], Cirrocumulus clouds are one of the three main types of high-altitude clouds, which also includes cirrus clouds and cirrostratus clouds. 1.a cloud at a high altitude consisting of a series of regularly arranged small clouds resembling ripples, phénomène atmosphérique de temps d'orage (fr)[ClasseParExt.
High Energy Protons are reported at the Earth in case of most of these events occurring on the western part of solar disk. What does cirrocumulus cloud mean?
Everything you always wanted to know. It consists of very small granular or rippled elements. CallUrl('eu>usatoday>com
It often creates a "mackerel sky", since the ripples may look like fish scales. See if you can get into the grid Hall of Fame !
Tips: browse the semantic fields (see From ideas to words) in two languages to learn more. We truly appreciate your support. Add new content to your site from Sensagent by XML. Nimbostratus often has a base within the 'low' cloud category. This process can also produce precipitation in the form of a virga consisting of ice or snow.
When these types of cumuliform clouds appear, it means that the air flow is very steady and the weather is good. Cirrocumulus are usually white, but sometimes appear gray. Cirrostratus / ˌ s ɪr oʊ ˈ s t r ɑː t ə s / is a high-level, very thin, generally uniform stratiform genus-type of cloud.It is made out of ice-crystals, which are pieces of frozen water.It is difficult to detect and it can make halos.These are made when the cloud takes the form of thin cirrostratus nebulosus. If there are only small patches of cirrocumulus and perhaps some wisps of cirrus, it usually means a continuation of good weather and if it is seen after rain it usually means improving weather. ○ Boggle. CallUrl('www>stuffintheair>com
[3] They usually occur at an altitude of 5 kilometres (16,000 ft) to 12 kilometres (39,000 ft). CallUrl('www>bom>gov>au
Ro, Cookies help us deliver our services. CallUrl('nsidc>org CallUrl('mkwc>ifa>hawaii>edu It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see full disclaimer). With a SensagentBox, visitors to your site can access reliable information on over 5 million pages provided by Sensagent.com. English Encyclopedia is licensed by Wikipedia (GNU). Define cirrocumulus. Company Information This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. ~TildeLink() A cirriform cloud with vertical development, appearing as a thin sheet of small white puffs which give it a rippled effect. How to say cirrocumulus cloud in sign language? Cirrocumulus is a member of the ten fundamental cloud types (or cloud genera). [1][6] This occurs because they reflect the unscattered rays of light from the early morning or evening sun, and those rays are yellow, orange, and red.[7]. Cirrus clouds are common around low pressure systems where abundant moisture exists at high altitudes or after convective clouds dissipate at these levels. [4] It occurs in patches or sheets along with other cirrocumulus. Choose the design that fits your site. These clouds are of high altitude (20,000-40,000 ft or 6000 -12,000 m). | ), http://nenes.eas.gatech.edu/Cloud/Clouds.pdf, "Cloud Classifications and Characteristics", http://www.crh.noaa.gov/lmk/soo/docu/cloudchart.pdf, http://ian.umces.edu/imagelibrary/displayimage-search-0-6309.html, http://www.usatoday.com/weather/wcumulus.htm, http://books.google.com/books?id=SpGfKb23Y9QC&pg=PA120&lpg=PA120&dq=%2Bcirrocumulus+cloud#v=onepage&q=%2Bcirrocumulus%20cloud&f=false, http://books.google.com/books?id=2Yn29IFukbgC&pg=PA98&lpg=PA98&dq=%2Bcirrocumulus+cloud#v=onepage&q=%2Bcirrocumulus%20cloud&f=false, http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cirrocumulus_cloud&oldid=487571787. CallUrl('www>surfnewsnetwork>com It often creates a "mackerel sky", since the ripples may look like fish scales. [4], Properly, the term cirrocumulus refers to each cloud, but is typically also used to refer to an entire patch of cirrocumulus. Web. They are also typically found amongst other cirrus clouds in the sky, and are usually themselves seen to be transforming into these other types of cirrus. Ice crystals are the predominant component, and typically, the ice crystals cause the supercooled water drops in the cloud to rapidly freeze, transforming the cirrocumulus into cirrostratus. n. A high-altitude cloud composed of a series of small, regularly arranged cloudlets in the form of ripples or grains. CallUrl('www>sgsweather>com Get XML access to fix the meaning of your metadata. These are often larger than the usual altocumulus cloudlet, with a rounded shape ... CallUrl('www>metoffice>gov>uk CallUrl('earthobservatory>nasa>gov