisión Femenil Mexicana Nacional archives were established in CEMA in January 2000. In 1973, the Comisión called for a conference in Goleta, California. #sanfernando It was this conference that formally established the Comisión Femenil Mexicana Nacional and it was here that the organization drafted it's first constitution. #missionhills, Mother’s Day Tea May 23,2020 Future Career: Law on

Future Career: Non-Profit


#northhills COPYRIGHT © 2010-2019. Margarita S. Berumen We promote higher education among Latina students through the annual Adelante Mujer Latina Career Conference. Keynote speakers have included Dolores Huerta and Catherine Sandoval. Today there are local chapters that are active, but the #latinasinhighereducation Our member Tanya will be reaching out to checkin with you Bring the flyer when you pick up your order. Dear Comadres/Compadres, #missionhills. #comisionfemenilsfv

Co-presidents Judith and Lori and David Meza So Cal Gas We will rise again!!! JAMES MONROE HIGH SCHOOL #reseda We will post any updates on our social media sites. During this year, CFMN attended United Nations International Decade of the Woman's Year Conference in Mexico City. Other delegates at the conference felt that although the women's concerns were important, they were not as much of a priority as other problems regarding such issues as immigration and unemployment. #sylmar You can check out their website at Radio Ollin 101.5 - Pueblo y Salud. One of the largest resources on the Internet for finding government services and related businesses, worldwide.

The Comisión Femenil Mexicana Nacional, founded in 1980, was an organization of women who enhance and promote the image of Chicana/Latina women in all levels of society. Connie Munoz As you know, our daily routines have been somewhat disrupted by the corona virus that's traveling around the world, and every day we're hearing of new precautions that are being taken by different institutions to avoid the spread of the virus. The Comisión Femenil San Fernando Valley Collection consists of correspondence, financial records, flyers, meeting agendas and minutes, membership rosters, newsletters, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, photographs, posters, reports, and videocassettes that relate to their chapter history and activities. #sanfernando #northhills #missionhills, 2020 Dr. Karin Durán Memorial Youth Scholarship Recipients Jennifer B.

In 1975, CFMN participated in the opposition of involuntary sterilization of Chicana women by filing a class action lawsuit, Madrigal V. Quilligan. #pacoima #missionhills, Breaking bread and making memories with comadres and compadres In 1992, the CFSFV held its first annual student scholarship competition. Dear Comadres/Compadres, #comisionfemenilsfv

contributor's website. Comisión Femenil of the San Fernando Valley, an all-volunteer, 501 (c)(3)non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for the Latina, her family and her community through education, leadership development and community involvement.

#latinasinhighereducation #sanfernandovalley #comisionfemenilsfv #comisionfemenil @� F:v�t��#>�����-��8������"����B�� �t���M�F~ՠ��S�F�Cx3z�';�G0�����\؃�qs�|�sT8����Ϗ��`w/B��#�熣���u�-"��? You plasma can help save lives Please share with everyone you know.