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1 0 obj pXX5Gg���h���@������1��� ��7��L^T��Hc^t����FY%��Hke�i,�.m��ڞG�3���zr�(J���,�Q�7@���"���E�5� >u�|Z 1.1 Introduction – Specimen Collection The Specimen Collection component consists of two sections, hair collection and nasal swab collection. Materials provided by the laboratory for specimen collection can maintain the quality of the specimen only when they are used in strict accordance with the instructions provided. 1. The health technician logs onto the specimen collection application and logs the SP into the component. Careful attention to routine procedures can eliminate most of the potential problems related to specimen collection. �g��*������D'�N���cǕa�b�Y��(�V�`��B����]�I��s-{���8��$`BzC4�� Refer to the age appropriate preparation policy for proper interaction with the patient and family. <>
·��Y�u�E������w��5�w�8�3�O�����ze�5=�PP�k�#:�K��%AP�Zh=��r o Specimen Collection • Suspect or confirmed TB patients should be in a negative pressure room • Specimen collection is an aerosol generating procedure, anyone in the room during specimen collection must wear a particulate respirator type N-95 and be part of the respirator protection plan • All mycobacteria specimens are collected Continue to collect till morning. 3.
X�*�,b�yޣe��w���g��Yr�z��a��b����C?٧��E��,O��,��ј��Y$����H��Y4��w�X�>���3*G���gѸ}����������e��yڅ�s |�x����8��Usii��?ʲ��Ah�c��Ҹd$����������>,�4����4��.�Vb���5�ρ�@X5��?\҇l���i-��Ǐŀ�$�E�' �!,d�-����E\�� �8��п�`q>�h�{�:��M��/a��% �"�B��1�ml�@����h����s��c.� The procedure used to collect a specimen must minimise the risk of introducing error and protect the health and safety of both the patient and the staff who handle the sample. 5. Patient Identification – Refer to Hospital Policy on Patient Identification. additional specimens. Do not accept specimens from inpatients after the third hospital day, without prior consultation. Specimens must be obtained in the proper tubes or containers, correctly labeled, and then promptly transported to the laboratory. Complete lab. endobj 1. endobj
8. Accept no more than two specimens/patient without prior consultation. Label container accurately (addressograph), plastic bag 38. stream Method of collecting 24 hours urine specimen: 24 hours urine specimen means to collect all the urine voided in 24 hours. specimens from non SANBI collectors like para-taxonomists and university researchers. %PDF-1.5 >�b���3���F@�A�8p��5� ̴c�#+�P���gE'ِ :Ӗ�u�M�'q�[�:��%� z�IJ�Z�X��k�"�`����q��JU,r�q���Oq�'��e,K�X�1��)��N��aom of specimen at the right time 3. Specimen Collection Procedures and Policies 7. ����m�YS|�i��uyh�D7zk*. Blood should immediately begin to fill the tube due to vacuum action. 7. One of the many responsibilities assigned to us, as nurses, is to collect and label specimen … Explain procedure, gain client’s participation 2.
Label container accurately (addressograph), plastic bag 38. The specimen information will be documented on the intraoperative record MR810/A, and on ORMIS. Stool Specimen Collection. 7.
5. of specimen at the right time 3. (��w�/ �2�>5 �N���B�TD�6p>"�W��f9��ݺ�V���Q�7�]~^?��� ���c��oO�w�T��߀vĂ��o�5����=�,�� Req. Collection Procedure: LTD-Stool: Specimen Collection Version 6. 3 0 obj The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines on collecting and preparing specimens for incorporation into the SANBI Collection. %���� 5. CATHETER COLLECTION SPECIMEN.This assisted procedure is conducted when a patient is bedridden or cannot urinate independently. As the needle enters the skin, lower the angle so you pierce only the anterior wall of the vein. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 20 0 R 21 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 4. If the specimen collection procedure requires ice during transport, be sure to put ice in a separate bag from the specimen avoiding compromise of the specimen label. Announce at the sign out (procedural safety check list MR805/A) that specimen is labelled, stored or sent if appropriate. 3. Collect right amt. �^�Y,�w�����i��\��'��Fb���!���픭�5�����Uy �2��2�����Z�XT�n����[������迸�*۞�Ѐ������\Q�]Z�����Œ���LS���x�H�����u)D���nK1�7���CCܘ� í�ma�G- X��l��a�y�/����j���(�IT8�����p���w��?��4�-�ɋ�� l����!oD���rn�L�˻�d�-�}�'�z �H�� �F���մ�dw�xYm%��xï+bfERy�Ϲ�����ܶ"М�vV����v�ւ�)�dYn�-:��%mX�vSEEC�j�� ������ �qx{����]*��X�&�,�Ӆg�]�D�Jk��9z �R�7��Cv�;�yxk��)G*�X�%%w��"����� F���nQC�n��P8H2Ӂ�7��i%=�,��7I4��$���nA�]�;,��E8���i�F��"��l#�W��z(l�E\Jl�XتNQ��K�Sk�� ˴ #�ٸnm /���7T 1� �[�yO�?1o"��D��'e�h��:2�E{���; M�D�7�4�S�jSS��Լ��;���Y�9%���+��K6���Ip2)H�K�!�&8$,�I��[�z�=E�'��0R���-��=�n�1̴"n�����.�E&��W��c���nR��I�4^Bu��6{�\bz����*0$�愁K6�N竚�G�4�ͬ�¡B��5�]E��m��Ԫ���g}��/e�ݒ.�� Place specimen in correct container 4. 6. <> ;JU�-�8���h2���� v��.�oi�^��̰ Place specimen in correct container 4.
Specimen may as well be collected through an existing Foley catheter. Dm£ <>>> Complete lab. Explain procedure, gain client’s participation 2.
Process - Fish (1999) and Victor et al. The MEC coordinator assigns a SP (sample person) to the specimen collection/balance room. endobj Req. Obtaining reliable and accurate laboratory test results Place the specimen in the appropriate place for pick up. It is one way of knowing about the patient’s health status by identifying pathogens and analyzing urine, blood, sputum, and feces. 2 0 obj ��(��N��=ĮES���ppm ��1N{��鹶�n]��eIw�6�F���o}��%! This article, the first in a four-part series, explores the general principles of specimen collection and describes how to collect a midstream specimen of urine (MSU). Document/record specimen sent and anything unusual about the appearance of specimen 1. 1.4 Decide who will collect, process and transport the specimens 1.5 Define the procedures necessary for specimen management Section Two: Specimen collection and processing 2.1 Safety and decontamination procedures 2.2 Labelling and identification of specimens Section Three: Storage, packaging, and transport of specimens 3.1 Storage of specimens 3.2 Packaging and labelling of specimens … ���W��/�Pnc�`����K� b.��Юc �QE���ʽ8 �F� ��v����o�y�l Jl�(���v�Lb���y�M{���z9%��mž�U\d({��#� ��'{JaY#^twK#�(�W�Hu��!�CH%���Z���%^�R�9�Bt�ف��b���4 �� �%��)�1�q%�@�G�L�Vzv �ʛ�x �Es^ � LQ&q�{��{*H9 "Q��]*"K�[�=pC: